Festival Regulations 6. Mfaf 2020

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Stjepana Gunjace 3
21000 Split




Split, February 2020

Pursuant to art. 25 par. 1 it. 7 of the Statute of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological
Monuments – Split (03/2019) and it. 6 of the Decision on founding the International
Archaeology Film Festival no. R-242/2010 dated November 3, 2010, the Director of the
Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments – Split hereby brings the

of the


Article 1.

These Regulations set forth the organization, financing and staging of the 6th
International Archaeology Film Festival in Split (hereinafter: Festival). The full title of the
Festival is as follows: International Documentary Film Festival on archaeology, cultural and
historic heritage, monument protection and anthropology.
Further to Par. 1, these Regulations set forth the:
- organization and aim of the Festival;
- staging of the Festival;
- Festival financing, its bodies and their responsibilities;
- eligibility; submission of films;
- selection of films for screening;
- Festival Jury and decision making; prizes of the Jury and other prizes;
- the use of films;
- Festival expenses;
- application of provisions.

These Regulations are binding for the Museum of Croatian Archaeological

Monuments – Split, directors, producers and other Festival participant as well as members of
the Festival bodies, sponsors and media partners.


Article 2.

The International Archaeology Film Festival is organized by the Museum of Croatian

Archaeological Monuments – Split (hereinafter the Museum).
The city of Split as the seat of the Museum, is the Festival venue.
The Festival takes place every two years in November if resources are provided for its
The Festival is represented by the Museum.

Art. 3.

The Festival is an international archaeology and cultural heritage film event and it is
open to all TV and film directors, and producers.
The aim of the Festival is to render popular and promote archaeology and cultural
heritage by presenting archaeology films to the wide audience.
The aim of the Festival is to present to the expert audience films with results in the
field of archaeology and monument protection, new techniques applied in archaeology and
other facts and events in the field of archaeology.
Article 4
The Festival logo consists of a movie clapper board in the shape of a stone monument
with the official Festival title inscribed on it.
Article 5
The Festival will take place November 4 - 6, 2020 at the Museum of Croatian Archaeological
Monuments - Split, Stjepana Gunjace 3, 21000 Split, Croatia, in the late afternoon hours.
Entry to all presentations is free of charge.

Article 6
The Festival program consists of a competition and non-competition program.
Directors and producers of documentary and animated films from the field of
archaeology and cultural heritage are invited to take part in the competitive part of the
The non-competition program consists of a retrospective of Croatian archaeology and
cultural heritage films, presentations of new museum projects and/or archaeo-matinées
(animated films) for children.

Article 7

The Festival is financed by funds allocated to the Museum by the Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Croatia and those agreed upon between the Museum and the Ministry of
Culture as well as from other state budget funds.

The Festival may be financed by the Museum's own income, pursuant to the
Regulations on exploitation of cultural institutions' proper income.

The Festival may also be financed by the local and regional government which shall
be defined by a separate agreement.

The Festival may also be financed by legal entities and natural persons acting as
sponsors which shall be defined by a separate agreement.


Article 8

The Festival bodies are: Organizing Committee, Selection Committee and Jury.

Article 9

The Organizing Committee consists of 5 members, one of which is the Director, while
the Museum Director is by virtue of capacity, the Festival President.
The Organizing Committee invites film directors and producers and recommends
members of the Jury. Members of the Organizing Committee individually perform the duties
defined by these Regulations.
The President of the Festival represents the Festival, appoints members of the Festival
bodies and brings other decisions according to these Regulations, Statute and enactments of
the Museum, acts and other rules.

The Director is in charge of the organizational aspect of the Festival such as: contacts
with directors, producers and representatives of other International archaeology film festivals,
institutions and professional associations in the field of cinematography, archaeology and
protection and preservation of cultural heritage and the media; the technical aspect and
language adaptation of the films; coordination regarding accommodation and transportation of
Festival participants; contacts with insurance companies and other duties necessary for the
Festival organization.

Members of the Organizing Committee are in charge of press releases, transportation

and accommodation, implementation of work with insurance companies, follow the
implementation of media partnerships, coordinate the work of volunteers and others involved
in the work of the Festival.

Article 10
The Selection Committee shall decide on the films that will be in competition.
The Selection Committee consists of three archaeologists.

Article 11
The Jury shall decide on the awarded films.
The Jury is made of five members, all eminent professionals in the field of
cinematography, archaeology, cultural heritage and the media.

Article 12
The Festival invites directors and producers of films with a topic in archaeology and
protection and preservation of cultural heritage by means of announcement through the
Museum website, social media and by direct invitation.
Eligible for the Festival are films produced after January 1, 2015. Eligible for the
Festival are films that have already been presented to the public by means of TV, other
Festivals and other, excluding films that were already presented at previous International
Archaeology Film Festivals in Split.
Article 13
The Call for entries is also sent out to Directors and Producers for the non-competition
part of the Festival program.


Article 14

The deadline for entries is April 15, 2018.

The Festival Entry shall consist of the following:

- filled-in Entry form signed both by the director and the producer;
- exact dialogue text in the original language – the text of the film has to be identical
to the one on the presentation copy;
- the translated text into English, French, Italian or German if the text is not on
either of the aforementioned languages;
- 2 digital photos from the film;
- 1 digital photo of the director;
- short biography and filmography;
- downloadable film.
Entries shall be sent by e-mail together with the film/link for download.

Article 15
A separate Entry form is required for each entered film.
The Entry form is available on the Museum website: https://www.mhas-split.hr/en/
Participating film authors shall not be charged any fee.
Directors and Producers shall not be entitled to any fees if their film is selected for
presentation, nor shall they be entitled to any fees if parts of their film or photos from the film
are used in the Festival promotion.
Directors and Producers may not withdraw their film from the Festival once the film
has been selected.

Article 16

Entry forms from Art 14 of these Regulations shall be submitted to the following e-mail
address: festival@mhas-split.hr


Article 17

The Selection Committee shall select the films for presentation at the Festival by
April 30, 2020.
Films will be selected according to their quality, professional and scientific aspect and
The Selection committee shall decide upon majority opinion openly.
Article 18
Directors or producers whose films have been chosen for presentation shall be notified
directly and asked to submit their films.
Simultaneously, Directors and Producers shall be notified to send presentation copies
of their films.
The film shall be submitted in full HD resolution.
If several versions of a film exist, the presentation version has to be identical to the one
sent for pre-selection.
The Presentation copy must reach the Organizer by June 15, 2020 and sent to the
Museum e-mail address in Art 16.


Article 19
There is no limit as to the duration of the films.
All films in a foreign language shall be subtitled in Croatian and Croatian films into
English unless an English copy of the film already exists. The films shall be subtitled at the
expense of the Festival.

Article 20
The Museum shall have the right to show part (10%) of a selected film in TV
programs, announcements and reports from the Festival, as well as on the Museum website.
The Museum is entitled to use photographs from the film and the photograph of the
director in the Festival catalogue, poster, Museum website and the media reports about the

The Museum is entitled to show the films for non-commercial and educational
purposes within museum programs with the aim of rendering popular the Festival at occasions
such as the Museum Night, International Museum Day, special museum events and
The Museum shall be entitled to present a French film after the Festival in the Alliance
Française in Split.
The Museum may keep a copy of the film for the Museum and Festival files.


Article 21
The three best films will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.

Prizes for the best films shall bear insignia of the monuments from the Museum
The prizes shall bear an inscription in Croatian about the type of prize and the date of
the Festival.
The Jury may decide on a special award if they deem necessary.
Together with the prizes, the authors will be given a diploma in the Croatian language.
Awarded authors may also be given prize money depending on the available resources.
The awarded film shall have the right to state in the credits that it was awarded at the
International Archaeology Film Festival in Split.

Article 22
The Jury shall reach their decision after having seen all the films.
The decisions are made by the majority rule openly.
Before announcing the awarded films, the President of the Jury shall address the
audience commenting their decision.


Article 23
The Festival expenses shall cover all expenses of equipment, organization and staging
of the Festival necessary and acceptable for a successful staging of the Festival depending on
available resources.

Article 24
The decision of the Selection committee and the Jury from Art. 17, 21 and 22 of these
Regulations shall be final.
Article 25
In case of dispute arising between the Museum and the directors or producers who
have entered their films for the Festival, the subject-matter jurisdiction shall be that of the
Court in Split.
In case of discrepancy or different interpretations of the provisions of the Regulations
between the Croatian and the English version, the Croatian version will prevail.
The work of the Festival or any disputes shall be governed by the laws and other rules
of the Republic of Croatia shall apply.


Article 26
These Regulations are brought by the director of the Museum in a procedure
established by the Statute of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments - Split.
Article 27
By filling out the Entry form and submitting their film to the Festival the directors and
producers accept the Regulations, confirm that all entered particulars are true and that full
copyright has been cleared.

Article 28
These Regulations preclude the Regulations of the International Archaeology Film
Festival in Split no.: 04-02/069/2018-1 dated April 11, 2018.

Article 29
The Regulations of the 6th International Archaeology Film Festival shall take effect
eight days upon being posted on the billboard of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological
Monuments - Split.

No: 10-02/07/2020-1
Split, February 2, 2020
Museum Director:
Miroslav Katić, Ph.D

The Regulations of the 6th International Archaeology Film

Festival in Split, Croatia, have been posted on the bulletin
board of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments -
Split, on February 4, 2020 becoming effective 14. 2. , 2020.


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