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Irimia Ioana


Sales techniques project

Product/Service and Company Description:

I have chosen to sell a real product, called "Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solution", and the
company I would like to work for is called "Green Clean Co." The Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Solution is a non-toxic, environmentally safe cleaning solution that can be used in homes and
businesses. Green Clean Co. is a company committed to providing environmentally friendly
cleaning solutions that are not only safe for the environment but also safe for people.

Sales Representative Post:

Green Clean Co. is looking for a sales representative to join our team. The ideal candidate
should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, be highly motivated and
possess a strong work ethic. The primary responsibilities of this position include identifying
and prospecting potential customers, building relationships with them and closing deals. The
candidate we are looking for should have sales experience and demonstrate a track record of
achieving sales targets.

Prospecting Techniques:
Referral Marketing - One effective way to prospect potential customers is through referral
marketing. This involves reaching out to existing customers and asking them to refer their
friends and family members to our product. I will offer our customers incentives such as
discounts on their next purchase or a free product in order to convince them to do this.
Social Media - Another way to prospect potential customers is through social media. I will
use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to reach out to potential
customers, share information about our product and encourage them to buy.

Words That Attract in a Sale:

Some words that attract potential customers in a sale include "limited time offer", "special
promotion", "exclusive deal", "free", "save", "discount" and “now”.

Overcoming Objections:
"It's too expensive." - In response to this objection, I will highlight the benefits of using our
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solution. I will explain that, while our product may cost more upfront,
it is a long-term investment in a safer and healthier home or business environment.
"I'm not sure if it works." - In response to this objection, I will offer a free trial of our product
or provide testimonials from satisfied customers. I will also explain how our product works
and the benefits of using it.
Irimia Ioana

"I don't have time to use it." - In response to this objection, I will emphasize the ease of use
and time-saving benefits of our product. I will explain that using our product requires no
special equipment or extra time, and it is a simple and easy way to achieve a cleaner and
healthier environment.

Telephone Dialogue Scenario:

Seller: Hi, my name is Ioana, and I'm calling from Green Clean Co. I'm reaching out to offer
you our Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solution.
Potential Buyer: I'm not sure if it's something I need.
Seller: I completely understand. However, our solution is non-toxic and environmentally
friendly, which means it's safer for your home or business. Plus, we offer a special promotion
for first-time customers.
Potential Buyer: I'm not sure if it's in my budget.
Seller: I hear you, but I promise it's worth the investment. Our product is long-lasting and
will save you money in the long run. Plus, we offer a free trial, so you can see for yourself
how effective it is.
Potential Buyer: I'm not sure if I have time to use it.
Seller: Our product is effortless to use and won't take up any extra time in your day. Plus, it's
a simple and easy way to achieve a cleaner and healthier environment. Would you like to
schedule a meeting to learn more about our product?

Sales Planning:
My sales plan for the Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solution will include identifying potential
customers through targeted online ads and industry events. Once I have identified potential
customers, I will reach out to them via e-mail or phone and offer them a product
demonstration. During the demonstration, I will highlight the unique features and benefits of
our product and answer any questions they may have. I will also offer a discount on their first
purchase, to encourage them to try our product.

Obstacles and Optimal Solutions:

 The potential customer is not interested in switching from their current cleaning
Solution: Highlight the unique features and benefits of our product and how it
compares to their current solution.
 The potential customer is concerned about the environmental impact of the product.
Solution: Explain the eco-friendly benefits of our product and how it aligns with their
personal or company's values and mission.
Irimia Ioana

 The potential customer is concerned about the cost of the product.

Solution: Explain the long-term cost-saving benefits of using our product and offer a
discount on their first purchase.

 The potential customer is unsure if the product is suitable for their specific cleaning
Solution: Offer a product demonstration and provide them with a customized solution
that meets their specific needs.

 The potential customer is hesitant to try a new product.

Solution: Offer a free trial of our product and provide them with testimonials from
satisfied customers.

Reproduced Dialogue:
Seller: Hi, my name is Ioana and I'm calling from Green Clean Co. We provide eco-friendly
cleaning solutions for commercial businesses. Are you currently using an eco-friendly
solution for your cleaning needs?
Potential Buyer: We're currently using a different solution, and we're satisfied with its
Seller: I understand, but our solution is specifically designed to provide a superior cleaning
while also being environmentally friendly. Would you be interested in scheduling a product
demonstration so that we can show you the benefits of our product?
Potential Buyer: Sure, that sounds interesting. But I'm also concerned about the cost.
Seller: I understand that cost is a concern, but our product is long-lasting and will save you
money in the long run. Plus, we offer a discount on your first purchase.
Potential Buyer: Okay, that sounds good. But I also need to make sure that the product is
suitable for our specific cleaning needs.
Seller: Absolutely, we can customize a solution to meet your specific needs. Let's schedule a
product demonstration so we can show you how effective our product is.

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