Job Interrview

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Dean: That is great! Do you mind working long hours to understand our system? (bagus sekali.

Apakah Anda tidak keberatan untuk bekerja sampai larut untuk mengenal sistemnya?)

James: I understand what it takes to be a newcomer, you need to put more effort. (Saya sangat
paham bahwa sebagai pendatang baru, saya perlu memberikan performa terbaik)

Dean: Do you have any question? (Apakah Anda punya pertanyaan?)

James: what about salary and insentive? (bagaimana dengan gaji dan insentif?)

Dean: a fresh graduate will earn about 4 million rupiah (pegawai yang baru lulus akan
mendapatkan gaji sekitar 4 jutaan)

Nice. Oke, we will be in contact. (Bagus sekali. Kali akan segera menghubungi Anda)
Arrange these sentences into good dialog

Dean: Do you have any working experience James: Thank you. First of all, a brief
introduce about myself. I am a fresh graduate
from Gajah Mada University major in
Finance. I move from Jogja with my family. I
am currently seeking a reputable company
that I can work my skill and expertise while
learning at the same time.
Dean: Good Morning, James. My name is I understand what it takes to be a newcomer,
Dean you need to put more effort.
Dean: That is great! Do you mind working James: Good Morning. Pleasure to meet you
long hours to understand our system? Dean
Dean: We have a job opening for assistant James: I have a Finance degree and I would
finance do you think you can handle the job? love to learn with your company
Dean: So, please take a sit and tell me about James: I have an intern job when finishing my
yourself? degree. I am a hard worker and willing to
work harder to meet the company’s working

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