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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 094430 (2017)

Three-dimensional characterization of Co/Pd multilayer thin films

using resonant soft x-ray scattering

Samuel Flewett,1,* Durgamadhab Mishra,2 Thiago J. A. Mori,3 Christian M. Günther,4 Juliano C. Denardin,5 Simón Oyarzún,5
Sebastián Michea,5 Dieter Engel,6 Manuel Fohler,2 Tulio C. R. Rocha,3 Alexandra Ovalle F.,1 Leandro T. Núñez A.,1
Bastian Pfau,6 Juan Escrig,5 and Stefan Eisebitt4,6
Instituto de Fı́sica, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaı́so, Avenida Universidad 330, Valparaı́so, Chile
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Albert-Einstein-Straße 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sı́ncrotron–LNLS/CNPEM, Caixa Postal 6192, CEP 13083-970, Campinas SP, Brazil
Institut für Optik und Atomare Physik, Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Avenida Ecuador 3493, Estación Central, Santiago, Chile
Max-Born-Institut, Max-Born-Straße 2a, 12489 Berlin, Germany
(Received 15 September 2016; revised manuscript received 19 January 2017; published 29 March 2017)

In this work, we take a step toward nanometer resolution magnetic tomography, demonstrating the use of
resonant magnetic x-ray scattering for three-dimensional (3D) characterization of Co/Pd multilayers. Trading
coherence for x-ray flux, we measured magnetic scattering out to full period resolutions of 20 nm for incidence
angles up to 75◦ from normal incidence, which was sufficient for a semiquantitative analysis of the 3D magnetic
domain structure of such films. For the analysis of such patterns, we developed a scattering model based upon
multiple plane propagation of the beam through the sample, taking into account the effects of multiple scattering
not accounted for with Born or Rytov approximation based models. Our results demonstrate that 3D statistical
characterization of nanoscale magnetic features is currently possible, and it is expected that the advent of high
brilliance sources such as MAX IV in Sweden and SIRIUS in Brazil will provide the coherent flux necessary to
permit the generalization of this work to nanometer resolution magnetic tomography.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.094430

I. INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 5 years. In this work, studying the partially coherent scattering
patterns from such samples at different incidence angles, we
The advancement of thin film structure growth and nanopat-
demonstrate that it is possible to study the statistical properties
terning has led to the development of novel magnetic structures
of the samples to such resolutions, and at the same time identify
at the nanoscale [1,2], which promise to play a significant role
and partially solve some of the technical challenges standing
in modern memory-based devices. In particular, researchers
in the way of a high-resolution real-space reconstruction—in
actively wish to explore the control and manipulation of the
particular the difficulties caused by multiple scattering events
magnetization in domains and domain walls for new kinds
within the sample. As such, this article makes a contribution
of memory and logic circuits [3–7]. To achieve tunability in
toward the long-term goal of 3D structure determination, along
these structures, a detailed understanding of the real-space
with the recent work of other groups [15–21].
magnetization distribution inside the domains and domain
The quest for 3D magnetic imaging dates back to the
walls is necessary, which could unravel the correlation between
seminal work of Dürr et al. [14], where a semiquantitative
the physical structure and magnetic configuration of the system
study was performed in three dimensions using reflection
to higher resolution. A lot of effort is therefore being devoted
geometry. A more recent reflection geometry work is that
to imaging these domains with nanometer resolution, and in
of Fin et al. [17]. Samples similar to those studied in this
fact a lot of progress has been made to date in understanding
paper were also investigated. Further techniques have also
two-dimensional (2D) pictures of domains and domain walls.
been suggested, for example the imaging of 100-nm-thick
Examples include the use of techniques such as spin-polarized
cobalt nanowires by electron holography [22] and polarized
low-electron energy microscopy (SPLEEM) [8,9], magnetic
neutron reflectivity (PNR) for the measurement of 20-nm-thick
force microscopy (MFM) [10], spin-polarized scanning tun-
CoPtCr thin films [23]. Neutron tomography was used for 3D
neling microscopy (SP-STM) [11], Kerr microscopy [1], x-ray
magnetic domain imaging [24], however the weaker scattering
magnetic circular dichroism in conjunction with photoemis-
cross section compared to x-rays restricted resolution to
sion electron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM) [12], full field or
the micrometer range. More recent studies using STXM
raster transmission x-ray microscopy (TXM, STXM) [13], and
have extracted limited 3D information [15,16,19], and the
x-ray resonant magnetic scattering in reflection geometry [14].
probable path toward a high-resolution real-space structure
A full three-dimensional (3D) imaging of magnetization is still
is, in our opinion, likely to involve a derivative of STXM
lacking for such systems, however the advent of high brilliance
such as ptychography. Work on such samples using STXM
synchrotron facilities in the next few years suggests that 3D
is, however, still limited by diffraction-limited depth of focus
resolutions of between 10 and 20 nm could be possible within
constraints, which adversely affect the resolution as the sample
thickness is increased. Ptychography is being extensively
developed for 3D structural reconstruction, including chemical
* contrast [25,26]. In conjunction with hard x-rays Ptychography

2469-9950/2017/95(9)/094430(11) 094430-1 ©2017 American Physical Society

SAMUEL FLEWETT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 094430 (2017)

As a proof of concept, we use Co/Pd multilayers of

different thicknesses, which form out-of-plane magnetized
domains interspersed by Bloch domain walls due to strong
surface anisotropy [1,10,27,28]. These perpendicular magnetic
anisotropy (PMA) multilayers form worm domains with in-
plane magnetized closure domains [29,30] at the film surface or
interface to a substrate (see Figs. 1 and 2). The worm domains
can be aligned in stripes following an in-plane demagnetization
procedure, and it is possible as well to control the closure
domain size by varying the film thickness, with thicker samples
generally exhibiting larger closure domains [29,30].
This paper is structured in two parts: the first presents the
theoretical model developed for the analysis of the scattering
patterns, and the second discusses the experimental work
performed at the synchrotrons BESSY II and LNLS.

To model the domain pattern and resulting diffraction, we
adapted the model used by Loh et al. [31] and generalized it
from two to three dimensions. First, a 2D domain pattern was
generated based upon the magnetic scattering that would be
FIG. 1. Magnetic force microscopy images of the samples used in
this study. (a) Co(0.5 nm)/Pd (0.8 nm) with 50 repeats, (b) Co(0.8 nm)/
expected from samples illuminated under normal incidence.
Pd(0.8 nm) with 50 repeats, and (c) and (d) Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) Second, the magnetization vectors near the domain walls were
with 100 repeats. Parts (a), (b), and (d) were subject to in-plane canted as a function of their distance from the domain wall,
demagnetization to produce stripe domains, whereas (c) was subject the orientation of the domain wall, and the depth within the
to out-of-plane demagnetization, leaving the sample in a worm sample. Third, x-rays were propagated through the sample in
domain state. steps thin enough such that the Born approximation could be
locally applied.
To generate a 2D pattern of domains, we start with a
matrix of uniformly distributed random numbers, which are
featuring magnetic contrast was recently demonstrated [20].
convolved with an empirically defined kernel K as adapted
This same group has reported magnetic vector tomography of
from Loh et al. [31],
a magnetic vortex [21], however the magnetic contrast probed
by the hard x-rays used in their work is much weaker than for
soft x-rays, limiting their 3D resolution to around 100 nm. K = F{sina (φ)/[(q/qmax − b)c + d]}, (1)

FIG. 2. An example of simulated stripe domains. In (a), a horizontal slice in the x/y plane is shown through the center of the film in the
case of Mz , and along the surface in the case of Mx and My . In (b), a vertical cross section showing the y/z plane is displayed for both My and
Mz . In both (a) and (b), the color scale is identical, however in (b), the length scale has been adjusted.


where F is the discrete Fourier transform operator, φ is 3d transition metals, it is the first two terms that are of
the azimuthal angle, a is the parameter that controls the interest, where regions magnetized parallel to the incident
degree of alignment of the domains, b is the modulus Poynting vector have differing absorption compared to those
of the normalized scattering vector corresponding to the areas magnetized antiparallel, thus giving rise to magnetic
average magnetic domain period, c controls the distribution contrast. We estimated the absorption lengths from the Center
of domain sizes, and d is a factor added to prevent division for X-Ray Optics (CXRO) data [34] and XMCD measurements
by zero where q/qmax = b. For any given simulation, q/qmax [35]. Working slightly off resonance at 775 eV, the absorption
is the normalized discrete Fourier conjugate of the spatial lengths were estimated at 33 and 66 nm for the magneti-
coordinate, and it is proportional to the scattering vector. The cally enhanced or diminished cases (parallel or antiparallel
exponent a was set to 0 for worm domains and to 12 for depending upon polarization). Precisely on resonance, the
stripe domains, and the parameters c and d were set at 2.5 and absorption lengths are substantially shorter, resulting in a
2 × 10−6 , respectively—these values were chosen for the best weaker scattering signal, especially for thicker samples and
qualitative fit between the simulations and the experimental higher incidence angles.
results. The parameter c may be adjusted downward for a Due to the thickness of the samples compared to the
more ordered domain pattern, or raised to allow the simulation absorption lengths and the multiple scattering that occurs
of a more disordered pattern. Following the application of as a result, it is necessary to include the effects of multiple
the convolution kernel, regions of the convolved matrix with scattering in the simulations. This was achieved by propagating
positive values were assigned a value of 1, and those with a Gaussian beam through a succession of slices perpendicular
negative values −1, producing a binary domain pattern similar to the incident beam using near-field Fresnel propagation,
to Fig. 2(a). each of the slices being sufficiently thin such that multiple
Using the binary domain pattern as a base, the Euclidean scattering may be ignored within each slice. These slices are
distance transform is calculated with respect to each of the calculated from the 3D magnetization volume using linear
domain walls using the algorithm of Maurer et al. [32] interpolation, and only the component of the magnetization
as implemented in MATLAB. The magnetization vector was parallel to the incident beam is included in the calculation, in
then canted as a function of this distance transform and accordance with Eq. (2). Finally, the effect of partially coherent
the depth within the sample, with its projection along the illumination is accounted for by approximating the coherent
surface set perpendicular to the domain wall. An example mode representation [36] by averaging 10 independent rendi-
of such simulated stripe domains is shown in Fig. 2, where tions of the algorithm, each rendition representing a coherent
the different components of the magnetization vector field scattering pattern due to illumination by a 2.5-μm-diameter
are displayed, both in the horizontal plane (a) and as a circular Gaussian beam. The process of propagating the beam
vertical cross section (b). In this model, we consider only the through the sample is shown graphically in Fig. 4. Due to
principal, perpendicular magnetized domain regions plus the the use of partially coherent illumination, the difference in
in-plane closure domains, assuming that the closure domains observed scattering patterns between the different polarization
are perfectly triangular in shape with a constant average states was negligible, and in the experiments we chose linearly
magnetization. There is the possibility that a continuously polarized radiation for the higher flux available. Linearly
or discretely tilted closure domain magnetization reduces the polarized light is the incoherent sum of the two circular
magnetization projection on the k vector of the incident x-rays polarizations, and a full discussion of its use for transmission
and hence the XMCD signal [1]. We treat this in the model geometry characterization of magnetic domains may be found
via a constant magnetization in the closure domain along the in Refs. [37–39].
direction shown in Fig. 2 together with a reduced magnitude In Fig. 3, we show simulated diffraction images for a
of the local magnetization. The best global agreement of the stripe domain sample that is 150 nm thick with an average
model to the experimental data in the different geometries 110 nm domain width, with and without 35 nm width and
and for both samples is obtained for a closure domain depth triangular closure domains at the incidence angles of
magnetization with half the magnitude of that in the principal 0◦ , 36◦ , 56◦ , and 70◦ . The choice of angles is such that the
domains, and we use this value for all simulations shown. x-rays traverse on average exactly one, two, or four principal
Clearly, our model contains significant simplifications, and domains at 36◦ , 56◦ , and 70◦ , respectively. It is noted that
work to upgrade this model to one based upon micromagnetic there is little difference between the cases with and without
simulations is underway. closure domains with regard to the diffraction images at 0◦
To simulate the scattering patterns, one must first simulate and 36◦ . In the 56◦ image, however, close inspection of the
the interaction between the x-rays and the sample: This third-order peak (circled) shows that in the closure domain
interaction is governed by the equation [33] case it is singular and enhanced, whereas in the case without
closure domains it is split and much weaker.
fn = (e · e )fcn + i(e × e ) · Mn fm1
+ (Mn · e )(Mn · e)fm2
, The observation of certain incidence angles and q values
(2) where the first-order diffraction intensity suffers a marked
reduction and/or a split in q space is a key result of this work
where e is the incoming electric field vector direction, e is [observable, for example, in Fig. 3(c) at q = 8 μm−1 ]. These
the possibly rotated outgoing electric field vector direction, angles are denoted as critical angles in this paper, and they
n n
Mn is the sample magnetization vector, and fcn , fm1 , and fm2 occur for the following reason: At any illumination angle, the
are the charge, circular dichroic, and linear dichroic resonant projected x-ray intensity downstream from the sample may
scattering factors, respectively. For L2,3 edge resonances of be expressed in the absence of scattering within the sample

SAMUEL FLEWETT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 094430 (2017)

FIG. 4. (a) Geometry of the x-ray sample interaction at the first

critical angle. The sample is illuminated at an angle θ from the
normal n, such that the beam passes through on average two out-
of-plane domains while traversing the film. (b) Zoom showing the
angles of incidence corresponding to the first three critical angles
for a sample with 110 nm average domain size and 150 nm film
FIG. 3. Simulations of diffraction patterns at different incident thickness, where the beam traverses two, four, or six out-of-plane
angles through a stripe domain sample of 110 nm domain width and domains, respectively.
150 nm film thickness, with the third-order diffraction peak marked
in each case by the circle. Part (a) is normal incidence diffraction,
(b) is diffraction at 36◦ , (c) at 56◦ , and (d) at 70◦ . In each image, the there is a corresponding distribution of critical angles, and what
left-hand side is simulated with 35 nm triangular closure domains, and is observed is that the diffraction at q vectors from domains
the right-hand side without. In (d), the split first-order Bragg peak for illuminated at their critical angle undergoes a strong reduction
the case with closure domains means that it is almost exactly on the in intensity, while diffraction from domains of sizes above and
second critical angle, whereas in the case without closure domains, below this value experiences a smaller intensity reduction.
the angle of incidence is slightly below the critical angle as evidenced The consequence of this effect is that a splitting occurs in the
by the intact first-order Bragg peak. In this and all subsequent figures, broadened Bragg peaks when the film is illuminated at the
the axes are qx and qy , which are denominated as the number of full critical angle corresponding to the average domain size.
period repeats per μm omitting the factor of 2π often added.
For the case of 70◦ illumination in Fig. 3(d), readers are
advised of the difference in critical angle for the two cases with
according to the Beer-Lambert law. Additionally, according and without closure domains, as illustrated by the diffraction
to Eq. (2), the dot product between the magnetization and lobe being equally split in one case but not in the other. The
the Poynting vector determines whether there is enhanced or reason for the shift in critical angle is due to subtle changes
diminished absorption. When the incident beam is at an angle in the magnetic sample thickness, as seen by the incident
where it traverses on average two, four, or six domains, half of x-rays—highlighting the utility of the critical angle as a
its trajectory within the sample is through regions where the tool for sample characterization. In the experimental results
dot product between the Poynting and magnetization vectors presented in the following section, it was observed in almost
is positive, and the other half through regions where it is all cases that the first critical angle occurs at a higher incidence
negative. The position of the nth critical angle as illustrated in angle than expected, suggesting a magnetic thickness less than
Fig. 4(b), therefore, depends upon the precise geometry of the the sample thickness. At this stage, we lack a model to fully
magnetization pattern according to explain this observation, and further investigation is underway.
For closer inspection of the effect of different closure
θcrit = tan−1 (2nwmag /dmag ), (3)
domain shape and size on the observed scattering pattern,
where wmag and dmag are the magnetic domain widths and a series of lineout plots (generated by integrating along the
thicknesses, respectively. If the stripe domain pattern were to qx axis) at the same angles is shown in Fig. 5. In Figs. 5(a)
be perfectly ordered with uniform magnetic domain size, the and 5(c), the cross-sectional area of the closure domains is
magnetic diffraction intensity at the critical angles would be kept constant at 1250 nm2 , and the width and depth are varied
identically zero. However, with the disordered stripe patterns keeping their product constant. In Figs. 5(b) and 5(d), the width
of real samples, there is a natural distribution of domain widths. and depth of the triangular closure domains were varied from 5
For the narrower domains, the critical angle occurs at lower to 35 nm in an even manner, maintaining their cross-sectional
incidence angles compared with the wider domains, where widths and depths equal in each case. In all cases, the relative
the critical angle is shifted to higher incidence angles. In in-plane magnetization of the closure domains was set at half
experiments where the domains exhibit a distribution of sizes, the value of the principal domains. Comparing the lineouts for


FIG. 5. Lineout plots for the positive q half of diffraction simulated from 110 nm stripe domains in a 150-nm-thick film. Parts (a) and (b)
are simulated at 36◦ , and (c) and (d) at 56◦ incident angle. In plots (a) and (c), the closure domain aspect ratio is changed keeping the product
width × height constant at 1250 nm2 , whereas for (b) and (d) the width was maintained equal to the depth, and the overall size was varied. In
each plot, the diffraction orders are labeled, and in (c) and (d) the first order is split due to the critical angle occurring at precisely this incidence

both cases at 36◦ with those at 56◦ , note that at the critical angle minima in the intensities arising at higher incidence angles due
(56◦ ), the third-order peak intensity is much more strongly to certain domains in the condition such that a cancellation of
dependent upon the closure domain parameters compared with the magnetic contrast occurs. Comparing the right-hand side
the situation at 36◦ . This identification of the direct influence (RHS) of the diffraction images (no closure domains) with
of the closure domains on the scattering pattern at the critical the left-hand side (LHS) of the diffraction images (35 nm
angle is one of the chief observations of this work, and it triangular closure domains), we note that there are some subtle
demonstrates the utility of studying stripe domain diffraction changes in the position in q space of the zones of magnetic
at such angles of incidence. Comparing Figs. 5(c) and 5(d), cancellation, and, as with the stripe domain case, the principal
it is important to observe that the behavior at first order is changes are observed at higher diffraction angles. Higher-order
largely the same regardless of closure domain size, however diffraction is weaker in the worm domain case compared
the behavior of the diffraction at third order changes widely as with the stripe domain case due to the absence of Bragg
the size and shape are varied. amplification, and it could not be observed experimentally.
In the case of worm domains, the concept of a single critical However, the fine measurement of the angular positions of
angle no longer applies, because this is contingent upon a the observed diffraction minima caused by critical angles was
preferred orientation of the domain pattern. For domains in possible, and it is discussed in the following section.
a disordered state at higher angles of incidence, there is a
range of domains oriented such that the angle of incidence is
such that the x-rays traverse exactly two, four, or six domains, III. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
provoking a cancellation of the magnetic contrast for a range The Co/Pd multilayers were prepared on a 3 mm × 3 mm
of q that depends upon incidence angle. In Fig. 6, we show silicon nitride membrane of 50 nm thickness by a magnetron
the simulated diffraction from a worm domain sample with sputtering system QPrep500 from MANTIS (in the case of
the same thickness and average domain size as previous stripe the stripe domain samples prepared at the TU Berlin) and
domain samples, also with incident radiation at 0◦ , 36◦ , 56◦ , an INTERCOVAMEX system (for the worm domain samples
and 70◦ . Here one notes that the circular domain pattern prepared at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile). The base
at perpendicular incidence transforms into an ellipse, with pressure in the chamber was less than 5 × 10−8 mbar, and the

SAMUEL FLEWETT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 094430 (2017)

FIG. 7. Schematic diagram of the experiment, with the sample

rotated about the axis of the stripe domains.

(LNLS) in Campinas, Brazil. The instrument in Berlin is a new

high-brightness endstation, optimized for soft x-ray diffraction
and coherent x-ray scattering experiments. In Brazil, to com-
pensate for the lower flux of the second-generation source, we
used longer exposure times. The CXS chamber at the BESSY
FIG. 6. Simulations of diffraction patterns at different incident II endstation is equipped with a translation table, which can
angles through a worm domain sample of 110 nm domain width move by 1 cm in all three Cartesian directions, and a movable
and 150 nm film thickness. Part (a) is normal incidence diffraction, CCD camera, which can cover 20◦ in the radial and 40◦ in the
(b) is diffraction at 36◦ , (c) at 56◦ , and (d) at 70◦ . In each image, the azimuthal directions, respectively. At LNLS, the endstation
left-hand side is simulated with 35 nm triangular closure domains, offers a similar range of camera movement. The samples in
and the right-hand side without. both experiments were mounted on a rotation stage, and in
the case of stripe domains the rotation axis was set parallel to
the axis of stripe orientation as represented in Fig. 7. In this
working pressure of argon was 2.2 × 10−3 mbar for the stripe configuration, we were able to measure diffraction patterns
domain samples and 4.0 × 10−3 mbar for the worm domain at incidence angles of up to 76◦ from normal incidence. The
samples. For each case of stripe and worm domains, three mul- diffraction data from both experiments were recorded on a
tilayer samples were prepared, namely Co(0.5 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) Princeton Instruments PI-MTE CCD camera, with 13.5 μm
with 50 repeats, Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) with 50 repeats, and pixel size (2048 pixels) and a sample-camera distance of 27 cm
Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) with 100 repeats. For the first two at BESSY II and 11 cm at LNLS. Measurements were made
multilayers, a Ta(3 nm)/Pd(3 nm) seed layer was used, whereas in angular steps ranging from 5◦ near normal incidence down
for the 100 repeat multilayer only a Pd(5 nm) seed layer to 0.3◦ near critical angles where the qualitative nature of
was used. On the top of all the samples, a 1.2 nm Pd layer the diffraction pattern displayed a stronger dependence on the
was deposited to prevent oxidation [40]. A selection of MFM angle. The incident photon flux was varied by adjusting the
images of the samples is displayed in Fig. 1, and the real beamline slits to allow the minimum exposure time possible,
sample thicknesses were determined by hard x-ray reflectivity and therefore it was at a maximum for the highest incidence
measurements to be within 5% of their nominal values. The angle measurements. This act of opening the beamline slits to
samples were subsequently subject to an ac demagnetization allow greater photon flux also reduced the spatial and temporal
procedure with around 50 sweeps of an external magnetic field coherence of the radiation, thus precluding the use of phase
in an exponentially decaying fashion from 1.2 T down to zero. retrieval techniques for wavefield reconstruction and removing
This demagnetization was performed in-plane for the stripe any benefit of using circularly polarized light as opposed to
domains, and out-of-plane for the worm domains. Closure linearly polarized light [37].
domains are expected to grow with increasing film thickness
[27], from barely present for the thinnest films to well defined
and substantial in size for thicker films.
Diffraction patterns were measured during two synchrotron Given that the primary aim of this work was to identify
beamtimes, with the experimental setup shown schematically the contributions of in-plane magnetized domains in a pre-
in Fig. 7, and the energy was tuned to near the L3 edge of Co at dominantly out-of-plane system, it was necessary to measure
the point where the magnetic scattering signal was maximized. to as high an incidence angle as possible. According to the
The stripe domain samples were measured at the CXS simulations in Fig. 5, there is little difference at 36◦ incidence
endstation of beamline UE49-SGM of BESSY II in Berlin, angle between the cases with and without closure domains,
Germany [41], and the worm domain samples at the U11A- however at the critical angle at 56◦ there is a marked difference
PGM beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory between the two. To illustrate this effect with experimental


FIG. 8. Experimental diffraction images at the critical angles in (a) at 54.3◦ for the Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) with 100 repeats sample
(slightly below the critical angle), and (b) at 66◦ (LHS) and 67.5◦ (RHS) for the Co(0.5 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) with 50 repeats sample. In each plot,
the third-order diffraction peak is marked with a circle. Due to Ewald sphere curvature for the case of the thin sample (b), in order to show
critical angle behavior on both sides, it was necessary to splice two images at slightly different incident angles.

data, we compare the measured diffraction from two samples greater absorption of the scattered light on the LHS compared
as they are defined in Sec. III, the first being 100 repeats of with the RHS. For the case of the LHS of Fig. 8(b), the
Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm), and the second being 50 repeats of third-order peak is obstructed by part of the experimental
Co(0.5 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm). The thicker sample has approximately apparatus. Readers should also note the positional asymmetry
110 nm domains, and a critical angle near 55◦ , whereas the present in the diffraction patterns due to curvature of the
thinner one has 55 nm domains and a critical angle near 67◦ . In Ewald sphere (similar to the effect of oblique illumination
Fig. 8 and in the corresponding lineout plots at angles on and of a diffraction grating), an effect of ever greater importance at
near the critical angle shown in Fig. 9, we contrast diffraction higher incidence angles and q. At higher incident angles, we
from the two samples on a logarithmic intensity scale. In all observed the presence of wide vertical stripes with spacing in
cases, a split first-order peak is observed as expected at the reciprocal space inversely proportional to the thickness of the
critical angle, however the most important difference between sample. These stripes are also observed in diffraction patterns
the two figures is the different behavior observed with respect measured at off-resonant energies (760 eV) where magnetic
to the third-order diffraction peak. In the case of the thick scattering is absent, and can thus be considered a form of
sample on the RHS, the diffraction peak exhibits an enhanced background signal for the purposes of this work.
intensity, is not split, and remains relatively constant in q as the To estimate the size of the closure domains, we compare
incidence angle is varied over the critical angle. For the thin the experimental lineout plots at incidence angles close to
sample, the third-order peak on the RHS is of weaker intensity, the critical angle in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b) with simulations in
and is observed to “jump” to higher q as the incidence angle is Figs. 9(c) and 9(d), where 35 and 7.5 nm triangular closure
increased across the critical angle, in a manner similar to that domains of equal width and depth were used, respectively.
observed for the first-order peak. In Fig. 8(a), on the LHS, the These closure domain sizes were found to provide the best fit
third-order peak is only just visible as a weak scattering peak between the model and the experiment, up to the limitations of
at a q value of 24 μm−1 , this contrast with the RHS being the current model. The quality of fit for the thick sample was
due to a longer light path within the sample and therefore notably better than for the thin sample, which indicates that

SAMUEL FLEWETT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 094430 (2017)

FIG. 9. Lineout plots of the diffraction (on a logarithmic intensity scale) observed at incidence angles close to the critical angle where
the incident light traverses exactly two magnetic domains of opposite orientation. Parts (a) and (b) show the experimental plots for the
Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) sample with 100 repeats and the Co(0.5 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) sample with 50 repeats, respectively, and (c) and (d) are
the corresponding simulations. The simulations were generated with 35 nm closure domains for the Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) sample with 100
repeats and the 7.5 nm closure domains for the Co(0.5 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) sample with 50 repeats, using estimated magnetic sample thicknesses
of 150 and 45 nm, respectively. The arrows mark the “jumping” of the third-order diffraction peak as the incidence angle is moved across the
critical angle, and the order of each diffraction peak is marked in the figure.

the model of triangular closure domains has greater validity observed due to hardware limitations. The incidence angles at
for thicker rather than thinner samples. which the higher-order critical angles occur is consistent with
Another observation was that the experimental critical an increase of observed magnetic thickness with incidence
angles are shifted upward compared to their expected values angle, consistent with an increased contribution of in-plane
calculated from Eq. (3) using the average domain sizes magnetization at higher incidence angles. Data collected in
measured from the scattering data and the sample thicknesses. the most recent experiment were obtained at incidence angles
This shift is from 59◦ to 67◦ in the case of the thin sample, and of up to 85◦ , which will allow for a full investigation of these
from 54◦ to 57◦ for the thick sample. This effect, especially observations to be reported in our subsequent article.
strong for the thin sample, is suggestive of a magnetically
thinner sample than was fabricated (45 nm as observed versus
65 nm fabricated). The reasons for this observation are not V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS—WORM DOMAIN CASE
yet understood and are beyond the simplified model of the From the simulations in Fig. 6, we note that as was the case
magnetization used in this article. Work is underway to for the stripe domains, the effect of the closure domains begins
upgrade the model of the magnetization, and higher precision to become visible at higher angles of incidence, in the form of
scattering data have also been collected, hopefully permitting shifts in q space of the observed diffraction minima. Therefore,
a quantitative fit of the upgraded model to the data. we show in Fig. 10 the measured diffraction (on a logarithmic
At incidence angles above the first critical angle, the first- intensity scale) observed at a 65◦ and 70◦ incidence angle,
order diffraction peak was observed to continue moving as respectively, on the left and right sides of each image for each
expected toward higher q. Subsequent critical angles reached of the thick and thin samples. [For this measurement, the thick
in the case of the thick sample at 67◦ and 76◦ correspond to sample was the same as previously, however the thin sample
where four and six primary domains are traversed, however was 50 repeats of Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm).] For the thicker
for the thin sample such higher-order critical angles are not sample in this case, the degree of spatial disorder was greater


FIG. 10. Diffraction images for the worm domain samples. Each image is a montage of diffraction images at 65◦ and 70◦ incidence angles,
with the 65◦ image on the left and the 70◦ image on the right. In each case, the intensity color scale is logarithmic, and the q vectors of the
diffraction minima for the 70◦ case are marked in the figure. Part (a) shows the experimental diffraction pattern from the Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm)
sample with 50 repeats, (b) shows the diffraction simulated for 18 nm triangular closure domains and a magnetic sample thickness of
65 nm, whereas (c) shows the diffraction pattern simulated without closure domains and the full nominal sample thickness of 80 nm. Part
(d) shows the experimental diffraction for the Co(0.8 nm)/Pd(0.8 nm) sample with 100 repeats, while (e) shows the simulated diffraction pattern
including 35 nm triangular Closure Domains, and a magnetic sample thickness of 150 nm. Part (f) shows the diffraction simulated without
closure domains, and with the full 160 nm nominal sample thickness.

than for the simulations in Fig. 6, resulting in a diffraction the experimental case [Fig. 10(d)] and the theoretical case
signal observed over a greater region in reciprocal space than where the domain walls are included [Fig. 10(e)]. Such shifts
in Fig. 6, with intensity minima due to some domains being at in the minima were of the order of 10%, as noted by q-space
critical angles noted. For the thinner sample, less variation positions of the minima marked directly on the text. In each
in domain size is present, and the magnetic diffraction is of the theoretical diffraction images, the 70◦ simulation was
observed to exhibit an elliptical ring [Fig. 10(a)], similar to the enhanced in intensity by a factor of 10 to allow the wider
case of the earlier simulations. Simulations of the diffraction spread in q space of the observed diffraction to be displayed
(this time with a greater degree of domain size variation) are alongside the 65◦ incident angle image.
shown in Figs. 10(b) and 10(c) for the thin sample and in As with the stripe domain case, an asymmetry in the
Figs. 10(e) and 10(f) for the thick sample. The simulations in diffraction intensity was observed between the different halves
Figs. 10(b) and 10(e) are generated using the set of parameters of the diffraction patterns due to within-sample optical path
found to provide the best qualitative fit to the experimental length differences, with the asymmetry being top/bottom
data: These are triangular closure domains of 18 nm width rather than left/right due to the sample rotation being about
for the thinner sample and 36 nm for the thicker sample, and a the horizontal axis at the LNLS. The asymmetry was weaker
reduced magnetic sample width of 65 and 145 nm, respectively. than observed for stripe domains, due to the fact that
For comparison, Figs. 10(c) and 10(f) were generated using such asymmetry increases with q, and that only first-order
the sample thicknesses as fabricated (80 and 160 nm) and diffraction was observed for the worm domain samples. The
neglecting the presence of closure domains. In Figs. 10(c) and asymmetry in the q positions of the diffraction minima and
10(f), we note that the minima caused by the critical angles maxima does, however, exhibit a different pattern compared
are shifted in q compared with Figs. 10(b) and 10(e), but not with the stripe domains, due to these minima and maxima
in a uniform manner. The first minima occur at higher q in no longer representing different orders of a grating-type
the experimental case of Fig. 10(d) compared with Fig. 10(f), diffraction pattern, but rather first-order diffraction and the
but higher-order minima are observed to occur at lower q in corresponding minima caused by the critical angles from

SAMUEL FLEWETT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 094430 (2017)

domains of different sizes under simultaneous illumination. In the medium term, we hope to achieve improved agree-
For both the stripe and worm domains, such asymmetries were ment between theory and experiment, both as a result of the
present in the simulation results. higher precision experimental data and through the application
of more sophisticated theoretical models. The development of
soft x-ray ptychography for such magnetic systems such as
the one studied in this article is currently only limited by a
VI. CONCLUSION lack of coherent photon flux, which in the next few years will
be helped by the opening of the new facilities MAX IV and
From this work, we can make three general conclusions. SIRIUS.
(i) Three-dimensional structures in perpendicular magnetic
anisotropy thin films can be seen using transmission geometry
scattering, with critical angles at which the primary domain
structure cancels the XMCD signal, allowing for the effects S.F., L.N., and A.O. are grateful for funding from the
of a higher-order domain structure to be readily studied. Chilean Research Organization CONICYT under FONDE-
(ii) As the angle of incidence is increased, it becomes necessary CYT Iniciación Grant No. 11130563. We acknowledge the
to model the diffraction using models that account for the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin for use of the synchrotron fa-
possibility of multiple scattering. This is computationally cilities BESSY II. J.E. and J.C.D. acknowledge financial
expensive, and it has implications for the development of support from FONDECYT 1150952, 1140195, and from
tomographic reconstruction algorithms. (iii) Magnetic sample CONICYT Proyecto Basal FB0807, CEDENNA. S.O. grate-
thickness estimations: In all cases, the observed magnetic fully acknowledges PAI-CONICYT Grant No. 79140036 and
sample thickness of the primary domains was estimated from CONICYT Proyecto Basal USA1555 for financial support. We
the first critical angle to be less than the nominal as fabricated acknowledge LNNano/CNPEM for the facilities for hard x-ray
(and confirmed by hard x-ray reflectivity) sample thickness. reflectivity and MFM.

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