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1. A carpenter makes tables and chairs from wood and fiber.

The store has 50 units of

wood and 40 units of fiber. Each table requires 10 units of wood and 4 units of fiber,
whereas each chair requires 6 units of fiber and 4 units of wood. The store has to use a
minimum of 20 units of fiber. The demand for tables is no more than 2. Each table is sold
along with at least two chairs. A table and a chair earn $300 and $200 in profit,
respectively. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem with an appropriate
objective function. Assume that fractional values are acceptable.
Linear Programming model
- Các biến quyết định:
T = Số lượng bàn
C = Số lượng ghế
- Hàm mục tiêu để tối đa hóa hiệu quả (Z): Z=300T+200C
10T + 4C ≤ 50 (wood)
4T + 6C ≤ 40 (fiber)
T ≤2 (demand for tables no more than 2)
C - 2T ≥ 0 (each table sold with at least 2 chairs)
T, C ≥ 0


1. decision variables 2 5

2. Objective function cost 300 200 total cost

output 1600
3. Constraints 10 4 40 < 50
4 6 38 < 40
-2 1 1 > 0

3. A jewelry store makes necklaces and bracelets from gold and platinum. The store has
18 ounces of gold and 20 ounces of platinum. Each necklace requires 3 ounces of gold
and 2 ounces of platinum, whereas each bracelet requires 2 ounces of gold and 4 ounces
of platinum. The demand for bracelets is no more than four. A necklace earns $300 in
profit and a bracelet, $400. The store wants to determine the number of necklaces and
bracelets to make in order to maximize profit.
a. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem.
b. Solve this model

Dây chuyền (N) Vòng tay (B) Z

Gold 3 2 18

Platinum 2 4 20

Lợi nhuận $300 $400

N = Số lượng dây chuyền
B = Số lượng vòng tay
a. LP model
Z = 300N + 400B
3N + 2B ≤ 18 (gold)
2N + 4B ≤ 20 (platinum)
B≤4 (demand for bracelets is no more than 4)
N, B ≥ 0

1. decision variables 3,333333 4

2. objective function profit 300 400 total profit

3. constraints 3 2 18 < 18
2 4 0 < 20

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