Project Advisor:Mr. Amjad Ali

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Genetic algorithm -based efficient Routing for Multi-Radio Multi-channel Cognitive Mesh Networks

Project Advisor:Mr. Amjad Ali

Submitted to the Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology University Of Gujrat

Submitted By
Syed FawadHaider 07010656-084 Babar Azam 07010656-081 NadeemYaqub 07010656-110 Syed NakhshabHussain 07010656-087

University of Gujrat Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology

It is certified that the contents and form of project report entitled Genetic algorithm based efficient Routing for Multi-Radio Multi-channelCognitive Mesh Networks submitted by Syed FawadHaider NadeemYaqub Babar Azam Syed NakhshabHussain has been found satisfactory for the requirement of the degree.

Advisor: ___________________ Mr. Amjad Ali

Co-Advisor: ___________________ Dr. Muddesser

First of all, we would like to thank the Almighty Allah who gave us the courage and wisdom to complete this project. We are heartily thankful to our advisor, Mr. Amjad Ali, and co-advisor, Dr. MudassarIqbal, who gave us the necessary encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level which enabled us to develop an understanding of the subject. We would also like to offer our regards and blessings to all of those who supported us in any respect during the completion of the project. Lastly, we offer our deepest gratitude to everyone at UOG and NCT Next Generation Communication Technology Research Lab for providing us the platform to learn and excel in state-of-the-art technologies.

Table of Contents
List of abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... 6 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Chapter: 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 8 1.1 What are cognitive radios? 1.2 what is routing 1.3 what are genetic functions 1.4 Chapter: 3 Motivation ......................................................................................................... 12 Chapter: 4 Literature Survey ............................................................................................................... 13 Chapter: 3 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................ 12 Chapter: 4 Our approach ..................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 System model and architecture ........................................................................................ 17 4.2 Network Model ................................................................................................................ 18

4.6 Comments ........................................................................................................................ 32 4.7 Our contributions ............................................................................................................. 32 Chapter: 5 Implementation.................................................................................................................. 33 Chapter: 6 Results ............................................................................................................................... 34 Chapter: 7 Challenges encountered..................................................................................................... 35 Chapter: 8 Future work and recommendations ................................................................................... 36 Chapter: 9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 37 Chapter: 10 References ....................................................................................................................... 38 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 41 Source Code ........................................................................................................................... 41

List of abbreviations
G.A FCC CRN MRCN Genetic Algorithm Federal Communications Commission Cognitive Radio Networks Multi Radio Cognitive Network

The cognitive radio network is a complex multiuser wireless communication system capable of emergent behavior that analyzes the radio environment, facilitate and control communication between multiple users, to create the experience of intentions and selfawareness. The issues in CRNs are solving spectrum shortage, scheduling, routing problem and exploring high-throughput path between a source and a destination. Major issue from all of above is routing issue. We solve it by using genetic algorithm. In general Algorithm works on single solution,but genetic algorithm takes multiple solutions and works on them and finally selects the optimal solution however our proposed work will also work on the basic concept of G.A concerns with routing, G.A(Genetic Algorithm) is based on Genetic function, that will be constructed by investigating the new decision metrics such as Susceptibility or Reliability, Hope count, SINR and SNR, Mobility based connectivity and different weight is given to each metrics that best suited to the dynamic nature of the Cognitive Radio Networks.

Chapter 1
1.1 Cognitive radio networks
Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is an intelligent wireless communication system that can easily facilitate multiple users at a time, without creating any problem in communication. Infect Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is hybrid technology which relates to software defined radio (SDR) which is now a days used for spread spectrum communication. Its main task involves: (1) keep on monitoring the surrounding for radio signals(checking availability) (2) Adjusting its functionality according to its environment depending upon variation in radio frequency distribution and its consumption (3) Develop such a mechanism that all the users can communicate with each other in a decent way (no harmful) and fully secure and without any fixed infrastructure. According to federal communication commission (FCC) Law made in 2008, the unused portion of radio frequency spectrum must be available for public use. Also they added in rule that spectrum sensing technology and geological capabilities must be added in order to avoid interference, FCC report provokes the need of new technology that can easily sense interference and learn from surrounding environment and dynamically access to the available spectrum. Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is proved to be the best option for utilizing the unused portion of radio frequency, as CRNs is capable of changing their setting (configuration) very quickly on spectrum allocation environment.

1.2 Routing
Routing is the process of moving information across an inter-network from a source to a destination. Its also referred to as the process of choosing a path over which to send the packets. Routing is also referred to as bridging, which might seem to accomplish exactly the same thing to the lay man user. The only difference between them is that bridging occurs at Layer 2 of the OSI reference model, and routing occurs at Layer 3. A routing algorithm or protocol is responsible for deciding that which route is used for transmission. Routing protocols use different metrics often called parameter, to evaluate what path will be the best transmission. A metric or parameter is a standard of measurement; such as bandwidth, reliability, delay, hop count etc., that is used in routing algorithms to determine the suitable path towards the destination. To help the process of path determination, routing algorithms maintain routing tables, which contain route information. Routing algorithms fill routing tables with a

variety of information. I.e. Destination/Next hop links tell a router that intended destination hop can be reached by sending the packet to a particular intermediate node on the path towards final destination. When a router receives an incoming packet, it checks the destination address and attempts to associate this address with a next hop. Routing can generally categorize in two types: Static routing and Dynamic routing. Where in static routing, routing table updated manually by the network administrator and in dynamic routing, routing table is updated by dynamically learn from the environment.

1.3 Genetic Algorithm

Genetic algorithm is a search heuristic that use the process of natural evolution. This is used for search optimization and solving problems. Genetic algorithms are a part of evolutionary computing, which is a rapidly growing area of artificial intelligence and intelligent network. These algorithms have dynamic nature because sample population is evolving again and again until an optimal and suitable result is found. The basic concept of GAs is designed to evaluate processes in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically those that follow the principles first laid down by Charles Darwin. That includes the following step: initialization, selection, reproduction, termination. G.As are proposed by John Holland in the 60s, Genetic Algorithms has been widely studied, experimented and applied in many fields in engineering computing fields. GAs provide an alternative methods to solving problem, and also it consistently outperforms other traditional methods in most of the problems. Most of the real world problems involved finding optimal parameters, which might prove difficult to solve by using traditional methods but ideal Gas are ideal in any situation. Because of its outstanding performance in optimization, GAs have been wrongly regarded as a function optimizer and problem solver etc. But in fact, there are many ways to view genetic algorithms.

1.4 Motivation
The Existing routing protocols takes only traditional parameters i.e. (hop count, bandwidth etc).those might suits in traditional routing, but cognitive radio network has different kind of nature, so it does not suits with traditional parameter selection. Though we proposed Genetic approach that uses special function, and it may be composed of multiple parameters. Thus genetic approach suits more to the dynamic nature of cognitive radio networks.

Chapter 2
Problem Statement
In this project, we consider multi-hop wireless Cognitive Mesh Networks, where routing is challenging issue due to primary user activities as Cognitive radio networks opportunistically using the available band. In wireless Mesh Cognitive Networks each node is equipped with multiple radio interfaces and multiple channels are available for communication, all nodes serve as router. To explore all available paths in the networks we introduce new criteria for broadcasting the route request. Our proposed routing protocol will be based on genetic function. Genetic function will be constructed by investigating the new decision metrics that best suited to the dynamic nature of the Cognitive Radio Networks. The performances of our protocol will tested by implementing it in NS-2 that is used worldwide for research and development.

Chapter 3
Literature Survey
[4] MatteoCesana, Francesca Cuomo, EylemEkici gave the routing solution in CRN in their article Routing in cognitive radio networks: Challenges and solutions stating two main categories for routing solution one was proposed that mainly focus on the static network topology, having complete spectrum knowledge of their neighboring secondary users. Another solution was local radio knowledge which based on local radio spectrum resources management which takes decision on little information of existing network state. Before assigning frequency opportunistic device will access to spectrum database for free channel then it will perform action. [6] HichamKhalife, NaceurMalouch and Serge Fdida discussed the solution for routing in article To Route or not To Route in mesh cognitive networks. HichamKhalifecategorise the solution to the fundamental issue of first category is of static primary band, where idleness of primary users allows secondary users to utilize that band more efficiently. Second category for those primary bands, that fully use their bandwidth, but main work of cognitive device is to dig out the time when primary user left the band free. Third one, when cognitive radios try to access the band in which primary users efficiently utilizes the bandwidth and rarely leave the band free. [7] HichamKhalife ,SatyajeetAhuja , NaceurMalouch and Marwan Krunz published an article on joint routing and spectrum allocation for multi-hop cognitive radio networks ,in this paper they propose the prototype for calculating the path between source and the destination by keeping the activity and working time of primary user. Proposed algorithm explores the multiple frequency range between two cognitive nodes on same time. Route issues in this paper include the route stability, exchange control information and channel synchronization. To solve routing issues techniques adopt are maintaining periodic routing exchange table ,broadcasting route request and route reply, as mention in this article that these techniques are often used in adhoc wireless networks protocol like AODV. [8] Christian Doerr Dirk Grunwald Douglas C. Sicker published a paper corresponding to the Local control of cognitive radio networks stating that for enhanced and better communication all cognitive node should be internally optimize and the should be well configured, because each node depends on the knowledge of other neighbors node configuration collecting and distribution these configuration knowledge was costly to manage in the past. This paper proposed the alternate solution to global configuration of cognitive radio networks for decision making process. Following the basic principal of worms intelligence performing variety of works. Sworm intelligence includes cohesion, obstacle avoidance and alignment. These are the principal upon which is natural in worms like fish , aunt but artificially adopted in cognitive radio networks.

[8] Mustafa Y. ElNainay, Daniel H. Friend, and Allen B. MacKenzie contributed to an important paper named as channel allocation and power control for dynamic spectrum cognitive networks using a localized island G.A. Main focus in this literature is to utilize available spectrum through applying localized island Genetic Algorithm(iG.A),for solving cross layer channel allocation power iG.A is a distributed version of genetic algorithm that divide the main problem into further sub problem or island,that works through the migration of individual to other island. The components of iG.A are (1) iG.A individual, (2) iG.A fitness function, (3) mating, (4) mutation, migration policy [9] ErolGelenbe, Peixiang Liu, and Jeremy Lain presented the article Genetic Algorithm for route discovery.Erol described in this paper that there exist two type of path found for routing static anddynamic, for routing there is need to have knowledge of available path which is automatically traced by packet in dynamic path routing, while in static information related to topology is added before packet is forward. They proposed quality-of-service driven routing protocol called cognitive packet network. G.A can select that previous path on the basis of their source to destination. And then select those paths on the basis of fitness function. G.A uses Demean software executes in background mode. This software enables the source node to calculate or measure the new route from existing path, and the chose which route should be adopt depending upon fitness.

Chapter 4
Our Approach
4.1 System model and architecture
We are going to construct a cognitive mesh network where each node is placed on different positions and are connected with each other on the biases of Interference range. A node is neighbor of other node if it is in the range of that node. When a node has to transmit data over the network then it will send RREQ Packet and that packet will collect required information on each intermediate node. This information is consisting of calculation of parameters which we used in filtering Genetic Function. These parameters are: Hop count Connectivity W/R Mobility

Susceptibility or Reliability SINR

This RREQ packet comes on each node then the information of each node is automatically added in the packet. When RREQ packet reached at destination then it contain information of each node which lies in the path. Then our proposed Genetic Function process on RREQ packet and finally give us an optimal path among multiple paths between source to destination.We also consider that cognitive radio nodes have the exact knowledge about the channel characteristics of the IEEE 802.11b wireless network and have the ability to detect the presence of other unlicensed users operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency band.

4.3 Network model

We have modeled our proposed solution with the help of linear programming which will demonstrate the overall working, its objective, and limitation that exist in our proposal.

Decision variable
P.G.(Xi) = ( ) { ( )

Where G(x) is genetic function combination of multiple parameters and Pi is the path which is use for transmission. Pi is selected on basis of G(x).

Objective function
Max Z = ( )

Where Z is the maximum throughput on the pathPsi, which belongs to set of V vertex using genetic function through path pi.and Fi is the flow between source and destination.

Primary user preference
( ) ( )

Both primary user and cognitive user cannot transmit at a time

Source to destination flow

Data sent from source Si same will be receive at destination Sj

Intermediate node constraint

Fsi (V(Vj,Vk) ) = Fsi (V(Vk,Vl) ) Vj, Vk ,Vl V

Data flow enters in intermediate node same will be out from that node.

Routing Path Constraint

A flow cannot traverse a link that is not on any of its paths. ( )( )

Hop count constraint

Minimum hop should be count between source to destination. P(Si , Sj) <H where Si &Sj V

Minimum SNR and SINR on the path

Path must contain minimum noise. ( )( )

Where T is the minimum threshold of SINR of the link i.

4.3 Our Proposed Algorithm 4.3 Our contribution

Our main contribution in this proposal is to make routing more efficient, more reliable and ore successful. Our project is aimed at exploring and analyzing all the possible paths, thus gives optimal path. Optima path is achieved in such a way that our genetic function does not work on single parameter but on multiple parameters, and it checks the path in all the perspective of parameters. Statistical ranking and weightage comparison among all the parameters allows us to select the optimal path among all other available explored path. With the help of the tactics our throughput will be increased.

Chapter 5
Our proposed genetic function is composed of four filter parameters. We assigned weightage to these parameters individually corresponding to their importance. Genetics function works properly by comparing the weightage of these filtering parameters, more accurate value gives more the better results. These parameters are 1- Susceptibility (there lower the susceptibility the more the reliability) 2- Mobility based connectivity 3- Hope count 4- SINR and SNR According to the environment of cognitive radio networks the importance of the above mentioned parameters are as follow: 1- 50% 2- 25% 3- 15% 4- 10%

The measurement of utilization based on secondary user. The formula of utilization of a channel is based on the following parameter: 1. Total time of a channel 2. Total number of arrivals 3. Total time of an arrival ( )

We count susceptibility of each path through this formula:

Mobility based connectivity

) (

Connectivity =

b = Xi - Xj

d = Yi Yj It is the limitation that when vi=vj and i=j ,then connectivity becomes . Velocity and angle of I and j node should not be same. And the velocity of first node (node i) should be greater then velocity of second node(node j).

To calculate SINR ,it can be established between nodes i and j if there exists a transmission power P under which the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in the absence of co channel interference at nodes i and j .

Where Pt > Gij Pt = power of transmission Gij= gain of transmission at node j from node i

Nj= noice power at node j.

Hop count
Hop count is a factor that describes the total no of intermediate hops between source and destination in the path. Hop count is mostly measured by TTL field packet (time to live field). Here we calculate hop count just like counter measure.

Chapter 6
We have implemented our proposed algorithm in MATLAB by designing our own simulator. The inputs which our simulator takes are stated as follows. 1. Number of cognitive radio nodes 2. Simulation area 3. Distance b/w nodes Some of the integral modules of our GA3MN simulator are as follows: 1. Cognitive radio network topology generation module 2. Neighbor Grouping module 3. Request Broadcast(path selection) 4. Parameters Calculations 5. Path Selection Topology generation module generates a static cognitive radio network topology upon which our GA3MN framework will work. After this, neighbor grouping module calculates the available neighbors for all the nodes in the cognitive radio network. Then request broadcast module will calculate all the parameters and finally genetic function module operates on all the available path and finally give usan optimal path, as our algorithms mentioned in the previous sections.

Chapter 7
We evaluated our proposed algorithm by using Matlab 7.6. The results generated from our simulation produced much reliable, efficient, less interfering and high susceptible path for transmission. We observed that our intended genetic function carries multiple solution, process on them depending upon the weightage and at the end give us refined, optimal and high reliable solution.

Chapter 8
We faced lot of challenges during our project that are related to the parameters, cognitive radio networks and implementation tool. We cannot select single parameter for filtering purpose, according to that parameter, it may be best route for transmission but with respect to other parameter it might not be best we have to consider all possible parameters. Cognitive radio network has dynamic nature which does not consider the path explored for routing and next time on startup it again start exploring the paths that causes great increase in our routing packet size. We have selected Matlab 7.6 for simulation and implementation, this tool create restrictions on parameters that we remove these restriction with the help of our logic. We cannot remove all these restrictions, but we tried our best to lessen the restriction.

Chapter 9
We simulate our project in Matlab which is not fully network oriented tool ,which creates lot of limitations on parameters in our project, so we recommend ,that if this project is properly implemented in Network oriented tool such as NS2,its expected to give more effective results.

Chapter 10
We concluded that cognitive radio network is an efficient paradigm that efficiently utilizes bandwidth because it uses unutilized portion of bandwidth, which is left free by the primary user. We also concluded that current frequency utilization techniques which are being used now a day for transmission will not remain sufficient in future because of highly increase in no of hiring frequencies and unavailability of new frequency bands.

Chapter 11


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