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Activity 4

Name: Krishna Sánchez

1) What are your favourite names? If you could change your name, what would you change it
My favourite name are William and Edward. My favourites singers have as second name William and
Edward, but I like not only for the reason that are names of my favourite singers, it´s because I think that
are polite names, even William means “protector”. If I could change my name, I would like change to
Adeline, because is a name that I think is beautiful, and powerful.
2) Are there any names you really dislike? Why don’t you like them?
When I was 16, I remember that I hated my second name “Aracelly”, because I thought that was very
strange, but then I realize that it was an uncommon name and I like me for that reason.
3) What names did/will you choose for your children? why do you like those names?
I always thinks that William and Rose are great names for children, I like those names because as wrote
before, William means “protector”, and rose I thinks is a delicate name, also with that name I remember
the actress of Titanic and I believe that it is a strong name.
4) What factors should parents consider when choosing names for their children?
First of all, I have 2 brothers and Only sister, and when I talk with my mother, and I ask for the reason of
our names, she said that the names are coming from of our family, I mean that my parents looking for
names among family, but in my case, my name was chosen by my father and that was a different story.
5) Witch names are fashionable in your country at the moment? Why are they so popular?
The names are fashionable are Mateo and Sofia, because it’s easy to spelling at the moment to write or
it’s easy to pronouns.
6) Do you know someone who has a nickname? How did you s/he get it? Does s/he like it?
friends have a nickname, all the people call her “pollo”, and she got the nickname when we she arrived
at school and She looked very shy, she likes the nickname and she knows that we call it this out for
7) What are the advantages and disadvantage of having an unusual name?
I think that disadvantages are that the most of the cases you have to spelling letter by letter and
sometimes the person don´t understand you and write the name in their style, the advantage is a special
name that not everyone have or is hard to find around you.
8) How easy or difficult is it in your country for someone to change their name?
It’s no difficult, even exist a law that permit to someone to change the name, but they have to meet
certain requirement.
9) Do women in your country legally adopt their husband’s surname when they get married?
it’s very unusual, but depend of the person because in Chile is a costume be respectful with the surname
of our parents and adopting a surname of someone can be consider bad.
10) In this age of sexual equability, should children take the surname of both their parents?
Actually, in Chile we take the surname of both our parents, for example my surnames are Sánchez
Toledo, “Sánchez” it is the surname of my dad and “Toledo” comes from my mom, but recently,
according by the law, we can change the order of the surnames and when born a baby we can put the
mother’s surname firsts.

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