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Evolution of humans

When the human ancestors diverged from the ancestors of

apes the evolution of humans began. This evolution can be
classified under two main headings

1. Biological evolution – changes to the characteristics

which are controlled by genes and can be passed form
generation to generation
2. Cultural evolution – the passing on of ideas, beliefs
that are not genetically controlled but are learned.

Evolution of humans involved both biological and cultural


Humans and their ancestors are called hominids. They are

classified in three genera: Australopithecus,
Paranthropus and Homo.

There are several specimens found that fit under the
general heading of Australopithecus. These include A.
ramidus, A. anamensis, A. afarensis and A. africanus.

Using your textbooks and the other reference material

supplied complete a large chart to show the major
structural and cultural differences between these

Make it big, bright and colourful.

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