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Bellevue University

Group Assignment 6.7

Falconer, Tiffany

Zillig, Alex

McClure, Markie

Amaro, Jennifer
Based on the analysis that all the members of the team carried out on this specific case

and in a context in which all the countries of the world are struggling to eradicate child

labor, we concluded that under no circumstances is it ethical to allow girls and children

enter the labor sector mainly because their physical and psychological development is


The above is confirmed by the United Nations Organization that mentions

"government social protection systems would be the key to combat child labor, that is,

the government of each country should guarantee that all families can cover their needs

without children have to enter the labor market” (ONU, 2022).

However, we cannot deny ourselves the reality of developing countries, and

although without the intention of justifying child labor, we try to understand the reasons

why these situations continue to occur in some territories. In this sense, we think that if

a company openly chooses to hire children in a country that allows it, they should be

paid fair wages and guarantee that there will be no other abuse within the company.

We all conclude that the company is not incurring in ethical actions when hiring

children for its work, from our point of view one of the things that the company is doing

to obtain cheap labor is to hire children, which is not appropriate, although is providing

jobs for the local community. For children ages 10 to 12, working in a large facility can

be risky for both their safety and that of other workers. Children should not be forced to

work at a young age and should be able to enjoy their childhood.

In conclusion, we are against child labor, but we believe that in extreme

situations in which it occurs, care must be taken to ensure that they are not exposed to

abuse or environments in which their integrity is at risk. Likewise, we consider that

although there is an argument that younger workers could benefit the performance of

the company compared to older people, this should be modified through an action plan

implemented by each company so that other strategies are created to improve

productivity without employing boys and girls. Furthermore, companies receive negative

publicity if they have links to child labor and risk losing customers and possibly


United Nations. (2022). Día Mundial contra el Trabajo Infantil | Naciones Unidas.

Recuperado 3 de octubre de 2022, de


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