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Assigment 6.

Build your skills

Do you… Regularly Sometimes Never

1. Make a conscious effort not to think X
2. Listen with interest to the ideas of people X
who don’t think like you do?
3. Respect other people´s opinions, even when X
you disagree?
4. Spend time with friends who are not your X
age, race, gender, or the same economic
status and education
5. Believe your way is not the only way? X
6. Adapt well to change and new situations? X
7. Enjoy traveling seeing new places, eating X
different foods, and experiencing other
8. Try not to offend or hurt others? X
9. Allow extra time to communicate with X
someone whose first language is not yours?
10. Consider the effect of cultural differences on X
the messages you send and adjust

4. Spend time with friends who are not your age, race, gender, or the same economic status and

One of the great advantages that sport has given me is living with people of all kinds, getting to know
them and them, and learning about how they live, their thoughts, and their experiences. Thanks to
sports I have and have had the opportunity to study, work, and play with people from other countries,
of another social class, sexual preferences, and other types of religious beliefs although many times we
could differ between us and we have always treated each other with respect, with admiration and
curiosity to know more, with the great advantage that our sport and the team will always unite us.

Solve the dilemma

Morale among the Survivors

Critical thinking questions

1. What did Medallion’s HRM department do right in dealing with the employees who were laid

The additional month of work as well as compensation and transition courses, job search and
resume writing were some of the tactics well implemented by human resources to help their ex-
employees when making drastic decisions due to economic problems.
2. What are some of the potential problems that must be dealt with after an organization
experiences a major trauma such as massive layoffs?

The management of uncertainty and low morale generate demotivation in employees and in
turn lack of productivity, so one of the challenges will be to regain the confidence of your
current workers and future hires.

3. What can Medallion do to make the team approach work more smoothly? What role do you
think diversity training should play?

Medallion can increase motivation and confidence by offering courses and training and
designating specific roles and responsibilities, allowing for diverse teamwork that helps
productivity and focus on the tasks necessary to achieve goals.

The importance of Hollywood Labor Unions (12th edition)

Critical thinking questions

1. Why are Hollywood labor unions considered necessary?

The Hollywood industry can be very well paid and mean an important experience for anyone
who works within it, however, there are activities in which actors or workers in general may be
exposing their health and integrity, therefore, having a union can help guarantee your rights in
such conditions.

2. Why is striking often avoided if possible?

Strikes are a feasible means when the possibility of a solution by other means is closed,
however, it does not always favor both parties, therefore, avoiding a total stoppage of activities
and negotiating directly can help generate losses.

3. Why do you think unions in the entertainment industry are banding together?

The work and effort of anyone belonging to the Hollywood industry requires respect and solidity
in their negotiations and contract processes, for this reason, the union of unions facilitates the
resolution of complaints and agreements.

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