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Assignment 7.

Build your skills

The marketing mix

1. Place (distribution), customers can acquire the new product in more than 30,00 supermarkets
2. Price, Skype is offering calls to land line by a price.
3. Product, iPad introduction is providing benefits.
4. Product, WD-40 is providing satisfaction to their customers.
5. Product, Southwest Airlines is providing satisfaction to their customers through its impeccable
customer service.
6. Promotion, Hewlett-Packard is offering a discount to its customers.
7. Price, Denny’s put a value on its product and service.

Solve the dilemma

Will it go?

1. What do you think were the main concerns with the Olympus two-door sports coupe? Is there a
market for a two-seat, $32,000 sports car when the RX-8 sells for significantly less?

The main problem was that they did not carry out correct market research and rushed the
release of the new product too much without considering whether it would be profitable. Also,
the haste caused a bad assembly and an error in the sales costs.

There is no market for the two-seat car because the price and the niche to which it is directed
does not allow it.

2. What is the role of the marketing mix in the Olympus introduction?

Price and product, this combination was not efficient and affected the sale of the car since of the
car it did not meet the needs of the customer.

3. What are some of the marketing strategies auto manufactures use to stimulate sales of certain
makes of automobiles?

Some of the marketing strategies used by auto manufacturers are the creation and promotion of
attractive videos that show the virtues of the car and the use of social media to generate traffic
and reach more people.
Build your skills

Analyzing motel 6’s marketing strategy

1. In SELECTING A TARGET MARKET, which approach is Motel 6 using to segment markets?

a. concentration approach; motel’s 6 is focused on offering a service to a type of segment.

2. In DEVELOPING A MARKETING MIX, identify in the second column of the table what the current
strategy is and then identify any changes you think Motel 6 should consider for carrying it successfully
through the next five years.

Marketing mix variables Current strategy 5-year strategy

a. Product
b. Price X X
c. Distribution X X
d. Promotion X

Its current price and distribution are attractive for its customers, but if Motel’s 6 wants to continue
being competitive in the market it needs to have more promotion to reach more public and its
distribution is strategically located to capture the market, maintaining its prices and service will be its
competitive advantage with a good location.

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