Assessment-1-Lesson-8 Patricia Reyes

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Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University

(Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University)
Botolan, Zambales, Philippines

Activity No. 1
Name: Patricia E. Reyes Score: ________________
Course and Year: BEED-III Date: _________________

I. Answer the following questions briefly but completely:

1. Define the following terms:
1.1 mean
In mathematics and statistics, the concept of mean is crucial. The mean is the
average or most common value in a set of numbers. In statistics, it is a measure of a
probability distribution's central tendency along with the median and mode. An expected
value is another term for it.
1 .2 median
The median is the middle number in a list of numbers that has been sorted
ascending or descending, and it might be more descriptive of the data set than the
average.When there are outliers in the series that could affect the average of the results, it
is sometimes utilized instead of the mean.
1 .3 mode
In a data collection, the mode is the value that appears the most frequently. A set of
data can have just one mode, multiple modes, or none at all. The mean, or average of a set,
and the median, or middle value in a collection, are two other popular measures of central
1.4 grouped test scores
The term grouped test score refers to data that has been sorted into groups after it
has been collected. The raw data is organized into several groups and a table is made. The
table's main purpose is to display the data points that appear in each group. When a test is
completed, for example, the findings are the data in this case, and there are numerous
methods to arrange this data.
1.5 ungrouped test scores
Ungrouped data, also known as raw data, is information that hasn't been
categorized or sorted after it's been collected. Because data is categorized by numbers or
qualities, data that hasn't been assigned to one of the categories is considered ungrouped.
2. How is the mean for grouped and ungrouped test scores competed?
Data is called grouped data when it has been organized/classified into some classes
using data analysis. This information is no longer raw. Ungrouped data, on the other hand, is
data that is raw, such as a list of random numbers, a collection of words, or an array of
observations that have yet to be labeled or classed.
3. How is the median for grouped and ungrouped test scores obtained?
Ungrouped Test Scores-The first step in determining the median for ungrouped test scores
is to order the scores from highest to lowest. Then take the score that is in the middle. The
median is the middle score when the number of test scores (N) is odd. On. When N is even,
however, the median is the average of the two middlemost scores.
Grouped Test Scores-When test results have already been grouped, the technique for
calculating the median r1010.n is the same as before. Using 61th as the lower or upper limit
of a class, the median for grouped test results can be computed.
4. How is the mode for grouped and ungrouped test scores obtained?
Ungrouped Test Scores-Finding the mode for ungrouped data is as simple as arranging the
data values in ascending or descending order, then looking for repeated values and their
frequency. The modal value for the supplied data is defined as the observation having the
highest frequency.
Grouped Test Scores- First, find the class interval with the maximum frequency. This is also
called modal class.Second, find the size of the class. This is calculated by subtracting the
upper limit from the lower limit.Lastly, calculate the mode using the mode formula
Exercise No. 1
Name: Patricia E. Reyes
Course and Year: BEED-III
I. A reading achievement test was given to 20 Grade IV pupils. Find the mean for these test
95 86 78 90 62 73 89 75 80 59
55 50 70 67 54 79 84 90 81 66

II. Compute the mean of the test scores of Grade VI pupils in Filipino, using the frequency-
class mark and deviation methods.
Exercise No. 2
Name: Patricia E. Reyes
Course and Year: BEED-III
I. Given the following test scores of Grade VI pupils in AP, compute the median:
17 19 16 20 17 19 22 16 17 17
16 15 20 18 22 16 17 18 19 12
25 19 14 23 26 30 19 13 12 24
II. Using both the upper and lower limits of a class, compute the median of the test scores of
Grade IV pupils in Elementary Science.

Exercise No. 3
Name: Patricia E. Reyes
Course and Year: BEED-III
I. Determine the crude and the true modes of the following test scores in Science VI:
25 27 28 30 33 40 42 33 45 40
39 41 32 44 36 26 39 41 46 50


II. Given the frequency distribution of the test scores in Math VI calculate the crude and true

Classes Frequency
45 – 49 2
40 – 44 7
35 – 39 20
30 – 34 15
25 – 29 6

Crude mode = the crude mode of the distribution is 17

True Mode

Class Mark
Classes Frequency fcm

45 – 49 2 47 94
7 294
40 – 44 42
20 740
35 – 39 37
15 480
30 – 34 32
6 162
25 – 29 27
N=50 sfcm=1770




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