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Assignment 8.

Business Functions Connections

All the areas of the companies are essential for their optimal performance, it is a group

that, when integrated by its parts, can walk properly. In this sense, the marketing

department must generate content that is consistent with the rest of the company,

because if this were not the case, what would be sent to potential clients or partners

would be far from the business objectives.

So, what happens when this relationship between marketing and the rest of its

parts doesn't work? The information is affected and in turn impacts the goals of the

company, this can cause the target to have a wrong idea about the company and may

not understand what its essence is, which can drive them away. Due to this, the

decisions made by the marketing area must be in tune with the other areas

(administration, human resources, operations, accounting, and finance).

In relation to the above, the way in which marketing functions and decisions

affect the administration area is reflected in the optimization of resources, the sales

strategy and the organization for customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, the lack of harmony with the human resources area affects

the identification of the personnel with the objectives that are pursued, which impacts

the way in which the image is projected abroad since the workers are spokespersons of

the essence therefore if there is not a close relationship between these departments,

the objective is not met. This is also related to the training of personnel, not only those
who are already part of the company but also those who are being integrated, since the

mission and goals to which the project aims must be transmitted.

As a third point, through the operations area, you can start to carry out an

adequate marketing campaign, since operations is responsible for improving and

adapting the product or project in such a way that it satisfies the needs of the consumer,

the lack of relationship between them could end in discredit and mistrust of current and

future customers.

Regarding accounting and finance, marketing campaigns require an initial

investment, and their purpose is to return that investment with great returns, the failure

of the administration of resources or the advertising strategy turns into losses for the


Finally, it must be taken into account that all the elements of a company work

together, this includes marketing, which, if it does not work optimally, impacts the rest of

the areas and can be reflected in not obtaining results and in monetary losses.

Ferrell, O. C., Hirt, G., & Ferrell, L. (2019). Business Foundations: A Changing World
(12.a ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

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