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l-Hurting your financial future
ll-Internet scam
lll- Spending too much time betting
lV-Becoming addicted to wining
V-Bad emotional state

Mountakha Dieng
Moustapha Diaw
Mame Thierno Wade
Samba Ngome
Amina mbow
Sokhena Maimouna Ndiaye
Serigne Saliou Sané
Aziz Fall


Sports betting and gambling are different. But both are very controversial topics. they
are the cause of many harmful consequences. they cause financial problems, waste of
time and emotional problems and so many more

l-Hurting your financial future

The financial part is one of the most obvious. Almost all of us know people who
struggle financially because of gambling and betting addiction.
The adrenaline rush you can feel while betting can make you dependent.
After a certain level, the only thing that can cause this happiness and intensified
emotional state is increasing the stakes and the risks.
Bettors who don’t know any profitable strategy, like the ones based on mathematics,
will lose in the long run.
It’s the sad truth. If you are playing after the rules of the bookies, you will lose all of
your money. The odds are including their profit margin.
No matter how good your winning streaks are, if you are bi using their basic odds, the
profit margin will destroy your capital.
Bettors who are constantly wagering will notice that from time to time they need to
deposit money again. The lucky ones can stop their activity if the loss is getting
But for some of them, the greed and the fear of not recovering the losses kick in. In
this situation a lot of them start to deposit more and more until the moment they
lose everything.
Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to borrow money from friends and family to
proceed with betting

ll-Internet scam
You can find a lot of tips and tricks on the internet about “successful betting
systems”. Most of them were created to attract readers or get your money.
Following one of these can cause you massive losses.
Strategies based on mathematics and probability calculation are the easiest and
sure ways to make money with betting.
The following strategies are tested and proved to be profitable:

lll-Spending too much time betting

For some people, this problem might not seem so serious. But we need to mention it.
No matter if the bettor is successful or not, sports betting can make you spend too
much time on it.
If you are a professional gambler with real experience, spending 8-10 hours a day can
be normal. Doing this for a living can function as a job, so that amount of time is
But what about bettors who are losing and still staying in front of the computer or
phone just for betting? Well, it is a certain level, where you have to decide if it healthy
or not.No matter if you are a professional or not, avoiding friends and family for
sports betting is not good. I was in this situation for a long time.

lV-Becoming addicted to wining

Gambling addiction is a serious problem these days. Losing too much can motivate
you to recover the money.
As we already mentioned it can have serious consequences. But a winning streak can
cause addiction too.
If you are lucky enough or you know a good strategy, winning a big amount can
happen sometimes.
The feeling it is causing sometimes can be addictive and dangerous.

V-Bad emotional state

If you have placed at least one bet, you should already know what we are thinking
about. Avoiding every emotion while waiting for results is almost impossible for most
of us.
Becoming nervous and impatient after a loss is almost inevitable if the risks and
stakes were too high. In this state of mind, some people are hard to tolerate.
This bad state of mind can influence your sleep or can even cause headaches.

We have discussed some disadvantages of sports betting. You will remain suspicious
despite these examples that sports betting is a bad thing for society? We would live to
hear your thoughts and opinion on the question raised... Do you think sports betting
is good or bad?

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