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British Literatures: The Expanding Canon.

Mock Midterm Assessment G1 Cambiar de cuenta

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* Indica que la pregunta es obligatoria

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Sebastián Ariza & Oscar Luna

1. First Reflections on Interpretation and Reading.  *

The belief that
tries to
you can set
aside The
preconceptions, brin
that you can the
to find
The completely abo
some The science
engagement factor out your Preliminary wo
way of of
in own conceptions be
merging interpretation
interpretation subjectivity, in t
order to enter enga
into the wi
with a
mindset of
past, a
some other
time or place.
with a






2. Select the Literary Devices in Beowulf *






3. The author of Midnight's Children is: *

Salman Rushdie

Arundhati Roy
4. On Reading: *

The The
meaning of significance
a text is of a text is
what the The the
author distance meaning
or The significance
intended it between for us, the
reading imaginative is the
to mean, the way in
is powers of application
which we reader which we
construal the reader. of that
can and the can
establish text. translate it
with a into our
reliable own terms
paraphrase. historically.


The aesthetics
of aesthetics
of reception




Reading Act
Reading Act



5. What is mimesis: *

Imitation of reality.

6. What is the statement of Literature: *

Reality as if.

7. Metonimy is relevant mainly to *

Syntagmatic Relationships

8. Metaphor is relevant mainly to: *

Paradigmatic Relationships
9. Explain the connection between the image, the expression: "My wheels", and *
syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships. 

It is a metaphor that consist in the creation of realtionship between wheels and feet in terms
of functionality. First, wheels are used for moving from one place to another. On the other
hand, feet are used for the same purpose. For this reason, "wheels" is used as a metaphor
for feet.

10. How would you connect Beowulf and the society of the time. *

The connection between Beowulf and the society is that at that time the stories about a
heroic man were more relatable and appropiate considering the middle age, and that type of
stories were a role model to be the perfect hero/man.

11. How would you explain reality and literature? *

Reality is the representation of the daily life, from historical changes to nowadays
considering the context of the authors. As for literature, it is a way to represent this daily life
from the point of view of the authors; at the same time, it is a way to create new realities.
12. Who was Albion? *

Albion was the mythological creature from Gre

13. Who were the Pixies? *

Pixies are little fairies.

14. Who was Puck? *

He was a mythological gremmlin created by Sh

15. The Anglo-Saxons were: *

Britons, Picts and Frisians

Picts, Saxons and Jutes

Angles, Saxons and Jutes

16. What's the meaning of "wyrd systers" *

wyrd sisters is the typical character in Shakesp

17. A ballad is  short narrative poem which is written to be sung and has a simple *
but dramatic theme.

I agree

18. What is the importance of the Norman Invasion? *

The Norman Invasion brought several changes to both English literature and culture. For
example, the introduction of words of French origin to the English language, the beginning of
feudalism, among others.

19. What is an English sonnet? *

An English sonnet consists of three quatrains and a couplet with a rhyme scheme of abab
cdcd efef gg.

20. What is a blank verse? *

It is a verse without a rhyme and a definite meter, usually of iambic pentameter.

21. What is double register in Shakespeare's drama? *

In Shakespeare's dramas, characters often use different registers of language based on

their social class, education level, or other factors.

For instance, in "Romeo and Juliet," the high-born characters, such as Juliet and her family,
speak in a more elevated, poetic language with more complex sentence structures and
elaborate metaphors.
22. Select one Shakespeare's sonnet and relate it to your horizon. *

The sonnet selected is 'Sonnet 18'. Seeing it in our horizon, we can see the beauty that
Shakespeare refers to: there is a lot of climate changes in Bogotá, so everytime there is rain
or gray we are in a bad mood, but as soon as the sun appears everything seems more
enjoyable and colorful. Shakespare compares happiness to a summer day with an endless
sunshine, so for us it is the same when there are sunny days in the city.

23. Complete the chart: *

You can do it by hand or complete in a word document. 

Chart British.docx
24. What are the elements of Shakespearean tragedy? *

A tragic hero, the dichotomy of good and evil, a tragic waste, hero’s tragic flaw (Hamartia),
issues of fate or fortune, greed, foul revenge, supernatural elements, internal and external
pressures, and the paradox of life.

25. Offer an interpretation for the Poem "London" *

It is a critic of the London society in a certain time, where the govermetn had a lot of power
and no interest at all to help the people of the community.
26. The  poem "London" in point number 25, refers to the time of Industrial *
Revolution in England. Read it again and read about the concept of the cyborg by
Donna Haraway. How do you connect the poem and the voice of Donna Haraway?

Blake refers in his poem in number 15 that babies born in 19th century England were seen
as labor that had to be exploited until their death. On the other hand, Haraway and his
concept of the cyborg reflect this same thought since the cyborg was created to be
exploited until its destruction. In addition, that these are considered as a revolutionary end
in a productive way, just as English babies were in the 19th century.

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