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Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics 1965

© 1967 American Institute of Physics.false Please note: The number of views represented in full text views from December 2016 to today. Article views before December 2016 are not included. All macroscopic systems are ultimately made up of atoms that obey the laws of quantum mechanics. This hypothesis forms the basis of this comprehensive text, which aims to provide the
first top-level course in statistical and thermal physics. Reif stresses that the combination of microscopic concepts and certain statistical postulates can easily draw conclusions at a purely macroscopic level. The authors' writing style and penchant for description energizes interest in compressed material physics, as well as a conceptual grounding with information that is crystal
clear and memorable. Reif first introduces basic probability concepts and statistical methods that are used throughout physics. Statistical concepts are then applied to the system of balanced particles in order to better understand the basic concepts of statistical mechanics from which purely macroscopic general statements of thermodynamics come from. He then turns to more
complex equilibrium situations, such as phase transformations and quantum gases, before debating non-duvet situations in which he manages traffic theory and diluting the gases with varying sophistication. In the last chapter, it deals with some general issues relating to irreversible processes and fluctuations. They present a large amount of material to facilitate students'
subsequent access to more advanced works, to ensure that those with a higher level of inquisitity read beyond the minimum specified on the subject, and to enhance understanding by presenting a particular question in several ways. Formatting within text either indicates materials that teachers assign at their discretion, or highlights important results so that they can be easily
referenced. In addition, by solving many of the 230 problems in the text, students activate and embed their knowledge of the subject. This book is dedicated to discussing some basic physical concepts and methods for useful descriptions of situations involving systems that are very much topical. Tries, in particular, to introduce the reader to the disciplines of thermodynamics,
statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory from a uniform and modern perspective. The presentation emphasizes the basic unity of the subject and develops physical insight while emphasising the microscopic content of the theory. Genre/form: Educational tools (form) Additional physical format: Online version:Reif, F. (Frederick), 1927-Basics of statistical and thermal physics. New
York, McGraw-Hill [1965](OCoLC)557620326 Document Type: Book All Authors / Contributors: Frederick Reif More Info: Frederick Reif ISBN: 00705 18009 007085615X 9780070856158 OCLC No: 534906 Description: x, page 651 : illustrations ; 23 cm. Contents: Contents: statistical methods -- Statistical description of particle systems -- Statistical thermodynamics -- Macroscopic
parameters and their measurement -- Simple applications of macroscopic thermodynamics -- Basic methods and results of statistical mechanics -- Simple applications of statistical mechanics -- Balance of phases Or chemical species -- Quantum statistics of ideal gases -- Systems of interacting particles -- Magnetism and low temperature -- Elementary kinetic theory of transport
processes -- Transport theory with approximation of relaxation time -- Near accurate wording of transport theory -- Irreversible processes and fluctuations. Series title: McGraw-Hill series is fundamental to physics. Responsibility: F. Reif. Designed for the junior-senior thermodynamic course, the book tries to introduce the reader from a modern point of view to the disciplines of
thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and kinetic theory. The presentation develops physical insight while emphasizing the microscopic content of the theory. More... More...

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