Application of A Transactional Analysis Approach

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Transactional analysis examines the transaction is done by some individuals who have their
own special personality. The transaction is an activity between two or more persons that
gives influence on each other. Transactional analysis is rooted in the foundation of anti-
deterministic philosophy emphasized that human being is able to go beyond conditioning and
initial programming. Transactional analysis is transactional psychotherapy can be used in
individual therapy, however it is better used in group therapy. The word of transaction always
refers to the process of exchange in a relationship. In interpersonal communication is also
known as transaction exchanged messages, either verbal or non-verbal. Transactional analysis
is a type of communication analysis where every single person placed himself/herself
according to the position of the different psychology. The purpose of transactional analysis
was to assist individuals in order to have freedom to choose, freedom to change desire,
freedom to change some responses toward common or new stimulus.


Transactional analysis approach (transactional analysis) is an approach that can be used in

individual and group settings. This approach differs from most therapeutic approaches, both
from a contractual and decision-making perspective. This approach involves a contract
developed by the client that clearly states the purpose and direction of the therapy process.
Besides that, it also focuses on the initial decision making carried out by the counselee and
emphasizes the counselee's capacity to make new decisions. Transactional analysis
emphasizes the cognitive, rational and behavioral aspects of personality. Besides that, this
approach is oriented towards increasing awareness so that the counselee can make new
decisions and change the direction of his life (Corey, 1986, p.149).

The transactional analysis approach consists of two words, analysis means testing something
in detail in order to better understand or to be able to draw conclusions from the results of the
test, while transactional or transactions are the basic units of a social relationship. Thus,
transactional analysis is a method used to study interactions between individuals and
reciprocal influences which are a description of a person's personality.

The transactional analysis approach was developed by Eric Berne (1910-1970) after he
earned his M.D (Medical Doctor) degree. From McGill University in Montreal in 1935. He
completed his specialization in psychiatry at Yale University. While serving in the United
States Army (US Army) during 1943-1946, he began experimenting with group therapy.
After that he started a psychiatric practice in Carmel, California. Based on his observations of
counselees, Berne made conclusions about the structure and function of personality that were
contrary to most psychiatrists at that time, namely in the mid-1950s. At the age of 46, he
resigned from his membership in the psychoanalytic Institute. Then he broke the basic
assumptions of traditional psychiatry and began to practice transactional analysis. In 1946 he
published the book Games People Play which became an international best-seller.

Dusay and Dusay (1984) identified four stages of the development of a transactional analysis
approach, namely:

First Phase (1955-1962)

At this stage Berne identified the ego state which consisted of parents, adults, and children.
This ego state provides perspective in thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Second Stage (1961-1966)

This stage focuses on transactions and games. At this stage, Transactional Analysis is
becoming more popular because this approach uses a directive vocabulary and because
individuals can immediately know the games they play. At this stage Transactional Analysis
is known as a cognitive approach and only slightly touches on affective aspects.

Third Stage (1900-1970)

At this stage Berne's attention is on life scripts and scripts analysis. Life script is an internal
plan that determines the direction of individual life. The counselor directs the counselee to
experience the experience emotionally (emotionally reexperience) and analyze important
events that underlie decision making.
Fourth Stage (1970-Present)

This stage is characterized as the stage of incorporating new Transactional Analysis

techniques from other approaches. Robert and Mary Goulding, directors of the Western
Institute for Group and Family Therapy in Watsonville, California, are pioneers of a new
approach to transactional analysis. Their approach differs from the classical transactional
analysis approach, in that they combine a transactional analysis approach with the principles
and techniques of the gestalt approach and behavior modification.

In Goulding's and Goulding's writings, the theory of transactional analysis is integrated with
several concepts, including: children grow up with injunctions based on parental messages in
making early decisions. This initial deci…

Views About Humans

Transactional analysis is rooted in an antideterministic philosophy. This philosophy places

faith in the individual's capacity to develop habits and choose new goals and behaviors. This
approach sees individuals being influenced by the expectations and demands of people who
are significant to them, especially in decision making during times when individuals are still
dependent on others. However, the decision that has been made can be reviewed and broken
if the initial decision is no longer appropriate so that a new decision can be made.

Humans are considered to have choices and are not dependent on the past. Although past
experiences that determine life positions cannot be erased, individuals can change their

Basic concepts

The transactional analysis approach has the basic assumption that a person's communication
behavior is influenced by the ego state he chooses, every act of communication is seen as a
transaction which also involves the ego state and as a result of childhood experiences,
everyone tends to choose one of four possible life positions. . This approach can be used in
both individual and group settings involving contracts developed by the client that clearly
state the goals and directions of the therapy process. Furthermore, this approach focuses on
the cognitive, rational and behavioral aspects of personality, and is oriented towards
increasing awareness so that the counselee can make new decisions and change the direction
of his life. Some important concepts in the transactional analysis approach are: injunction,
and early decisions, strokes, life scripts, ego states, life positions, games, making decisions
again (redecision).

Injunction and Early Decision Making

One of the concepts of Transactional Analysis is injunctions or don'ts. Injunction is a

message conveyed to the child by the parent's internal child out of the parents' painful
conditions such as anxiety, anger, frustration and unhappiness. This message tells or asks
children to do what they have to do verbally and in behavior, but often this message is formed
through the behavior of parents. As a child who needs recognition and stroke from parents in
making early decisions, so that parental messages are accepted by children. According to
Goulding, not all injunctions are received from parental messages but also through the child's
own discoveries and misinterpretations of messages given by parents and carried by children
until they are adults.

Purpose of Transactional Analysis

The basic purpose of Transactional Analysis old, adult ego, and child ego.

The counselees in a group setting it's learning to realize, recognize, and describes the three
egos during the ego the appear in internal transactions group. For counseling purposes

Transactional Analysis among them is:

is to help the counselee in make new decisions regarding his current behavior and the
direction of his life. The target is encourage the counselee to be aware that freedom himself
within choose has been limited by the decisions self about position his life and by the choice
of means barren and deterministic life. The main purpose of Transactional analysis is the
attainment of autonomy embodied by reinvention characteristics, namely awareness,
spotanity, and familiarity.

a. The counselor helps the counselee experiencing ego status contamination excessive.

b. The counselor tries to help develop self-capacity counsel in using all his matching ego
states. This also concerns the inside gain freedom and impenetrable ability between ego
states. Purpose of Transactional Analysis is to help individuals to have “freedom of choice,
c. freedom to change will freedom to change responses to common stimuli as well as new
ones. Purpose of giving treatment is healing symptoms and treatment methods is to free the
adult ego so you can experience freedom selecting and creating choices just above and
beyond past influences limiting. therapeutic goals it is achieved by teaching to the counselee
the basics of people's ego

d. The counselor tries to help counselee in developing all of his adult ego states. This
development is essentially is to set the mind and individual reasoning.

e. Help counselee in free himself from the position unsuitable life as well

replace it with a plan new life or living script more productive.

Weaknesses and Strengths

1. Excess

a. Have an Optimistic and Realistic View of Humans.

AT sees that humans can change if they want. Man has will and will. This will allows
humans to change, not static. So that even troubled humans can change for the better, if their
will can grow.

b. Emphasis in Now and Here.

The main goal of AT therapy is to solve the client's problems so that he has the ability and
has a sense of freedom to make his choices. This begins with analyzing their interactions with
counselors or other people. And it is a matter of interaction now. Now and here (here and

c. Easy to Observe.

In general, the theory that emerges from the laboratory is difficult to observe because it looks
abstract, so sometimes it is not uncommon that it is only a construct of the human mind of the
inventor. In contrast to AT, Berne's teachings about ego status (O, D and A) are concepts that
can be observed in real terms in every human interaction or communication.

d. Improve Communication Skills

The focus of AT is centered on the way the client interacts, so treatment also refers to the
interaction, the way he speaks, the words he uses in communicating. Therefore, AT does not
only try to improve his attitude, perception or understanding of himself but at the same time
has a positive contribution to the skills of communicating with others. This kind of thing is
not owned by other approaches.

2. Weaknesses

a. Less Efficient Against Treatment Contracts

AT hopes that the treatment contract between the counselor and client must occur between
the ego statuses of adults and adults. This means that it requires that the client binds the
contract realistically. But in reality, it is quite common that many clients have a bad opinion
of themselves, or are unrealistic. Because of this, it is difficult to reach a contract, because he
cannot express what purpose he really wants. So it takes several meetings. This kind of thing
is considered inefficient in its implementation.

b. Subjective in Interpreting Ego State.

Whether the client's expression includes the Ego status of Parents, Adults, or Children is a
subjective assessment. Perhaps in the extreme case there is no difference in interpreting it.
But if the statement is close to two kinds of ego status it will be difficult to interpret, and may
differ from one person to another. This difference in understanding the status of the ego,
causes the difficulty of similarity in measuring the client's egogram.


Example 1

A is an obedient child, he always obeys his parents. In his education from kindergarten to
college he always followed the wishes of his parents. When studying in college, A was
directed to major in medicine, even though he wanted to major in literature. Because it is not
in accordance with his wishes finally the value was sagging. His parents blamed and scolded
him. Person A actually wants to have his own power in making his decisions, but he is unable
to fight against the ego of his parents.

Example 2
B is an arrogant child, he always thinks himself better than others. When there is a problem,
he always blames others without wanting to introspect himself, even though he also takes part
in the problem, but he always thinks that he is right and others are wrong.


The transactional analysis approach is a psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes

interactional relationships. Transactional analysis is the work of Eric Berne (1961). Through
transactional analysis it can be concluded whether the transactions that occurred took place
correctly, correctly, and fairly. The form, manner and content of communication can describe
whether a person is experiencing a problem or not. The basic purpose of Transactional
Analysis is to assist the client in making new decisions regarding his current behavior and the
direction of his life. Eric Berne in his transactional analysis theory states that what is done or
said to other people is called a transaction. There are 3 kinds of transactions in the AT
counseling approach, namely complementary transactions, cross transactions, and covert
transactions. In AT it is also known that there are four positions that determine life including
I'm OK – You're Not OK, I'm Not OK – You're OK, I'm Not OK – You're Not OK, and I'm
OK – You're OK. This AT counseling approach can be carried out properly and efficiently if
the client and counselor can work together well during the counseling process.

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