Computer Systems - Organized Facts

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Memo to: ELP Students

Attached is a detailed analysis of the Computer System facts,

organized into the IS, IS NOT, Distinctions/Changes Format.
Please review the case:
1. Try to visualize the structure of the case and the events
2. List down your ideas of the possible causes
3. Which “cause” seems most likely based on the facts? Think also
of the line of causation i.e. how the “cause” led to the “delay in
systems design”.

Please also review the reading (Chapter 4) and the case (Madison
Shopping Center)


Computer Systems, Inc.

Step 1: PROBLEM STATEMENT: Delays in Systems Design

Step 2: gather and organize the information


deviations in Closest Comparison, CHANGES
performance (Where could there (Are there any
(Description & be a problem but differences between
manifestations of the there is none? where the problem
DEVIATION) (control group) exists and where it
does not? Has anything

What is the Delay in Systems Design No problem in sales, *Systems support grp
deviation? in service engineers excellent reputation,
received spl mention in
company gatherings,
proud of its role
*Systems support
provided marketing
support to salesmen
*systems design
entailed 1-2 weeks of
difficult analytical
thinking needing full
*per company policy
no OT given, but
usually completed
work on time

Who are involved 11 systems analysis, Babes & 2 others *Not delayed are Babes
including Rene & Romy & 2 others who are
o Rene personal either in the clients’
problems office or at desk
o Romy not feeling working whole morning
well and afternoon; don’t
talk, don’t take coffee
breaks, just work; anti-
social or workaholics
*Others systems
designers joked/laugh
boisterously at AM and
PM break

*Majority of the
systems analysts were
enrolled in MBA classes
*3 of the 14 analysts
were senior, the rest
were junior analysts
Where is there a Systems support Not sales nor service Svc engineers high
problem? engineers efficiency, compared
with delays in systems

*Analysts Salaries
higher than svc
engineers, better than
industry rates, good
fringe benefits
*Salesmen get fat
*Systems analysis
recently informed of
plans to promote
promising analysists
into salesmen
Where is there a *complaints on Delays were in run-of-
problem different projects the-mill type projects
assigned to the 11 pax; that they are familiar
When did the *in recent monthly *during mtg with
problem occur reports, numerous supervisors, it was
complaints re delays reported that low
from sales morale evident as long
as 3 weeks ago
*Bobby promoted
Rene despite being in
company only 2 yrs
*But Bobby made clear
it was based on merit &
not seniority’
* Rene’s work was
* Romy hired as Sr
analysis, despite not
yet under-going
training (but 4 yrs
Union issues
*Approached over past

yr by svc engineers
who are union
* 2 analysts actively
campaigned 3 mos ago
for systems grp to join
the union
One month ago
provided free coffee at
their desks
One month ago, strict
controls on tardiness
imposed on analysts
and engineers
How many 5 complaints prev week None previously
6 complaints curr week

Question: Can you visualize the problem structure, for example based on the timeline of events?

Step 3: brainstorm on possible causes of the delay in systems design

Step 4: Eliminate unlikely “causes” by using the FACTS as a filter; think of a line of causation i.e. how did
the identified “cause” result in a delay

Step 5: verify the analysis

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