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Describe the importance of the data collection process. Examine the ten

commandments of data collection.


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Describe the importance of the data collection process. Examine the ten commandments of

data collection

The method of collecting data is a crucial element of the research procedure. It entails

collecting data connected to a distinctive analysis, interpreting it to form conclusions, and

making judgments founded on that research. The data can then be employed in the analysis when

doubted. Data grouping can be achieved in diverse ways, such as surveys, talks, comments, and

experiments .it essential to demonstrate that the data formulated is valid, dependable, and

authentic, nevertheless of the strategies employed. One of the proportions that are usually

utilized is to obtain accurate information. It is because the grade of data assembly can have a

substantial effect not only on the study's determination but also on the hypotheses that can be

developed from it. In the essay, I will examine the importance of data collection and explore the

ten commandments of data gathering, as delineated in Exploring Research by Neil J. Salkind


The main reason for the importance of the stage for the data accumulation process of

collecting data is the potential to shed light on particular issue or phenomenon. Data

accumulation permits investigators to distinguish patterns and trends, assess hypotheses, and

better grasp the world that I live in. Data gathering involves several issues to be considered, and

scholars must ensure that they comply with all set standards and best practices. Neil j. Salkind

describes the ten commandments of information gathering in his book "Exploring Research,"

which provides a supportive framework that guarantees that data is obtained in a legitimate,

accurate and trustworthy way. The framework can be used to approve that data is collected in a

precise, dependable, and sincere manner. The book contains these precepts and details them

comprehensively, making the analysis and interpretation of data accessible and reliable (Salkind,


The first and most crucial commandment is a specific hypothesis or research issue. It is

necessary because it narrows the data collection style and assures that the data collected is

appropriate to the research objective. It is also an affirmation that the data gathered suits the

research. The second commandment is to select a population sample representative of the entire

population. The sample should mirror the characteristics of the population being studied, and it

should be large enough to generate results that are relevant to the topic being asked. The third

commandment is to utilize trustworthy and authentic measures. Valid means that the measures

accurately measure what they are designed to measure, and dependable means that the results are

constant across time. Dependability and validity are two flanks of the identical coin. Both of

these provisions should be executed by the strategies used in the data assembly operation. The

fourth commandment calls for creating an explicit and precise data collection protocol. It ensures

that the data acquisition process is uniform and that each unique piece of data is acquired


The fifth commandment is to train individuals accountable for data collecting. It is

critical since it aids in guaranteeing that the data-gathering methods are consistent and that they

have been given to them. The sixth commandment is to conduct a pilot test of the data collection

method with a small sample of inhabitants. It aids in detecting any weakness in the protocol

before beginning the data-gathering procedure in earnest. The seventh commandment is to

control the data collection process. It is crucial to run routine assessments on the data to

guarantee that it is valid and that there are no fears with the technique used to obtain the data.

The eighth commandment is to control one's personal life and protect one's obscurity at all times.

It is critical since it covers the character of the contributors and inspires them to be more truthful

in their explanations. The conclusions of the study will be more accurate.

Additionally, it is an obligation that must be met to continue with the research. The ninth

commandment is about using diverse data analysis methodologies correctly. The attained data

should be inspected using appropriate statistical approaches, and the assumptions should be

stated and summarized. The tenth and final commandment must be followed to warrant that the

discoveries are successfully disseminated. To accomplish the determination, the findings must be

offered in a way that is reasonable to a wide array of listeners and primarily stresses the most

critical decisions from the research.

In conclusion, gathering the essential information is one of the most critical components

of performing research. Because the quality of the material attained has the potential to influence

the study's results. Substantially, scientists must try to adhere to the specified norms and criteria.

The ten commandments of data collection provide a valuable framework for ensuring data is

collected accurately, trustworthy, and legitimately. The American National Standards Institute

(ANSI) created these ten commandments. By adhering to and following these rules to the letter,

researchers will ensure that the data-collecting technique they use is rigorous and that the

outcomes of their study are valuable and practical.



Salkind, N. J. (2017). Exploring Research, Global Edition. In Google Books. Pearson Education.


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