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The Christian Values Movement interviewed presidential candidate Leni Robredo with the bishops
on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. In the interview, which was streamed live on the CVM page on
Facebook, VP Robredo revealed her plans for the Philippines if she is elected.

The vice president talked about her solutions and facts to the questions that the bishops prepared
for the candidates to answer. Their questions focused on character, integrity, competence, justice,
accountability, and family.

"How do you generally plan to solve our perennial problem of graft and corruption?" BP, Peter Tan-
Chi asked. "Ako, bishop, much has been said about all candidates' committing to anti-corruption
platforms. But I guess the most important thing is really to look at the track record of the candidate.
What has the candidate stood for, not just now that he is a candidate, but what has he stood for in
the past, especially if he was given the opportunities already to serve. I filed several bills, and these
bills are essentially anti-corruption bills." Said Robredo.

"How do you plan to minimize graft, corruption, and red tape in the Bureau of Customs, DPWH, and
BIR?" BP, Peter Tan-Chi followed up. "Ang balak kong gawin pag ako naging pangulo, meron na
akong idea nasan yung mga butas kung saan yung corruption pumapasok, yung mga butas na yun,
yun yung dapat unang iplug. Halimbawa sa customs, sa BIR halos parehos kasing customs at BIR na
dapat fully idigitize na, at dahil dapat ang mararaming butas kailangan iminimize o alisin na yung
person-to-person engagement kasi yung nagbrebreed ng corruption." empowerment bill, yung
pinaka idea nya is to ensure that there's a people's council that will run parallel sa lahat na
government offices, government intrumentalities, and local government units." Said Robredo.

When she was asked what the top 5 goals or agenda she wanted to accomplish in her first year of
office, she answered, "Ako number one father, fixed government. I think government is the biggest
problem. There are lots of things that need to be fixed. Pag sinabi kong fixed government, not just to
clean it but to make it efficient. Hire people who are not hired because of political considerations
but hire people who are experts in their field, so we can have efficient agencies. Because you can't
inspire others to be good if you're not good yourself. Number two, to hire good people, you can't
hire based on politics. Third, go away from things that don't work and enhance the things that do.
Fourth, baguhin natin yung targets natin. Dapat outcomes ang ating target ang uupo should be

“You judge me on how I performed in the past responsibilities that was given to me. At the end of
the day, it is character that matters. “Integrity is who you are when you are not looking.” Said

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