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I experienced a paranormal activity back when I was in grade three, together with my friend. It
happened at quarter to 6pm when we were inside the church, since we live near there. No one
was around, and it was quite dark already. We were walking down to the store to buy some
drinks when it happened. In our peripheral view, someone far away was passing back and forth
near the Balete tree. We believed that it was just a person wearing white that was running,
BUT, it was moving swiftly and it couldn't be a human because when we ran after her, she was
no longer there. And that was the moment I realized that it wasn't a human, but a lost soul. At
first, I thought that it was only me who saw it, but to my shock, my friend also saw it. "What a
coincidence," I said. We ran very hard, holding each other's cold hands out of fright. Truly, it
was a terrifying moment considering that it happened in the church and knowing that lost souls
were inside roaming around. Since that day, I started to believe in such things.

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