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PLUTO - SUN ASPECTS (conjunction, trine, sextile, square, opposition)

The attraction is immediate and the Pluto person is the one who seems ‘magnetic’ to the Sun
person. Pluto loves the light of the Sun person but it admires it as a spectator. They are drawn
to each other and Pluto will let the Sun person - especially if Sun is in dignified position - to
express their personality and will play at their pace. But to a degree. What Pluto wants is power
and when they decide that the Sun person has had enough space to play, they’ll grab them and
suck them into their world. This connection can be highly productive if we talk about trine or
sextile, because it helps both people explore their strong points. With square, it can turn into a
battle of egos - Sun will try to get it their own way - and fail eventually, because Pluto doesn’t
do ego. It deals with the essence of one’s being. This type of synastry doesn’t necessarily have
to be between the lovers, but all sorts of life partnerships. They can even seem to ‘hate’ each
other but in reality, they can create miracles when their power is united. In case of conjunction
it can go both ways, depending how ‘healthy’ the Sun is. The Dark and Light, the Sky and the
Underworld, they merge together and both sides have lots of going on - this is one of the most
powerful synastry connections in my experience.


Gentle nature of the Moon ‘stands no chance’ if the native’s Moon squares their partner’s
Pluto. It’s not restriction, it’s pure fear. Can it survive? Of course it can, but the battle here is
more on a subconscious level. The Moon person feels the energy of Pluto almost at a physical
level, it disturbs its peace, it creates floods and droughts in their soul. They are thirsty for
Pluto’s love, but with every drop they get more and more overwhelmed. It takes the whole
chart to see how two people work together of course, but with harsh aspects of Moon to Pluto,
the struggle is inevitable. Trines and sextiles create powerful emotional bond and somehow
‘karmic’ feeling even if that’s not the case. The intensity is what they both desire, it is what they
will get even if their relationship does not translate onto the physical level. They will breathe
together if Pluto person decides it’s what they want from the Moon person, they will not be
separated easily. But the bond is real and the two can form some sort of ‘sanctuary’ with each


Oh, the thunder in your bones. The sound of storm in your mind. Pluto person HAS to touch the
Venus person, they have to OWN them. Sexual attraction is so strong that it can be felt and it’s
palpable. It’s a game they both willingly play, Venus pushing Pluto away (in case of square of
opposition), Pluto coming back every single time, even if the whole life and years of separation
are between them. If they get into a physical relationship, it’s the one they’ll remember their
whole life. There’s nothing casual about it. It’s all or nothing, it’s the blood-boiling, mind-
fogging, ‘I’ll die for you’ type of connection. It’s not for everybody and some dark, even violent
stuff can happen (I’m NOT saying they will, it’s just that sometimes they do) Venus person is a
slave to Pluto’s desire, but they both want that contact deeply.It can be the most rewarding or
most soul-destroying experience of their lives. But you can’t ignore it. I’ve noticed that many of
these relationships are connected with some sort of taboo - but attraction is so strong that
nothing can hold the two people back, not all the red flags in the world. If you’re one of the
lucky - or miserable ones -who had the chance to feel this type of synastry, you’ll get
immediately what I’m talking about. You want each other on such deep level that it can’t be
transformed into words.


Battle of the titans. In case of trines or sextiles, both people feel empowered and strongly
driven to one another. Their goals become one, their desires and passion are in sync. If we’re
talking about squares or opposition, it can go from zero to 100 very quickly. Again, if sex is
involved -and with Pluto it often is - it can be mind-blowing. But many people who are not in
sexual relationship have this aspects between their Pluto and Mars and there is always some
sort of battle going on. Mars wants things NOW, Pluto wants them REAL. Thread carefully here.
Power is one thing, strength can come from all parts of human nature.

What if you have more than one, or mutual Pluto - inner planet aspects? What can I tell you,
you’ve probably realized it yourself by now - you won’t let go of that person easily. The only
advice I can give is - don’t resist. Try to observe and act accordingly. And no, you are not
doomed. This, like everything else in your chart, is a blessing if you’re willing to keep your eyes
open and mind clear (as much as possible)

Pluto operates deeply, unconcsiously. If you are not in a new relationship, or just dating,
you will not be able to recognize this aspect in its pure force. Relationship starts off with
lot of passion and longing. Ascendant person is flattered by all Pluto attention and feels
deeply loved and admired by him. At least at the beginning. Pluto wants power, Pluto
wants to own whatever he wants and wants to own Ascendant as their “property”. Pluto
wants to decide who Ascendant should become as a person. We can see lot of difficult
psychological mind games happening from Pluto person. It takes lot of awareness on
Ascendant side to understand what is this interaction about.
- Plüton derinden, bilinçsizce çalışır. Yeni bir ilişki içinde değilseniz veya sadece
çıkıyorsanız, bu yönü saf gücüyle tanıyamazsınız. İlişki çok fazla tutku ve özlemle başlar.
Yükselen kişi tüm Plüton'un ilgisinden gurur duyar ve onun tarafından derinden
sevildiğini ve takdir edildiğini hisseder. En azından başlangıçta. Pluto güç ister, Pluto
istediği her şeye sahip olmak ister ve Yükselen'e “mülk” olarak sahip olmak ister. Pluto,
Yükselen'in kişi olarak kim olacağına karar vermek istiyor. Plüton insanından birçok zor
psikolojik akıl oyununun gerçekleştiğini görebiliriz. Bu etkileşimin ne hakkında
olduğunu anlamak için Yükselen tarafta çok fazla farkındalık gerekir.

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