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Chapter 4 Quiz Name:_________________

1. Which of the Persian Empires (Persian 539-332 BCE, Macedonians/Alexander the Great 336-312
BCE, Seleucids 312-63 BCE, Parthians 247 BCE-223 CE, and Sassanids 247-651 CE) do you thinks
were the most successful and had the greatest impact upon the Middle East? (10 sentences, 20

2. Which do you think has had a greater impact on the world, Hinduism or Buddhism, and why? (5
sentences, 10 points)
Chapter 4 Quiz Name:_________________

3. What do you think of the Caste system of India, and why do you think that it is still practiced
there today? (3 sentences per part, 12 points)

4. Do you prefer the Guptas or the Mauryan Dynasty of India more and why? (9 total sentences, 18

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