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[Título del documento]


Welcome to Dynamic Integral English B1 Level! This is a

communicative English course which is intended for learners of English as a
foreign language. The present course has been designed according to the
levels set by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(CEFRL): A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1.

The level corresponding to this pamphlet is B1 (Intermediate) and it is

structured in four chapters: Chapter 1: Introductory English, Chapter 2:
Nouns and Phrases of Existence, Chapter 3: Grammar Tenses in the
English Language, Chapter 4: Modal Verbs, Semi-Modals and
Conditionals. The contents in chapter 1 and 2 are a reinforcement of A1 and
A2 levels.

This pamphlet contains a wealth of activities so that the English

students can put into practice all English skills following the icons according
to the activity:

This icon means: Listen

This icon means: Write

This icon means: Reading

This icon means: Speaking

When the student finishes this level, he or she will be able to:

 Understand and talk about daily activities, activities in work, study,

or travel.
 Produce simple and coherent texts about familiar topics or with a
personal interest.
 Describe experiences, events, wishes, and aspirations, as well as
justifying briefly his or her opinions or explain his or her plans.

We hope you become a good English speaker!


Chapter 1: Introductory English ...................................................................................................................... 1

►The English Alphabet ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
►Introducing yourself and Other People ........................................................................................................................... 2
►Steps to Write a Paragraph ............................................................................................................................................. 5
►Seasons of the Year ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
►Days of the Week............................................................................................................................................................ 9
►Writing the Date in English .......................................................................................................................................... 10
►The Colors .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
►Cardinal Numbers from 0 to Three hundred thousand ................................................................................................. 13
►Parts of the body ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
►Parts of a House ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
►Food .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
►Animals......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
►Illnesses ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21
►Countries and Nationalities........................................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 2: Nouns and Phrases of Existence in Present and Past Tense......................................... 23
►Pronunciation of Final –S / -ES .................................................................................................................................... 24
►Plural Forms of Nouns .................................................................................................................................................. 25
►Count and Non-count Nouns (uncountable nouns)....................................................................................................... 28
IMPERSONAL VERB PHRASES IN PRESENT TENSE .............................................................................................. 29
THERE’S SOMETHING I WANT TO ASK YOU ...................................................................................................................... 30
MY NEW APARTMENT ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
EXPRESSING EXISTENCE IN PAST TENSE .............................................................................................................. 31
There was and There were ................................................................................................................................................ 31
THERE WAS A CAR ACCIDENT ........................................................................................................................................... 33
THE POKER PLAYER ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Chapter 3: Tenses in the English Language ............................................................................................... 34
►The Simple Present of the Verb “to be” ....................................................................................................................... 34
WHERE ARE YOU FROM? .................................................................................................................................................. 37
►Adverbs of Frequency (Frequency Adverbs) with the Verb “to be” ............................................................................ 38
►WH-Questions .............................................................................................................................................................. 39
►Comparisons of Superiority .......................................................................................................................................... 40
BUYING A PAIR OF SHOES ................................................................................................................................................. 42
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE OF VERBS RATHER THAN “To be” .............................................................................................. 43
►Object Pronouns ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
EMPEROR PENGUINS ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
OUR IMMUNOLOGICAL SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................................... 50
USING AN ATM OR CASHPOINT ........................................................................................................................................ 51
LUIS AND ADA’S ROUTINE AT THEIR BOOKSTORE ............................................................................................................ 51
THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD “JUIGALPA”........................................................................................................................... 51
►Simple Future Tense : Will ......................................................................................................................................... 52
THE NEW ENGLISH TEACHER ............................................................................................................................................ 56
WHAT DO YOU DO TO LEARN ENGLISH? .......................................................................................................................... 56
ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS AND THEIR SOLUTIONS .................................................................................................... 58
TALKING ABOUT UNIVERSITY STUDIES ............................................................................................................................. 58
►Future with “be going to + verb” .................................................................................................................................. 59
►Immediate Future : Be about to ................................................................................................................................. 60
WE ARE GOING TO GO BOWLING..................................................................................................................................... 61
TALKING ON THE PHONE .................................................................................................................................................. 61
►Future Continuous or Progressive ................................................................................................................................ 62
CONDITIONALS : ZERO AND FIRST CONDITIONAL ...................................................................................................... 63
MODAL VERBS OR MODAL AUXILIARIES .......................................................................................................................... 66
►Expressing Ability: Can and Could .......................................................................................................................... 66
►Expressing Advice: Should and Ought to ................................................................................................................... 72
►Expressing Strong Certainty, Understanding and Obligation : Must ........................................................................ 75

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

Chapter 1: Introductory English

►The English Alphabet

There are twenty-six (26) letters to the English alphabet, with two of the letters — “A” and “I” —
themselves also constituting words. Unlike Spanish, the English language lacks the letters CH, LL and Ñ.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G
/eІ/ /biː/ /siː/ /diː/ /iː/ /ˈef/ /dƷiː/

H - I - J - K - L - M - N
/eІtʃ/ /ˈaІ/ /dƷeІ/ /keІ/ /el/ /em/ /en/

O - P - Q - R - S - T - U
/ǝʊ/ /piː/ /kjuː/ /aːr/ /es/ /tiː/ /juː/

V - W - X - Y - Z.
/viː/ /ˈdɅbǝljuː/ /eks/ /waІ/ /zi, zed/

 What’s your first name?

 How do you spell it? / How do you spell your name?
 What’s your last name?
 How do you spell it? / How do you spell your last name?
 How do you say _____________ in English?
 How do you spell that (word) in English?
 You spell it _______________________.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Introducing yourself and Other People

Hi! Hi! , Hello!
Hello! Hi! , Hello!
I’m (name) Nice to meet you, Glad to meet you
My name is (name) It’s a pleasure to meet you
Good morning! Good morning! , Morning!
Good afternoon! Good afternoon!
Good evening! Good evening!
Good night! Good night!
How are you? I’m fine. Fine! , Great! , Not bad!, So-so
How’s everything going? I’m fine. Fine! , Great! , Not bad!, So-so
How’s it going? I’m fine. Fine! , Great! , Not bad!, So-so
See you later
See you tomorrow
Take care
Good night

Mike : Hi! I’m Mike.

Shabina: Hi, Mike. I’m Shabina.

Mike : Nice to meet you, Shabina.

Shabina: Nice to meet you, too.

CONVERSATION 2: Introducing People

Bernie: Molly, this is Mariana. Mariana is my coworker.

Molly : Hi, Mariana.

Mariana : Hi, Molly. Nice to meet you.

Molly : Nice to meet you, too.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Andrew : Hello, I’m Andrew. What’s your name?

Lucy : Hi, my name’s Lucy.

Andrew : It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lucy.

Lucy : The pleasure is mine. Where are you from?

Andrew : I’m from Argentina. And you? Are you from the U.S.A.?

Lucy : No, I’m not. I’m from Australia.

Teacher : Good morning!

Student : Good morning!

Teacher : What’s your name?

Student : Emilie Flores.

Teacher : How do you spell your name?

Student : E – M – I – L – I – E.

Teacher : Thank you. You are the student number 12.

Robert : Hey, Sarah. I’d like you to meet someone.

Sarah : Sure.

Robert : This is Kelly. She’s from Norway.

Sarah : Hi, Kelly. Nice to meet you.

Kelly : Hello, nice to meet you, too.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

You are going to write a paragraph about yourself. First, look at three model paragraphs.
Models are examples. Model sentences and paragraphs help writers. Models help us think
about what we want to write.

1. Work with a partner or alone. Read each model paragraph. At the right, circle the information you find
in the paragraph.

name work
I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Shakat McConkie. My home country classes at school

nickname is Salim. I am from Egypt. languages free-time fun

I speak Egyptian and English. I live
where he lives friends
with my wife and our son. I want to
study system engineering. age plans for the future


name work
I would like to introduce myself. My
name is Catherine Ortíz. I am nineteen years home country classes at school
old. I am from Honduras. I live on campus. languages free-time fun
On weekends, I like to go dancing with my
where he lives friends
boyfriend. I love music, especially Latin
music. age plans for the future


*to live on campus: vivir dentro del recinto universitario.

Hello! I want to introduce myself to you.

My name is Jimmy Panting. I am from Jamaica. I
am 25 years old. I am a French student at Ohio
University in the U.S.A. I live on campus. On
weekends, I like to go to the cinema with my
friends to watch the new releases. I don’t know
too much French yet.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Steps to Write a Paragraph

We use sentences to form paragraphs. A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic.
Whenever you want to write a paragraph, you must always follow these rules:

1. Indent always your first sentence in your paragraphs.

2. Sentences follow sentences by a period. They do not go on a new line.
3. Sometimes a word is too long. It cannot fit at the end of a line. Do not divide the word into two
parts. Move the whole word to the beginning of the next line.

Read the letter. Answer the questions below.

September 4

Dear Ms. Kennedy.

My name is Nadia Duric. I am a new student.

I am in your writing 1 class. I want to tell
you a little about myself.

My family is from Kosovo. I live with my

parents, my two little brothers, and my cousin.
We have an apartment in Middletown.

This is my first week of school. I am happy

to be here. I want to learn English very much.
I want to finish college and get a good job.

Sincerely yours,

Nadia Duric

1. How many paragraphs are there in Nadia’s letter? ____________________________

2. What is the topic of the second paragraph? ____________________________

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

Copy the sentences below to complete the paragraph. Do not forget to skip lines.

There are two main points about paragraphs.

First, all the sentences in a paragraph are about one topic.

Second, a paragraph has a special format.

The first sentence is indented.

The next sentence starts right after the first one.

These are important things to remember about paragraphs.

There are two main points about

paragraphs. First,

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Write a paragraph about your own introduction. Follow these steps.

Step 1: Make use of the lined paper provided below. Write your name at the top.

Step 2: Indent and begin your paragraph with this sentence:

I would like to introduce myself.

Step 3: Complete the paragraph by copying your sentences about your own introduction.
You can add more information if you want. Do not forget to skip lines.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Seasons of the Year

WET SEASON (Rainy season)

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Days of the Week

There are seven days in a week:

 Sunday /ˈsɅndi, ˈsɅndeІ/ : Domingo

 Monday /ˈmɅndi, ˈmɅndeІ/ : Lunes
 Tuesday /ˈtuzdi, ˈtuzdeІ, ˈtjusdeІ/ : Martes
 Wednesday /ˈwenzdi, ˈwenzdeІ/ : Miércoles
 Thursday /ˈθɜrzdeІ, ˈθɜrzdi/ : Jueves
 Friday /ˈfraІdeІ, ˈfraІdi/ : Viernes
 Saturday /ˈsætǝrdi, ˈsætǝrdeІ/ : Sábado

►Months of the Year

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Writing the Date in English

There are three formats in order to write the date in the English language.

1. Short Format: Month date, year.

Example: June 14th, 2019.

2. Long Format: Day, Month date, year.

Example: Sunday, August 19th, 2020.

3. Numerical Format : Month / date / year.

Example: 12/12/2022.

More Examples:

1. Today is Wednesday, June the first (June 1st), two thousand and twenty.
2. It’s the first of June (1st June).
3. The Independence of the United States of America is the fourth of July.
4. The Independence of the United States of America is on July the fourth.
5. Valentine’s Day is on February the fourteenth.
6. Valentine’s Day is the fourteenth of February.
7. Alexa’s birthday is on March the twenty-first.
Before the year 2000:
1492: fourteen ninety-two.
1700: seventeen hundred.
1908: Nineteen oh eight.
Read aloud the following dates.
After the year 2000:
2003: Twenty oh three.
1. Friday, January 10th, 2021.
2. Monday, December 31st, 2025.
3. Saturday, 04th November, 2002.
4. Wednesday, 19th June, 1910.
5. Saturday, November 04th, 2030.
6. Monday, January 04th, 2019.
7. Thursday, April 28th, 2024.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Cardinal Points

 East /ist/ : Este.

 West /west/ : Oeste, Occidente.
 North /nᴐrθ/ : Norte.
 South /saʊθ/ : Sur.
 Northeast/nᴐrθˈist/ : Noreste.
 Northwest /nᴐrθˈwest/ : Noroeste.
 Southeast /saʊθˈist/ : Sudeste.
 Southwest /saʊθˈwest/ : Sudoeste, Suroeste.


1. The southwest of the U.S.A.

2. Which way is the south? : ¿Hacia dónde está el sur?
3. The south of Nicaragua.
4. It lies to the east of the city. : Está al este de la ciudad.
5. A town in the north of Spain.
6. The wind is blowing from the north. : El viento está soplando del norte.
7. The west of Europe.

 Adjectives related to Cardinal Points


Eastern Oriental, Este Alexa lives in the eastern part of La Habana.
Western Oeste, Occidental The western areas of the country.
Southern Sur, Meridional Southern countries have a good economy.
Northern Norteño, Del norte The Northern Hemisphere.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►The Colors
1. Black /blæk/ : Negro, Negros, Negra, Negras.
2. Blue /bluː/ : Azul, Azules.
3. Brown /braʊn/ : Café, Marrón.
4. Cream /krim/ : Crema, Color crema.
5. Beige /beІƷ/ : Crema.
6. Golden /goʊldǝn/ : Dorado, Dorada.
7. Gray /greІ/ : Gris
8. Green /griːn/ : Verde
9. Turquoise-green /ˈtɜrkwᴐІz - griːn/ : Verde turquesa.
10. Indigo /ˈІndІgǝʊ/ : Índigo, Añil.
11. Light blue /laІt bluː/ : Celeste, Celestes.
12. Navy-blue /neІviˈbluː/ : Azul marino.
13. Orange /ˈᴐrІndƷ/ : Anaranjado, Naranja.
14. Pink : Rosado.
15. Purple /ˈpɜrpǝl/ : Morado, Violeta.
16. Red : Rojo
17. Reddish : Rojizo.
18. Silver : Plateado.
19. Sky blue /skaІ bluː/ : Azul cielo.
20. Violet /ˈvaІǝlǝt/ : Violeta.
21. White /waІt/ : Blanco, Blanca, Blancos.
22. Yellow /ˈjeloʊ/ : Amarillo, Amarilla, Amarillos.

Answer these questions orally.

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What color are your friend’s shoes?
3. What color are your eyes?
4. What color is your cellphone?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Cardinal Numbers from 0 to Three hundred thousand

Number Spelling Number Spelling
1 One 31 Thirty-one
2 Two 35 Thirty-five
3 Three 39 Thirty-nine
4 Four 40 Forty
5 Five 45 Forty-five
6 Six 48 Forty-eight
7 Seven 50 Fifty
8 Eight 60 Sixty
9 Nine 70 Seventy
10 Ten 80 Eighty
11 Eleven 90 Ninety
12 Twelve 99 Ninety-nine
13 Thirteen 100 One hundred / A hundred
14 Fourteen 101 One hundred one / A hundred and one
15 Fifteen 110 One hundred ten
16 Sixteen 120 One hundred twenty
17 Seventeen 150 One hundred fifty / A hundred and fifty
18 Eighteen 155 One hundred fifty-five
19 Nineteen 160 One hundred sixty
20 Twenty 170 One hundred seventy
21 Twenty-one 180 One hundred eighty
22 Twenty-two 189 One hundred eighty-nine
23 Twenty-three 190 One hundred ninety
24 Twenty-four 199 One hundred ninety-nine
25 Twenty-five 200 Two hundred
26 Twenty-six 300 Three hundred
27 Twenty-seven 400 Four hundred
28 Twenty-eight 500 Five hundred
30 Thirty 600 Six hundred

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Number Spelling Number Spelling
601 Six hundred one / six hundred and one 5000
610 Six hundred ten 6000
699 Six hundred ninety-nine 7000
700 Seven hundred 8000
800 Eight hundred 9000
900 Nine hundred 10 000 Ten thousand
999 Nine hundred ninety-nine 10500 Ten thousand five hundred
1000 One thousand / A thousand 10999 Ten thousand nine hundred ninety-nine
1001 One thousand one 11 000
1010 One thousand ten 12 000
1050 One thousand fifty 13 000
1100 One thousand one hundred / Eleven hundred 14 000
1101 One thousand one hundred one 15 500
1120 One thousand one hundred twenty 16 000 Sixteen thousand
1200 One thousand two hundred 17 000
1300 One thousand three hundred 18 000
1400 One thousand four hundred 19 000 Nineteen thousand
1500 One thousand five hundred 20 000
1600 One thousand six hundred 25 000 Twenty-five thousand
1700 30 000 Thirty thousand
1800 40 000
1900 45 000 Forty-five thousand
2000 Two thousand 50 000
2005 Two thousand five 60 000
2100 Two thousand one hundred 70 000
2500 70 900 Seventy thousand nine hundred
2999 Two thousand nine hundred ninety-nine 80 000
3000 Three thousand 90 000
3100 100 000 One hundred thousand
3760 Three thousand seven hundred sixty 200 000
4000 Four thousand 300 000

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Answer these questions orally. Do not forget to ask for help to your teacher if
you don’t understand something.

1. How much money do you make? Or How much money do you earn?
2. What year are you in?
3. What year were you born in?
4. How do you say this quantity: 5 679?

 REMEMBER there are different ways of saying prices. Look at the following examples:
 $ 5.50 : Five dollars and fifty cents.
Five dollars, fifty cents.
Five fifty.

 C$ 1 465.75 : One thousand four hundred sixty-five cordobas and seventy-five cents.
One thousand four hundred sixty-five, seventy-five cents.
One thousand four hundred sixty-five seventy-five.

 $ 19.99 : Nineteen dollars and ninety-nine cents.

Nineteen dollars, ninety-nine cents.
Nineteen, ninety-nine.


Catherine : Look at that dress. Isn’t it pretty?

Alejandra : Yeah! How much does it cost?

Catherine : It says here $ 130.45, tax included.

Alejandra : I think it’s expensive. That light blue dress is $ 123.99 and the tax is also included.

Catherine : I don’t like that one. I want to buy this one.

Alejandra : It’s up to you!

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Ordinal Numbers

The ordinal numbers are used to talk about dates, centuries, sequence or order, and floors of a

We normally add a TH to the end of a cardinal number to make it an ordinal number — excepting
FIRST, SECOND and THIRD which have different endings —.

Ordinal Spelling Equivalent into Ordinal Spelling Equivalent into

Number Spanish Number Spanish
1st First Primero 17th Seventeenth Décimo séptimo
2nd Second Segundo 18th Eighteenth Décimo octavo
3rd Third Tercero 19th Nineteenth Décimo noveno
4th Fourth Cuarto 20th Twentieth Vigésimo
5th Fifth Quinto 21st Twenty-first Vigésimo primero
6th Sixth Sexto 22nd Twenty-second Vigésimo segundo
7th Seventh Séptimo 23rd Twenty-third Vigésimo tercero
8th Eighth Octavo 24th Twenty-fourth Vigésimo cuarto
9th Ninth Noveno 25th Twenty-fifth Vigésimo quinto
10th Tenth Décimo 26th Twenty-sixth Vigésimo sexto
11th Eleventh Décimo primero 27th Twenty-seventh Vigésimo séptimo
12th Twelfth Décimo segundo 28th Twenty-eighth Vigésimo octavo
13th Thirteenth Décimo tercero 29th Twenty-ninth Vigésimo noveno
14th Fourteenth Décimo cuarto 30th Thirtieth Trigésimo
15th Fifteenth Décimo quinto 31st Thirty-first Trigésimo primero
16th Sixteenth Décimo sexto 32nd Thirty-second Trigésimo segundo


1. Marie’s birthday is on August 29th.

2. William Shakespeare was born in the 16th century.
3. Manchester City was second in the league.
4. My office is on the tenth floor.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Parts of the body

Part of the Body Equivalent into Part of the Body Equivalent into
Spanish Spanish
Head Index finger
Hair Middle finger
Forehead Ring finger
Temple Pinky/little finger
Face Palm
Eye Fingernail
Eyebrow Knuckle
Eyelid Foot
Eyelashes Feet
Iris Ankle
Pupil Heel
Cornea Toe
Ear Little toe
Earlobe Big toe
Nose Toenail
Nostril Skin
Cheek Brain
Jaw Throat
Mouth Esophagus
Lip Windpipe
Tooth Spinal cord
Teeth Lungs
Tongue Heart
Chin Liver
Sideburn Gallbladder
Mustache Stomach
Beard Large intestine
Neck Small intestine
Shoulder Muscles
Chest Bones
Abdomen Pancreas
Back Kidneys
Arm Bladder
Armpit Veins
Elbow Arteries
Waist Palate
Hip Uvula
Hand Buttocks
Wrist Knee
Thumb Leg

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Parts of a House

1. Attic /ˈætІk/ : Ático.

2. Bedroom :
3. Bathroom :
4. Backyard :
5. Balcony :
6. Basement :
7. Ceiling :
8. Corridor :
9. Door :
10. Dining room :
11. Downstairs :
12. Façade /fǝˈsad/ : Fachada.
13. Floor :
14. Garden :
15. Garage :
16. Guest room :
17. Hedge /hedƷ/ : Seto.
18. Kitchen :
19. Living room :
20. Pool :
21. Roof :
22. Shutter :
23. Terrace roof :
24. Upstairs :
25. Wall :
26. Window :
27. Wrought-iron gate : Verja (de puerta)
28. Wrought-iron grille : Verja de (ventana)
29. Hall : Pasillo

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


1. Apple : Manzana.
2. Avocado : Aguacate.
3. Banana : Banano, Guineo, Plátano.
4. Blackberry : Mora
5. Cherry :
6. Coconut :
7. Beans :
8. Beet : Remolacha
9. Broccoli :
10. Carrot :
11. Cauliflower :
12. Cabbage :
13. Coriander :
14. Cucumber :
15. Dragon fruit :
16. Fig : Higo.
17. Grapes :
18. Garlic :
19. Lemon :
20. Lettuce :
21. Lime :
22. Mango :
23. Melon :
24. Orange :
25. Onion :
26. Potato :
27. Tomato :
28. Pumpkin : Calabaza, Ayote.
29. Watermelon : Sandía.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


1. Alligator :
2. Anaconda :
3. Ape :
4. Ant :
5. Armadillo :
6. Bat :
7. Bear :
8. Beaver :
9. Bed bug : Chinche
10. Bee :
11. Beetle : Escarabajo
12. Bird : Ave, Pájaro.
13. Blowfish : Pez globo.
14. Blue whale : Ballena azul.
15. Bull :
16. Butterfly :
17. Caiman :
18. Camel :
19. Cat :
20. Caterpillar :
21. Cattle :
22. Chameleon :
23. Chicken :
24. Chimpanzee :
25. Chipmunk :
26. Cobra :
27. Cougar /kuːgǝr/ : Puma
28. Cow :
29. Coyote /kaІˈǝʊri/ : Coyote

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Illness Equivalent into Illness Equivalent into

Spanish Spanish
Asthma Cancer
Appendicitis Constipation
Acne Colitis
Allergy Cardiac arrest
Arthritis Colic
Autism Deep vein thrombosis
Acquired Immune Deficiency SIDA Depression
Syndrome (AIDS)
Anemia Diabetes
Backache Diarrhea
Bad breath Flu
Breast cancer Gastritis
Brain tumor Heartburn
Burn Hepatitis
Cough Heart attack
Chickenpox Human VIH
Virus (HIV)
Cold Human papilloma virus VPH
Ulcer Rash
Herpes Stroke

►Countries and Nationalities

Country Nationality Country Nationality
Canada Canadian Germany German
United States American Spain Spanish
Great Britain British Nicaragua Nicaraguan
Mexico Mexican Costa Rica Costa Rican
Guatemala Guatemalan Peru Peruvian
El Salvador Salvadorian Argentina Argentinian
France French Colombia Colombian

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

 Emmanuel Macron is from France. He is French.

 Letizia Ortiz is from Spain. She is Spanish.
 David Johnston is from Canada. He is Canadian.
 Mario Castañeda is from Mexico. He is Mexican.
 David Cameron is from Great Britain. He is British.
 Jimmy Morales is from Guatemala. He is Guatemalan.
 Oscar Arias is from Costa Rica. He is Costa Rican.
 Frank-Walter Steinmeier is from Germany. He is German.
 Mauricio Macri is from Argentina. He is Argentinian.
 Ruben Dario is from Nicaragua. He is Nicaraguan.
 Shakira is from Colombia. She is Colombian.
 Jose Maria Eguren is from Peru. He is Peruvian.
 Mauricio Funes is from El Salvador. He is Salvadorian.

What other countries and nationalities can you add to the list?

1. _____________________________ _________________________________

2. _____________________________ _________________________________

3. _____________________________ _________________________________

4. _____________________________ _________________________________

5. _____________________________ _________________________________

6. _____________________________ _________________________________

7. _____________________________ _________________________________

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

Chapter 2: Nouns and Phrases of Existence in

Present and Past Tense

A noun /naʊn/ is a word for a person, place, thing, or idea. There are two types of nouns: proper
nouns (the names of people and places) and common nouns (nouns different from people and places).

Look at the chart. The boldfaced words are nouns. Put a cross ( ) in the correct category.

A person A place A thing An idea

1. I love my brother.
2. The singer is smiling.
3. Do you know Marta?
4. Alfredo is at the airport.
5. The library is open today.
6. They live in Egypt.
7. Would you like some ice cream?
8. That cellphone is expensive.
9. He drives a Suzuki.
10. Education is important to me.
11. I have fun with my friends.
12. What time is it?

Look at the chart below and put a cross to the correct type of noun.

Proper Noun Common Noun

1. Managua is the capital of Nicaragua.
2. I have twenty-eight students.
3. Melanie is a good doctor.
4. My son is studying medicine.
5. Last time we went to Corn Island.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Pronunciation of Final –S / -ES

Final –S / -ES has three different pronunciations: /s/, /z/, and /iz, ǝz/.

 For voiceless sounds: /t/, /p/, /k/ the pronunciation of final –S/-ES will be: /s/.
Map = Maps
Rat = Rats
Lake = Lakes
 For voiced sounds: /d/, /r/, /l/, /m/, /g/, /b/ and all vowel sounds, the pronunciation of final –S/-ES will
be: /z/.
Seed = Seeds
Star = Stars
Hole = Holes
Name = Names
 After –sh, -ch, -s, -z, -dge sounds, the pronunciation of final –S/-ES will be: /iz, ǝz/.
Dish = Dishes
Church = Churches
Class = Classes
Size = Sizes
Judge = Judges

Write the correct pronunciations and practice saying the words.

1. Names /z/ 7. Cars

2. Ducks 8. Ways
3. Eyes 9. Months
4. Ribs 10. Fingers
5. Lips 11. Pages
6. Hills 12. Dogs

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►Plural Forms of Nouns

Rule #1: Nouns ending in –sh, -ch, -ss, -x, and –o add –es to form the plural.

One dish = Two dishes

One tomato = Two tomatoes

One box = Two boxes

One class = Three classes

 The plural form of some nouns that end in –o is sometimes –s or –es.

Mango = Mangos or Mangoes

Mosquito = Mosquitos or Mosquitoes
Zoo = Zoos
Zero = Zeros or Zeroes
Piano = Pianos
Volcano = Volcanos or Volcanoes
Radio = Radios
Tornado = Tornados or Tornadoes

Rule #2: Nouns ending in a consonant + -y, change the y to i and add –es to form the plural.

Baby = babies

City = cities

Country = countries

Nationality = nationalities

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Rule #3: Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel, add only –s to form the plural.

Toy = toys

Day = days

Key = keys

Play = Plays

Rule #4: If a noun ends in –f or –fe, change the ending to –ves to form the plural.

Knife = knives

Leaf = leaves

Shelf = Shelves

Loaf = loaves

Thief = thieves

Wolf = wolves

Dwarf = Dwarves

 Exceptions: belief, chief, roof, cuff, cliff, giraffe, etc., add –s to form the plural.

Rule # 5: Nouns that do not fulfill rules 1, 2, 3, and 4 add –s.

Book = books
1. Child = children
Computer = computers 2. Tooth = teeth
3. Foot = feet
Letter = letters 4. Person = people
5. Man = men
Stone = stones 6. Woman = women
7. Mouse = mice
Ruler = rulers 8. Goose = geese
9. Ox = oxen
Scooter = scooters 10. Fish = fish
11. Deer = deer
Pencil = pencils 12. Datum = data
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Write the plural form of the following nouns.

1. Potato ___________________ 23. Student __________________

2. Library ___________________ 24. Theory __________________

3. Child ___________________ 25. Program __________________

4. Leaf ___________________ 26. Thief __________________

5. Wish ___________________ 27. Hero __________________

6. Fish ___________________ 28. Cartoon __________________

7. Opinion ___________________ 29. Lung __________________

8. Mouse ___________________ 30. Attorney __________________

9. House ___________________ 31. Butterfly __________________

10. Mouth ___________________ 32. Category __________________

11. Month ___________________ 33. Mosquito __________________

12. Flash ___________________ 34. Chimpanzee ________________

13. Tomato ___________________ 35. Snake __________________

14. Half ___________________ 36. Sheep __________________

15. Dictionary ___________________ 37. Stitch __________________

16. Desk ___________________ 38. Peach __________________

17. Beach ___________________ 39. Piano __________________

18. Bitch ___________________ 40. Belief __________________

19. Verb ___________________ 41. Injection __________________

20. Possibility ___________________ 42. Box __________________

21. Skill ___________________ 43. Carrot __________________

22. Teacher ___________________ 44. Fox __________________

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►Count and Non-count Nouns (uncountable nouns)

A count noun is a noun that can be counted with numbers (one, two, three ...), can be preceded by
a/an in the singular, and has a plural form ending in –s or –es.

Count Noun Plural Form Ending Can be counted with It is preceded by

–S / -ES Numbers a/an
Chair Chairs One chair, two chairs… A chair
Book Books
Bottle Bottles
Banana Bananas
Person - One person, two people A person
Student Students One student, two students A student
Car Cars One car, two cars A car
Ring Rings One ring, two rings A ring
Credit card Credit cards One credit card, 2 credit cards A credit card

Non-count nouns (or uncountable nouns) usually refer to a whole group of things that is made up
of many individual parts, a whole category made up of different varieties.

Some non-count nouns:

Mail Stuff Oil Corn

Fruit Traffic Sugar Hair
Jewelry Homework Music Pepper
Clothing Work Poetry Rice
Equipment Housework Grammar Salt
Food Advice Slang Sand
Furniture Information Vocabulary Milk
Money History Cheese Bread

Identify and circle count and non-count nouns.

1. Fruit count non-count

2. Apple count non-count

3. Postcard count non-count

4. Money count non-count

5. Water countable uncountable

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


There is and There are

The impersonal verb phrases in present tense (or phrases to express existence in present) are used
to talk about existence. These phrases come from THERE BE which means into Spanish: haber, existir.

 There is : Hay (for singular)

 There are : Hay (for plural)

Structures to write sentences with THERE IS/THERE ARE

There is… Is there…? There’s… There is not…
There are… Are there…? - There are not…
Is there not…? There’s not… There isn’t… Isn’t there…?
Are there not…? - There aren’t… Aren’t there…?

Examples conjugation:

There are ten students in the classroom. Short answers:

Are there ten students in the classroom? Yes, there are.

There are not ten students in the classroom.

Are there not ten students in the classroom? No, there are not.

There aren’t ten students in the classroom.

Aren’t there ten students in the classroom? No, there aren’t.


1. There is a book on the table.  Any  Negative

sentences and
2. There are many people in your house. questions.
3. There is an orange in the refrigerator.  Some  affirmative
sentences and
4. There are some sausages in the fridge. questions to offer or
request something to
eat or drink.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Andy : Jack, there’s something I want to ask you.

Jack : What’s wrong?

Andy : Are there any books on your desk?

Jack : No, there aren’t. Why?

Andy : Because there’s one book missing on my shelf.

Jack : Look for it in another place. I don’t like taking stuff that don’t belong to me!


Hello! My name is Randy Webber and through these lines that I have written, I want to share with
all of you the description of my new apartment. My new apartment is small but comfortable. It has two
bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom, of course.

In my bedroom, there is a big window, a desk, an armchair; there’s also a laptop, a television set, a
lamp, a sofa, and my bed, naturally! In the kitchen, there is the sink, the fridge, the stove and a big cupboard
(or cabinet). I don’t have a microwave oven, but I do have a toaster. I like my new apartment very much!

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There was and There were

The phrases of existence in past tense are used to talk about the existence of something in the past,
that is to say, that something does not exist in the present anymore.

 There was : Había, Hubo. (Singular)

 There were : Habían, Hubieron. (Plural)

Affirmative There was… Affirmative There were…
Question Was there…? Question Were there…?
Negative There was not… Negative There were not…
Negative Question Was there not…? Negative Question Were there not…?
Negative There wasn’t… Negative There weren’t…
Contraction Contraction
Negative Question Wasn’t there…? Negative Question Weren’t there…?
with Contraction with Contraction

Example Conjugation: Short Answers:

1. There was a pencil on the desk.

Was there a pencil on the desk? Yes, there was.
There was not a pencil on the desk.
Was there not a pencil on the desk? No, there was not.
There wasn’t a pencil on the desk.
Wasn’t there a pencil on the desk? No, there wasn’t.

2. There were some yoghurts in the refrigerator.

Were there any yoghurts in the refrigerator?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


I. Read the following sentences and write the translation into Spanish.

1. There was a mistake in the book. __________________________________________________

2. There was no any water left. __________________________________________________
3. There were two dogs, a cat and three pigs. ____________________________________________
4. I remember there was a nice restaurant near here. ______________________________________
5. Were there any mistakes in the book? __________________________________________________
6. There was an interesting movie on TV. ____________________________________________
7. Was there any special person in your life? ____________________________________________
8. There was a smoke alarm in my bedroom. ____________________________________________
9. There were fifty-eight tress planted in a row. ____________________________________________
10. There were many people from all the nations of the world. _________________________________

II. Listen to the sentences carefully and write them according to the number.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________

III. Render the following statements into English.

1. Habían tres libros en el escritorio. __________________________________________________

2. Hay algo que yo quiero decirte. __________________________________________________
3. Hay un restaurante cerca de aquí. __________________________________________________
4. No habían muchas personas en la iglesia. ____________________________________________
5. ¿No había nadie? __________________________________________.
6. Hay una solución para este problema. ____________________________________________
7. Ayer hubo una reunión. __________________________________________.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Julia : Is it true there was a car accident near your workplace?

Ellis : Yes, there was. It seems no one obeyed the traffic light because there were many people
injured and there were also two people died because of that horrible accident.

Julia : That’s so sad! Last month, there were seven car accidents registered by highway patrol and
there seemed to be a reduction of road accidents early in this month, but it was the contrary, there was a
significant increase of these ones.

Ellis : I know and it’s an alarming situation.


Henry : Jack, do you like playing poker?

Jack : Yes, I do. I usually go to The Saloon Amarillo on weekends.

Henry : It seems you like games of

chance a lot, doesn’t it? Were there many
players at The Saloon Amarillo last weekend?

Jack : Yes, there were 30 poker players

because there was a tournament. The winner
took $35 000.

Henry : That means there were many

good players.

Jack : That’s right! Unfortunately, I

reached fourth place in the tournament.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

Chapter 3: Tenses in the English Language

What is tense in grammar? Tense is the form of a verb that takes the noun to show the time it
happened. In English, there are three main tenses: the present, the past, and the future, however these
can be subdivided.

►The Simple Present of the Verb “to be”

The verb to be is the most important verb in the English language. It is difficult to use because it is
an irregular verb in almost all of its forms. Its principal use is to refer to an action or event that takes place
habitually or in a general state. In the simple present tense, the verb to be is conjugated as follows:

Affirmative Full Form Affirmative Negative Full Form 1st Negative

Contracted Form Contracted Form
I am… I’m… I am not… I’m not…
You are… You’re… You are not… You’re not…
He is… He’s… He is not… He’s not…
She is… She’s… She is not… She’s not…
It is… It’s… It is not… It’s not…
We are… We’re… We are not… We’re not…
You are… You’re… You are not… You’re not…
They are… They’re… They are not… They’re not…
2nd Negative Question Negative Question Negative Contracted
Contracted Form Question
- Am I…? Am I not…? -
You aren’t… Are you…? Are you not…? Aren’t you…?
He isn’t… Is he…? Is he not…? Isn’t he…?
She isn’t… Is she…? Is she not…? Isn’t she…?
It isn’t… Is it…? Is it not…? Isn’t it…?
We aren’t… Are we…? Are we not…? Aren’t we…?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
We use the verb to be to:

1. Talk about our or somebody’s profession.

I am a doctor.
Hellen is an accountant.

2. Tell one’s age or somebody’s age.

Kathy is 26 years old.
I am 34 years old.

3. Indicate nationality.
Rossana is Mexican and I am Nicaraguan.

4. Talk about the weather.

It is sunny today.

5. Tell the time.

What time is it? It’s 12:15.

6. Asks for and say the price.

How much is it? It’s 45 dollars.

7. Talk about somebody’s state of mind.

Tiana is angry.

8. Talk about physical appearance.

She is tall and slim.

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Examples Conjugation:

1. He is a writer. Short answers:

He’s a writer.
He is not a writer.
He’s not a writer.
He isn’t a writer.
Is he a writer? Yes, he is.
Is he not a writer? No, he is not. // No, he’s not.
Isn’t he a writer? No, he isn’t.

2. I am a biologist.
I’m a biologist.
I am not a biologist.
I’m not a biologist.
Am I a biologist? Yes, I am.
Am I not a biologist? No, I am not. // No, I’m not.


1. Roger is an English student.

2. They are doctors.
3. He is a civil engineer.
4. She is a scientist.
5. You are an athlete.
6. He is a photographer.
7. I am a teacher.
8. I am a physician.
9. Oscar is a general practitioner.
10. It is a ball.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

This is my family. It is not very big because I don’t have siblings yet,
but I feel so happy with the parents I have. My mother’s name is
Jahoska. She works as a clinical psychologist at the Regional
Health Center. She helps me do my homework and teaches me how
to behave out of the house as well. She always gives me a lot of
advice about how to face situations in my life, knowing that in this
life nothing is easy because what easy comes, easy goes. My father’s
name is Frank. He’s a doctor in Medicine and Surgery. He’s a
wonderful dad because he takes my mom and me to wonderful
places to have a great time together as a family. I know he doesn’t
have enough time for us because of his job, but he says there is
always a time for everything. He drives me to school every day and
always buys me what I need. I always give thanks to God for giving
me a wonderful family like this one. My parents are everything to
me! That’s why I love them very much!


Ann : Hello! I’m Ann. What’s your name?

Alice : Hi! My name’s Alice. Nice to meet you.

Ann : Nice to meet you, too.

Alice : Where are you from?

Ann : My sister and I are from Australia, but we live in Canada. Where are you from, Alice?

Alice : I’m from France.

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►Adverbs of Frequency (Frequency Adverbs) with the Verb “to be”

Adverbs are an important part of a language because they express how an action (a verb) is done.

An adverb of frequency describes how often an action happens.

 Always /ˈᴐːlweiz/ : Siempre

 Almost always : Casi siempre
 Usually /ˈjuːƷuǝli/ : Normalmente, Por lo general, Usualmente.
 Often /ˈᴐːfǝn ˈᴐːftǝn/ : A menudo, Seguido.
 Frequently /ˈfriːkwǝntli/ : Con frecuencia, Frecuentemente, A menudo.
 Generally/ˈdƷenrǝli/ : Por lo general, Generalmente, En general.
 Sometimes /ˈsɅmtaimz/ : A veces, Algunas veces.
 Occasionally : De vez en cuando, Ocasionalmente.
 Seldom : Pocas veces, Casi nunca, Rara vez.
 Rarely /ˈrerli/ : Pocas veces, Casi nunca, Rara vez.
 Hardly ever : Casi nunca.
 Almost never : Casi nunca.
 Never : Nunca.

Personal Pronoun + am/is/are + adverb of frequency + complement


1. She is always happy.

2. He is never ready.
3. Alice is sometimes happy.
Sometimes Alice is happy.
Alice is happy sometimes.
4. Alex is seldom late for class.
5. I’m always busy.
6. You are not always on time.
7. You are never ready.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


 What…? : ¿Qué? , ¿Cuál?

 Who…? : ¿Quién? , ¿Quiénes?
 Whom…? : ¿A quién? , ¿A quiénes?
 When…? : ¿Cuándo?
 Where…? : ¿Dónde? , ¿A dónde?
 Which…? : ¿Cuál? , ¿Cuáles?
 Whose…? : ¿De quién? , ¿De quiénes?
 Why…? : ¿Por qué?
 What for…? : ¿Por qué? , ¿Para qué?
 How…? : ¿Cómo?
 How come…? : ¿Por qué? , ¿Cómo es que?


What…? Asking for information about  What is your name?
something, repetition or confirmation.  You did what?
Who…? Asking what or which person or people  Who are you?
Whom…? Asking what or which person or people  Whom did you visit?
When…? Asking about time  When is your birthday?
Where…? Place or position  Where are you?
Which…? Asking about choice  Which color is your favorite?
Whose…? Asking about ownership  Whose are these keys?
 Whose keys are these?

Wh-question + am/is/are + Personal pronoun + Complement + ?

 Where are you from?

 Whose book is this?
 What is your mom?
 Who is Julia?
 How are you?
 How is your mother?
 Which is your favorite toy?
 Why are you here?
 Who are you with?
 Whose car is this?
 Where is Elisa?
 How come the door is locked?
 What did you do that for?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Comparisons of Superiority


Ashamed Avergonzado (a) More ashamed Más avergonzado (a)
Bad Malo (a) Worse Peor
Big Grande Bigger
Brave Valiente Braver
Cheap Barato Cheaper
Clean Limpio Cleaner
Comfortable Cómodo More comfortable
Creative Creativo More creative
Dark Oscuro Darker
Expensive Caro (a) More expensive
Expressive Expresivo (a) More expressive
Extroverted Extrovertido (a) More extroverted
Far Lejano Farther / Further Más lejano
Fat Gordo (a) Fatter
Fast Rápido Faster
Good Bueno (a) Better Mejor
Guilty Culpable Guiltier
High Alto Higher
Horrible Horrible More horrible
Intelligent Inteligente More intelligent
Interesting Interesante More interesting
Luxurious Lujoso More luxurious
Moving Emotivo, conmovedor More moving
Modern Modern More modern
Necessary Necesario More necessary
Obnoxious Odioso, Repugnante More obnoxious
Rude Grosero (a) More rude
Rugged Escabroso, accidentado More rugged
Small Pequeño Smaller
Smart Inteligente, astuto Smarter
Tall Alto (a) Taller
Talkative Hablador, parlanchín More talkative
Troublesome Problemático; difícil More troublesome
Tiny Minúsculo, diminuto Tinier
Worldwide Mundial More worldwide

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
 Affirmative : P.P + am/is/are + comparative form + than + noun/pronoun


1. Antonia is taller than Lisa.

2. I am more intelligent than you.
3. Andrew is more intelligent than his sister.
4. My brother speaks English better than you.
5. Those buildings are higher than these ones.
6. You are more expressive than I (me).
7. You are better than I (me).

 Negative : P.P + am/is/are + not + comparative form + than + noun/pronoun


1. Antonia is not taller than Lisa.

Antonia’s not taller than Lisa.
Antonia isn’t taller than Lisa.

2. I am not more intelligent than you.

I’m not more intelligent than you.

3. Andrew is not more intelligent than his sister.

Andrew’s not more intelligent than his sister.
Andrew isn’t more intelligent than his sister.

4. My brother does not speak English better than you.

My brother doesn’t speak English better than you.

5. You are not better than me.

You’re not better than me.
You aren’t better than me.

6. Hellen is not more expressive than Mariana.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Salesclerk : Good morning, sir! May I help you?

Customer : Yes. I would like to see this pair of shoes that is in this showcase.

Salesclerk : The one in fuchsia?

Customer : Yes.

Salesclerk : Come this way please! This pair of shoes has a 10% off, but if you buy two pairs,
you will get a 25% discount. You can try them on if you wish.

Customer : Ok. I’m going to try them on. Er… These shoes are a big tight for me.

Salesclerk : Don’t worry, I’ll get you a bigger size. Here you are.

Customer : Thanks! Now these shoes do fit me. How much does this pair of shoes cost?

Salesclerk : It costs $ 150.

Customer : 150? You must be kidding! That’s too expensive! Don’t you have anything cheaper?

Salesclerk : Ok. Sir, if you want something cheaper, we’ve got this pair of shoes which are
exported from Sweden.

Customer : How much is it?

Salesclerk : It’s $ 75 plus tax. If you pay through credit card, you will get a 3% discount. This
pair of shoes is cheaper than the first one. Will you take it?

Customer : I know it’s cheaper. You have convinced me. I’ll take them. I will pay by credit card.
Do you accept VISA?

Salesclerk : Yes, we do accept all credit cards. By paying through VISA credit card, you will get
a 5% discount. You are luckier than many of our customers.

Customer : Wow! I got my own way!

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


We use the simple present of verbs rather than “to be” for:

 Facts, or things that always happen.

 Routines and habits.
 Timetable events.
 Plots of films, stories and plays

We use the auxiliary Do and its inflected form Does to form emphatic and negative sentences, and
questions. As an auxiliary, Do and its inflected form Does, does not have any translation into Spanish, but
as a verb Do means into Spanish: Hacer.

 Inflected: modified word in spelling or ending.


1 To add Adds Añadir, Agregar, Sumar
2 To admire Admires Admirar
3 To admit Admits Admitir, Reconocer; Internar, Ingresar
4 To advise Advises Aconsejar, Recomendar, Asesorar
5 To afford Affords Tener los recursos para, Darse el lujo de
6 To agree Agrees Estar de acuerdo; Decidir (en un acuerdo)
7 To alert Alerts Alertar, Poner sobre aviso
8 To allow Allows Permitir, Dar
9 To amuse Amuses Entretener, Divertir, Hacer reír
10 To analyze Analyzes Analizar
11 To announce Announces Anunciar
12 To answer Answers Contestar, Responder
13 To apologize Apologizes Disculparse, Pedir perdón
14 To arrange Arranges Arreglar, Ordenar, Organizar
15 To arrest Arrests Arrestar, Detener
16 To arrive Arrives Llegar, Arribar
17 To ask Asks Preguntar, Preguntarle a; Pedir; Invitar
18 To attend Attends Asistir a, Ir a
19 To avoid Avoids Evitar, Eludir
20 To back Backs Respaldar, Apoyar; Retroceder
21 To bake Bakes Hornear, Hacer (pan, galletas, etc.)
22 To balance Balances Balancear, Equilibrar
23 To bang Bangs Golpear; Tener sexo
24 To bare Bares Desnudar
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
25 To bathe Bathes Bañarse; Lavar (herida u ojos)
26 To beam Beams Transmitir; Sonreír; Brillar
27 To beg Begs Suplicar, Suplicarle a, Rogar, Rogarle a
28 To behave Behaves Comportarse, Portarse bien
29 To belong Belongs Pertenecer, Ser (de alguien)
30 To bless Blesses Bendecir
31 To blink Blinks Pestañear, Parpadear
32 To blot Blots Emborronar, Borronear; Secar
33 To blush Blushes Sonrojarse, Ponerse colorado, Ponerse rojo
34 To boil Boils Cocer, Hervir
35 To book Books Reservar; Multar
36 To bore Bores Hacer (agujero, túnel, etc.); Aburrir
37 To borrow Borrows Pedir prestado, Tomar prestado
38 To bounce Bounces Rebotar, Picar
39 To bow Bows Hacer una reverencia, Inclinar, Agachar
40 To brake Brakes Frenar
41 To break Breaks Romper, Quebrar; Cambiar (un billete)
42 To breathe Breathes Respirar
43 To brush Brushes Cepillar
44 To bump Bumps Darse, Chocar
45 To burn Burns Quemar, Arder (en llamas)
46 To burst Bursts Reventar, Estallar, Explotar
47 To bury Buries Enterrar, Sepultar; Alojarse (bala)
48 To calculate Calculates Calcular
49 To call Calls Llamar, Pasar (a visitar)
50 To camp Camps Acampar
51 To care Cares Preocuparse, Importarle a uno
52 To carry Carries Llevar, Acarrear
53 To carve Carves Esculpir, Tallar; Cortar (carne)
54 To challenge
55 To change
56 To charge
57 To cheat
58 To check
59 To cheer
60 To chew
61 To choke
62 To chop
63 To claim
64 To clap
65 To clean
66 To clear
67 To close
68 To color
69 To comb
70 To command
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
71 To communicate
72 To compare
73 To compete
74 To complain
75 To complete
76 To concentrate
77 To concern
78 To confess
79 To confuse
80 To connect
81 To consider
82 To consist
83 To contain
84 To continue
85 To copy
86 To correct
87 To cough
88 To count
89 To cover
90 To crack
91 To crash
92 To crawl
93 To cross
94 To crush
95 To cry
96 To cure
97 To curl
98 To curve
99 To damage Damages
100 To dance
101 To dare
102 To decay
103 To deceive
104 To decide
105 To decorate
106 To delay
107 To delight
108 To deliver
109 To depend
110 To describe
111 To desert
112 To deserve
113 To destroy
114 To detect
115 To develop

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
 Affirmative : P.P + Verb + Complement


1. I work in a bank.
2. She combs her hair three times a day.
3. Roger bathes every other day.
4. Stephanie calls me every day.
5. Lucila and Betty dance very well.
6. Lisa has a good level of English.
7. She studies English twice a week.

 Emphatic : P.P + do/does + Verb (base form) + Complement


1. I do work in a bank.
2. She does comb her hair three times a day.
3. Roger does bathe every other day.
4. Stephanie does call me every day.
5. Lucila and Betty do dance very well.
6. Lisa does have a good level of English.
7. She does study English twice a week.

 Negative : P.P + do not / does not + verb (base form) + Complement


1. I do not work in a bank.

2. She does not comb her hair three times a day.
3. Roger does not bathe every other day.
4. Stephanie does not call me every day.
5. Lucila and Betty do not dance very well.
6. Lisa does not have a good level of English.
7. She does not study English twice a week.

 Negative Contraction : P.P + don’t / doesn’t + verb (base form) + C


1. I don’t work in a bank.

2. She doesn’t comb her hair three times a day.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
 Question : Do/Does + P.P + Verb (base form) + C + ?


1. Does she comb her hair three times a day?

2. Do I work in a bank?
3. Does Roger bathe every other day?
4. Does Lisa have a good level of English?

 Negative Question : Do/Does + P.P + not + Verb (base form) + C + ?


1. Does she not comb her hair three times a day?

2. Do I not work in a bank?
3. Does Roger not bathe every other day?
4. Does Lisa not have a good level of English?

 Negative Contracted Question : Don’t/Doesn’t + P.P + Verb (base form) + C + ?


1. Doesn’t she comb her hair three times a day?

2. Don’t I work in a bank?
3. Doesn’t Roger bathe every other day?
4. Doesn’t Lisa have a level of English?

 She wants to study English abroad. Short answers:
She does want to study English abroad.
She does not want to study English abroad.
She doesn’t want to study English abroad.
Does she want to study English abroad? Yes, she does.
Does she not want to study English abroad? No, she does not.
Doesn’t she want to study English abroad? No, she doesn’t.

 They live in a small apartment.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Object Pronouns

An object pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Specifically, this pronoun functions
as an object in the sentence. An object pronoun receives the action instead of doing the action itself. The
primary purpose of object pronouns in English is to avoid redundancy.


I Me Me, Mí; Yo
You You Te, Ti, Se, Tú, Usted
He Him Lo, Le, Él, Se
She Her La, Le, Se, Ella
It It La, Le, Lo
We Us Nos, Nosotros, Nosotras
You You Los, Las, Les, Ustedes
They Them Los, Las, Les, Ellos, Ellas


1. She helps me.

2. This present is for you.
3. I want to talk to her.
4. Do you like me?
5. They don’t want to listen to you.
6. Do you want to talk to us?

Read the following sentences and circle the correct choice.

1. My dad always takes ( I / me ) to school.

2. I want to give ( her / she ) a surprise.
3. She doesn’t know ( you / you ).
4. Max studies English with ( we / us ) .
5. This book is for ( them / they ).
6. Do you want to stay with ( she / her ) or come with ( I / me ) ?
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

I. Complete the sentence with the affirmative form of the verb in brackets.

1. I (to drive) _______________ but my sister (to cycle) ______________.

2. The Sun (to rise) _____________ in the east and (to set) ____________ in the west.

3. The Prime Minister (to travel) _______________ abroad in his own private aeroplane.

4. It (to cost) _____________ $20 million to be a space tourist for one week in the International Space


5. My favorite TV program (to start) _____________ at half past eight.

6. The teachers of our school (to give) ____________ us lots of homework.

7. We (to like) _____________ swimming because it’s fun and good exercise.

II. Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verb in brackets. Use contractions.

1. You (to do) _________________ any of the cooking!

2. My brother (to play) __________________ tennis because he (to like) __________________ it.

3. I (to think) _____________________ that’s a good idea.

4. Fire needs oxygen to burn. It (to burn) __________________ without oxygen.

5. My dad (to have) __________________ any qualifications but he has a really good job.

6. According to scientists, animals live longer if they (to eat) _____________________ too much.

7. Marcos and John (to get on with) _____________________ each other.

*to get on with somebody: Llevarse bien con alguien.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Emperor penguins live in the Antarctic. The sea provides all their
food, so they are good swimmers. They dive under the water and hold
their breath for up to 20 minutes. When the water is very cold, the
penguins stand in a group. This keeps them warm. The Emperor is the
only penguin that breeds in winter in Antarctica. Each female lays one
egg in May or June. They then return to the sea to feed. Each male then
stands with an egg on his feet. His feet keep the egg warm. He sleeps
most of the time and eats no food for about 65 days. When the egg
hatches, the female comes back and finds her mate. Now the female feeds
the young penguins. The male spends his time eating. After a few weeks, the male returns to the family,
and then both parents look after the chick.


What does the body do to protect itself? Your body prevents harmful microorganisms entering and
causing harm. The skin, for example, allows microorganisms to enter. Hairs and mucus in your nose catch
invaders, and then you push the mucus out when you cough, sneeze or
blow your nose. Enzymes and acids in the body, and white blood cells
also destroy bacteria. Do antibiotics help? Doctors use antibiotic drugs
to fight bacterial infections, but antibiotics don’t work against viruses.
This is why doctors don’t give antibiotics to patients with a common
cold or flu. How does immunization work? Immunization (or
vaccination) is another way of protecting the body, by injecting the
body with dead or inactive microorganisms. After vaccination, the body
starts to make antibodies that destroy the microorganism. Because the microorganisms in the vaccination
are not dangerous, the person doesn’t get ill. When they come into contact with a live (dangerous)
microorganism, then the antibodies destroy the infection before it make them ill.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


It is easy to use an ATM, ATM stands for “automated teller machine.” Most banks have ATMs
now. You can use an ATM to get cash from your bank account. Just put in your ATM card and press the
buttons for your PIN (Personal Identification Number). Then follow the instructions on the screen. ATMs
are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They are easy and convenient to use.


Luis and Ada have a daily routine at their bookstore. They always get to the store at 8:30 A.M.
First, Luis unlocks the door and turns on the lights. Next, he turns on the coffeemaker, and Ada starts up
the computer. Then they put the new books on the shelves and in the store window. After that, they open
for business. Luis begins working with customers in the store, and Ada works on the computer. Later, they
change places. They clean the store together at the end of the day. Finally, they close up and go home at
6:00 P.M.


There are several versions with regard to the name of Juigalpa. Researchers such as Squier and
Thomas Belt state that this name has Aztec origins that is translated like “big city.” Nevertheless, Linguist
Alfonso Valle points out that this name according to the Mexican word “Juigalpan” means breeding of
small black snails. Another version that is also taken into account states that because of the dryness of its
lands and abundance of jicaros in them, suppose that the
name derived from Mexican words means land abundant
of jicaros. Some other scholars state that the Mexican
word “Juigalpan” really means foreign. The monuments
found so far in the current region of the department of
Chontales and which are exposed in the Archeological
Museum of Chontales called “Gregorio Aguilar Barea,” all
of these finds confirm a mix between indigenous cultures.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Simple Future Tense : Will

We use the future tense for things that have not happened yet, but are going to happen. We use
WILL (less common SHALL) as a helping verb or auxiliary verb to form the future.

We use WILL to:

 Say what we expect to happen in the future.

 Show how certain or uncertain we are using the adverbs definitely, probably and possibly.
 Make a social arrangement.
 Make a promise, warning or threat.
 Make an offer.
 Establish a formal rule.
 Make a decision in a situation.



I will… I’ll… I will not… I’ll not…
You will… You’ll… You will not… You’ll not…
He will… He’ll… He will not… He’ll not…
She will… She’ll She will not… She’ll not…
It will… It’ll /ˈІtl/ It will not… It’ll not…
We will… We’ll We will not… We’ll not…
You will… You’ll You will not… You’ll not…
They will… They’ll They will not… They’ll not…
I won’t… Wil I…? Will I not…? Won’t I…?
You won’t… Will you…? Will you not…? Won’t you…?
He won’t… Will he…? Will he not…? Won’t he…?
She won’t… Will she…? Will she not…? Won’t she…?
It won’t… Will it…? Will it not…? Won’t it…?
We won´t… Will we…? Will we not…? Won’t we…?
You won’t… Will you…? Will you not…? Won’t you…?
They won’t… Will they…? Will they not…? Won’t they…?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

 Tomorrow * next week * next wet season

 Tomorrow morning * next month * next fall
 Tomorrow afternoon * next year * in ______ minutes
 Tomorrow evening * next weekend * in ______ hours
 Tomorrow night * next summer * in ______ months

Example Conjugation

 I will be in class tomorrow. Short answers:

I’ll be in class tomorrow.
I will not be in class tomorrow.
I’ll not be in class tomorrow.
I won’t be in class tomorrow.
Will I be in class tomorrow? Yes, you will.
Will I not be in class tomorrow? No, you will not.
Won’t I be in class tomorrow? No, you won´t.

 She will travel to Ohio next week.

She’ll travel to Ohio next week.
She will not travel to Ohio next week.
She’ll not travel to Ohio next week.
She won’t travel to Ohio next week.
Will she travel to Ohio next week? Yes, she will.
Will she not travel to Ohio next week? No, she will not.
Won’t she travel to Ohio next week? No, she won’t.

 You will live in Montreal.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

 Expressing willingness
- Will you do me a favor? [¿Quieres hacerme un favor?]
- She won’t tell us what happened. [Ella no nos quiere decir lo que sucedió.]
- I won’t stand for this! [¡No pienso tolerar esto!]
- Think what you will. [Piensa lo que quieras.]

 Give orders
- Will you stop interrupting me! [¡Quieres dejar de interrumpirme!]
- Be quiet, will you! [¡Cállate! , ¿quieres? , ¡Quieres callarte!]

 Make invitations or offers

- Will you have a drink? [¿Quieres tomar algo?]
- Won’t you come in? [¿No quieres pasar/entrar?]
- Will you marry me?

 Indicating capability
- This car will do 60 kilometers per gallon.
- The stadiums will seat 9000 people. [El estadio tiene capacidad para 9000 personas.]

 Regular Verb : To will: Desear; Querer (Dios); Heredar (en testamento).

- I shall will to be with my family by the end of the year.
- She was willing me to come.
- If God wills it, I will start with my own business next year.
- Her father willed everything to her.

 Noun
- Will: voluntad, deseo (s), testamento.
Against your will. [Contra tu voluntad.]
The problem is that you don’t show strength of will.
If you have the will to learn a new language.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

I. Read these famous failed predictions. Then complete the sentences using “will” + the verb in

1. We are in September 1914: according to most newspapers in Britain and Germany, the war (to be)
_______________ over by Christmas. They cannot imagine that the war (to continue)
_______________ until 1918, and (to claim) ______________ the lives of about 9 million in the
military and a further 7 million civilians.

2. We are in October 1914: according to Jehovah’s witnesses, Jesus Christ (to come) ____________
to the Earth and (to be crowned) _________________ king.

3. We are in 1919: according to geologist Albert Porta, the conjunction of six planets (to cause)
_________________ the Sun to explode. In fact, the sun (probably destroy) __________________
the Earth one day, when it becomes a red giant in about 4.5 billion years.

4. We are in 1999: according to many scientists, robots (probably conquer) ____________________

the whole world and (to enslave) ________________ human beings in 2018.

5. And one to look forward to: according to scientist Hwang Woo-Suk, the first successful human
cloning (to be carried out) _______________________ in the year 2025. We (have) ___________
to wait and see.

6. The next Olympic Games (to be held) _____________________ in Tokyo in 2020.

7. FIFA World Cup 2020 (to be scheduled) ______________________ to be in Qatar.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Daniel : Hey Johnny! What do you think about our new English teacher?

Johnny : I think he is as creative as our previous English teacher.

Alex : I agree with you! He has a good knowledge as teacher Ronald.

Daniel : I don’t know guys, but I think he is not so dynamic as teacher Ronald.

Johnny : What? Are you kidding me, Daniel? He’s got a good sense of humor and he’s also as
dynamic as teacher Ronald.

Alex : For me, our new English teacher is more dynamic than our previous teacher.

Daniel : OK, guys! Let’s change the subject because we’re getting nowhere with this
conversation. After all, we’ve got a target in common – to learn English!


Professor : Good morning ladies and gentlemen who are present here today. I’d like to introduce
myself. My name’s Stephen Junior McLean Carretero. I’m a professor of the English Language at
Lancaster University. I’m here today because I want to know the types of strategies you put into practice
to learn English. So I would like to start here…

Robert : Hello! Welcome to our university. My name is Robert Luna and I’m from El

Professor : Nice to meet you!

Robert : Nice to meet you, too.

Professor : Will you share with all of us what you do to learn English?

Robert : Yes, I will. I normally study the grammar and then do the exercises. Next, I practice
the pronunciation which I consider that is very difficult. I don’t often practice my listening and speaking
because I don’t have with who to practice my English.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Professor : Good! Let’s have a round of applause for Robert! Next one.

Ericka : Hello, my name’s Ericka Cruz and I am from Nicaragua.

Professor : It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ericka.

Ericka : The pleasure is mine!

Professor : Please, share with us the techniques you put into practice to learn English.

Ericka : Well… Firstly, I study all the grammar definitions and formulas about the topic,
because I consider that that the most important in English is to master the grammatical formulas. If you
don’t master the grammatical formulas, you won’t be able to write sentences, speak and even listen in

Professor : Is there any specific technique that you use to improve your English?

Ericka : Well, I always listen to the recordings in the compact discs to improve my
pronunciation and listening at the same time, then I practice how words are written. I also ask my friends
to correct me whenever I speak in English. That’s a good way to learn English fast.

Professor : I’ve seen you’ve got your own learning styles, but you’ve forgotten something very
important in your way to English acquisition – motivation – if you as students don’t have any motivation
when you are studying this wondrous language, you won’t get very far and you will get frustrated in a
short period of time. Having a good English teacher is also important for the successful language learning.

 What techniques or strategies you use to learn English? Write them in the lines below.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


There are a number of things we can do if we want to help save our planet. For example, if we stop
wasting paper, and recycle paper and cardboard, we’ll save some of the millions of trees which are cut
down every year. As far as the problem of rubbish is concerned, if we recycle bottles and cans and organic
waste, and stop taking plastic bags from the supermarket, this will all make a big difference. We also have
to stop making unnecessary car journeys so as to cut down air
pollution. Try walking or using a bike instead, and if you buy
local fruit and vegetables, this reduces lorry traffic to
supermarkets. Water is another problem, and we should all take
showers, not baths, to save water. Finally, we need to stop using
so much energy, so try changing to low-energy light bulbs, and
turning off unnecessary lights.


Kathy : Hi Mary! How are you doing?

Mary : I’m doing fine! What about you?

Kathy : Everything is OK thanks to God. By the way, in which university will you start your

Mary : I won’t study this year until next one. I am taking up an English course for the
moment. I’m also working as a waitress in my free time.

Kathy : In other words you’re taking a gap year, aren’t you?

Mary : That’s right!

Kathy : How’s everything going with your English lessons?

Mary : So far so good!

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

►Future with “be going to + verb”

The future with be going to + verb (idiomatic future or near future) is normally used to indicate
a kind of future with some connection to the present. We use it in the following situations:

1. When we have already decided or we intend to do something in the future (prior plan).
2. To make predictions.
3. When something is about to happen.

 To be going to + verb : Ir a.

Personal Pronoun + { 𝒊𝒔 } + going to + verb in base form + Future Time Expression


I am going to… I’m going to… I am not going to… I’m not going to…
You are going to… You’re going to… You are not going to… You’re not going to…
He is going to… He’s going to… He is not going to… He’s not going to…
She is going to… She’s going to… She is not going to… She’s not going to…
It is going to… It’s going to… It is not going to… It’s not going to…
We are going to… We’re going to… We are not going to… We’re not going to…
You are going to… You’re going to… You are not going to… You’re not going to…
They are going to… They’re going to… They are not going to… They’re not going to…
- Am I going to…? Am I not going to…? -
You aren’t going to… Are you going to…? Are you not going to…? Aren’t you going to…?
He isn’t going to… Is he going to…? Is he not going to…? Isn’t he going to…?
She isn’t going to… Is she going to…? Is she not going to…? Isn’t she going to…?
It isn’t going to… Is it going to…? Is it not going to…? Isn’t it going to…?
We aren’t going to… Are we going to…? Are we not going to…? Aren’t we going to…?
You aren’t going to… Are you going to…? Are you not going to…? Aren’t you going to…?
They aren’t going to… Are they going to…? Are they not going to…? Aren’t they going to…?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Example Conjugation:

 She is going to buy a new car. Short answers:

She’s going to buy a new car.
She is not going to buy a new car.
She’s not going to buy a new car.
She isn’t going to buy a new car.
Is she going to buy a new car? Yes, she is going to.
Is she not going to buy a new car? No, she is not going to.
Isn’t she going to buy a new car? No, she isn’t going to.

 I am going to accept the job offer.

I’m going to accept the job offer.

I’m not going to accept the job offer.

Am I not going to accept the job offer?

►Immediate Future : Be about to

The idiom “be about to do something” expresses an activity that will happen in the immediate
future, usually within minutes or seconds.

Personal Pronoun + { 𝒊𝒔 } + about to + verb in base form + Complement


1. She is about to get out here.

2. Be quiet! The movie is about to begin.
3. I am about to start eating.
4. She is not about to talk to him. [No tiene la más mínima intención de hablar con él.]

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Steve : Say, Jim, what are you going to do this coming Saturday?

Jim : Mm… I still don’t know. Why?

Steve : Because I want you to come with us this coming Saturday. We are going to go

Jim : I don’t like to go bowling; instead, I prefer to watch the football games on TV.

Lisa : Jim is a couch potato!

Steve : Why are you so stubborn, Jim?

Lisa : Please, do try and come! You’ll have a great time with us.

Jim : I’m not going anywhere! Period!

Lisa : You like to make people insist, that’s your trouble.

Steve : Lisa, don’t waste your time taking to him. It’s not worth it!


Paul : Hello, good morning!

Jack : Good morning! Is Mary in?

Paul : Who’s calling?

Jack : It’s me, Jack Taylor.

Paul : Oh, Jack! How are you doing?

Jack : So far so good! Is your sister in?

Paul : No, she’s not in. She’s visiting her half-sister Victoria.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Future Continuous or Progressive

The future progressive tense or continuous indicates continuing action, something that will be
happening, going on, at some point of the future. Remember that we cannot use these verbs in progressive

𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑚

𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤
𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑙
𝑡𝑜 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑
𝑡𝑜 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡
𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒
𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒

Personal Pronoun + will be + verb in progressive + Complement


1. We will be spending too much money if we take a taxi every day.

2. I will be sleeping by this time tomorrow night.
3. She will be traveling to Norway next month.
4. You will be seeing me at the conference next week.
5. By the end of this month I will be getting my teaching qualification.

Example Conjugation:

 She will be traveling to Norway next month.

She’ll be traveling to Norway next month.
She will not be traveling to Norway next month.
She’ll not be traveling to Norway next month.
She won’t be traveling to Norway next month.
Will she be traveling to Norway next month? Yes, she will.
Will she not be traveling to Norway next month? No, she will not.
Won’t she be traveling to Norway next month? No, she won´t.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


There are several structures in English that we call conditionals or if-clauses. The word “condition”
means “situation or circumstance.” If a particular condition is true, then a particular result happens.

There are four basic English conditionals:

1. Zero conditional.
2. First conditional.
3. Second conditional.
4. Third conditional.

►Zero Conditional

If + Simple present + , + simple present

We use the zero conditional when the result is always true, like a scientific result.


1. If you heat ice, it melts.

2. If you miss the 7 o´clock buss, you are late for work.
3. If she is early at work, her boss gets angry.
4. If people don’t eat, they get hungry.
5. If you heat water at 100 Celsius, it boils.
6. If they don’t sleep, they get tired fast.

 Write five sentences using the zero conditional.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►First Conditional (Future Real Conditional)

The first conditional (or future real conditional) describes what you think you will do in a specific
situation in the future. Although this form is called “real,” you are usually imagining or guessing about the
future. It is called “real” because it is still possible that the action might occur in the future.

𝐼𝑓 + 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 + , + 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒

𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 + 𝑖𝑓 + 𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡


1. If I study, I will pass the test.

I will pass the test if I study.

2. If you come to my house, I will bake a cake.

I will bake a cake if you come to my house.

3. If he sees her, he will tell her.

He will tell her if he sees her.

4. If Carlos forget his assignment, the teacher will give him a low score.
The teacher will give Carlos a low score if he forgets his assignment.

 The conjunction WHEN is also used in the future real conditional (first conditional), but the
use is different. In the first conditional (future real conditional), if suggests that you do not know if
something will happen or not. When suggests that something will definitely happen at some point;
we are simply waiting for it to occur.


1. When you come, I will give you the book.

2. I will give her the address when she calls me.
3. She will talk to you when you apologize to her.
4. When they pay them for the tickets, they will let them in.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

I will always love you

If I should stay, I would only be in your way

So I’ll go, but I know, I’ll think of you every step of the way

And I…will always love you… I will always love you

You, my darling you, hm

Bittersweet memories that is all I’m taking with me

So, goodbye, please don’t cry

We both know I’m not what you, you need

And I will always love you I will always love you

I hope life treats you kind

And I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of

And I wish to you joy and happiness

But above all this, I wish you love

And I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I, I will always love you…

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express a wide range of meanings:
ability, possibility, permission, necessity, or obligation. Semi-modals are used to express the same things
as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition to.

Modal Auxiliaries Semi-modals

𝐶𝑎𝑛 𝑀𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜
𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑜
𝑀𝑎𝑦 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑡𝑜

Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. Here are some
important differences:

 The main verb does not have a final –s or –es.

 They are not followed by to.
 You use not to make the modal negative.
 The main verb is not in a past form.
 The main verb is not in its –ing form.
 Many of the modal auxiliaries cannot be used in the past or the future such as: can, must, etc.

►Expressing Ability: Can and Could

 Can : Poder, Saber (de capacidad o habilidad)

 Could : Podía, Podría (ability or possibility)


I can… I cannot… I can’t…
You can… You cannot… You can’t…
He can… He cannot… He can’t…
She can… She cannot… She can’t…
It can… It cannot… It can’t…
We can… We cannot… We can’t…
You can… You cannot… You can’t…
They can… They cannot… They can’t…
Can I…? Cannot I…? Can’t I…?
Can you…? Cannot you…? Can’t you…?
Can he…? Cannot he…? Can’t he…?
Can she…? Cannot she…? Can’t she…?
Can it…? Cannot it…? Can’t it…?
Can we…? Cannot we…? Can’t we…?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Example conjugation:

 Lisa can play the guitar. Short answers:

Lisa cannot play the guitar.
Lisa can’t play the guitar.
Can Lisa play the guitar? Yes, she can.
Cannot Lisa play the guitar? No, she cannot.
Can’t Lisa play the guitar? No, she can’t.
 Can: poder, saber.
 I can can the can.  To can: Enlatar, Envasar, Embotellar;
I cannot can the can. Despedir, Correr.
 Can: Lata, tarro; cubo (de basura);
Can I can the can? cárcel, prisión; Cagadero; Trasero,
Can’t I can the can?  I can tell: se te nota.
 You can tell: se le nota.


I could… I could not… I couldn’t…
You could… You could not… You couldn’t…
He could… He could not… He couldn’t…
She could… She could not… She couldn’t…
It could… It could not… It couldn’t…
We could… We could not… We couldn’t…
You could… You could not… You couldn’t…
They could… They could not… They couldn’t…
Could I…? Could I not…? Couldn’t I…?
Could you…? Could you not…? Could you…?
Could he…? Could he not…?
Could she…? Couldn’t she…?
Could it…?
Could we…? Could we not…? Couldn’t we…?
Could you…? Could you not…? Couldn’t you…?
Could they…? Couldn’t they…?

 I could run very fast.

I could not run very fast.
I couldn’t run very fast.
Could I run very fast?
Could I not run very fast?
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
1. Complete the sentences with can and can’t.

a) A cat ______________ climb trees, but it ___________ fly.

b) A fish _____________ walk, but it ____________ swim.

c) A dog _____________ bark, but it ____________ sing.

d) You _____________ store water in a glass jar, but you _____________ store it in a paper bag.

e) You _____________ drive from Guatemala to Mexico, but you ______________ drive from Italy

to Australia.

f) You _____________ walk, run, and jump, but you ____________ fly.

2. Write five questions using the modal auxiliary CAN.

a) ___________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________

d) ___________________________________________________________

e) ___________________________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences with could or couldn’t and your own words.

couldn’t walk
a) When I was a baby, I ________________________, but now I can.

b) When I was a child, I ________________________, but now I can´t.

c) When I was fifteen years old, I _____________________________, but I couldn’t do that when I

was three.

d) Five years ago, I ____________________________, but now I can’t.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Expressing Possibility: May and Might

May and Might express possibility in the present or future. The have the same meaning.

 May : Poder, Quizás, Tal vez.

 Might : Podría

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏 + 𝒎𝒂𝒚 + 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒃 𝒊𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎 + 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕


I may… I may not… I mayn’t… /ai méint/
You may… You may not… You mayn’t…
He may… He may not… He mayn’t…
She may… She may not… She mayn’t…
It may… It may not… It mayn’t…
We may… We may not… We mayn’t…
You may… You may not… You mayn’t…
They may… They may not… They mayn’t…
May I…? May I not…? Mayn’t I…?
May you…? May you not…? Mayn’t you…?
May he…? May he not…? Mayn’t he…?
May she…? May she not…? Mayn’t she…?
May it…? May it not…? Mayn’t it…?
May we…? May we not…? Mayn’t we…?
May you…? May you not…? Mayn’t you…?
May they…? May they not…? Mayn’t they…?

Example Conjugation:

 You may pay by credit card.

You may not pay by credit card.
You mayn’t pay by credit card.
May you pay by credit card? Yes, I may.
May you not pay by credit card? No, I may not.
Mayn’t you pay by credit card? No, I mayn’t.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏 + 𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 + 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒃 𝒊𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎 + 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕


I might… I might not… I mightn’t…
You might… You might not… You mightn’t…
He might… He might not… He mightn’t…
She might… She might not… She mightn’t…
It might… It might not… It mightn’t…
We might… We might not… We mightn’t…
You might… You might not… You mightn’t…
They might… They might not… They mightn’t…
Might I…? Might I not…? Mightn’t I…?
Might you…? Might you not…? Mightn’t you…?
Might he…? Might he not…? Mightn’t he…?
Might she…? Might she not…? Mightn’t she…?
Might it…? Might it not…? Mightn’t it…?
Might we…? Might we not…? Mightn’t we…?
Might you…? Might you not…? Mightn’t you…?
Might they…? Might they not…? Mightn’t they…?

Example Conjugation:

 It might rain tomorrow.

It might not rain tomorrow.
It mightn’t rain tomorrow.
Might it rain tomorrow? Yes, it might.
Might it not rain tomorrow? No, it might not.
Mightn’t it rain tomorrow? No, it mightn’t.

 She might go to that concert.

Be careful with the adverb MAYBE
(spelled as one word). It comes at
the beginning of a sentence.

 Maybe: A lo mejor, Quizás,

Tal vez.

- Maybe I will come later.

- Maybe John is sick.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Expressing Permission : Can and May
May and can also express permission, but may is more formal than can.


1. Okay, kids, you may have a cookie after dinner.

2. Yes, you can play video games when you finish doing your homework.
3. Can I stay with you?
 To have a word with:
4. May he smoke?
Hablar con.
5. May I have a word with you?
 To be lost for words: No
6. Can I take you to the doctor?
encontrar palabras, No
saber que decir.
 Write statements with can and may. In a polite question May  Words of comfort:
Is not used with the personal pronoun you. palabras de consuelo.
 To waste words: Gastar
1. ____________________________________________ saliva.

2. ____________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________

 COULD also expresses a future possibility and has the same meaning as may and might.

 Why isn’t Greg in class?

 I don’t know. He could (may/might) be sick.

What is the meaning of could in the following statements? Does could express past, present or future

1. I could be home late tonight. Don’t wait for me for dinner.

2. Thirty years ago, when he was a small child, David could speak Arabic fluently. Now he’s forgotten
a lot.

3. Where’s Alicia? I don’t know. She could be at the mall.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Expressing Advice: Should and Ought to

Should and ought to have the same meaning. We use them to say what we think is right or correct,
or is a good idea in your opinion.

 Should /ʃʊd/ : Deberías, Debieras.

 Ought to /ᴐːt tuː/ : Deberías, Debieras.

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 + 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡


I should… I should not… I shouldn’t…
You should… You should not… You shouldn’t…
He should… He should not… He shouldn’t…
She should… She should not… She shouldn’t…
It should… It should not… It shouldn’t…
We should… We should not… We shouldn’t…
You should… You should not… You shouldn’t…
They should… They should not… They shouldn’t…
Should I…? Should I not…? Shouldn’t I…?
Should you…? Should you not…? Shouldn’t you…?
Should he…? Should he not…? Shouldn’t he…?
Should she…? Should she not…? Shouldn’t she…?
Should it…? Should it not…? Shouldn’t it…?
Should we…? Should we not…? Shouldn’t we…?
Should you…? Should you not…? Shouldn’t you…?
Should they…? Should they not..? Shouldn’t they…?

 You should go to the doctor.

You should not go to the doctor.
You shouldn’t go to the doctor.
Should you go to the doctor?
Should you not go to the doctor?
Shouldn’t you go to the doctor?

 She should pay more attention.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 + 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡


I ought to… I ought not to… I oughtn’t to…
You ought to… You ought not to… You oughtn’t to…
He ought to… He ought not to… He oughtn’t to…
She ought to… She ought not to… She oughtn’t to…
It ought to… It ought not to… It oughtn’t to…
We ought to… We ought not to… We oughtn’t to…
You ought to… You ought not to… You oughtn’t to…
They ought to… They ought not to… They oughtn’t to…
Ought I to…? Ought I not to…? Oughtn’t I to…?
Ought you to…? Ought you not to…? Oughtn’t you to…?
Ought he to…’ Ought he not to…? Oughtn’t he to…?
Ought she to…? Ought she not to…? Oughtn’t she to…?
Ought it to…? Ought it not to…? Oughtn’t it to…?
Ought we to…? Ought we not to…? Oughtn’t we to…?
Ought you to…? Ought you not to…? Oughtn’t you to…?
Ought they to…? Ought they not to…? Oughtn’t they to…?

 She ought to be strict.

She ought not to be strict.
She oughtn’t to be strict.
Ought she to be strict? Yes, she ought to.
Ought she not to be strict? No, she ought not to.
Oughtn’t she to be strict? No, she oughtn’t to.

 You ought to be grateful.

 We ought to visit our parents.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►The Auxiliary WOULD
English verbs conjugated with the auxiliary would are used in a variety of ways. For instance, the
auxiliary would is often used in polite requests and suggestions, and can also express a hypothetical future
(future past or past in the future).

 Would : -ia

𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 + 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡


I would… I’d… I would not… I’d not…
You would… You’d… You would not… You’d not…
He would… He’d… He would not… He’d not…
She would… She’d… She would not… She’d not…
It would… It’d… It would not… It’d not…
We would… We’d… We would not… We’d not…
You would… You’d… You would not… You’d not…
They would… They’d… They would not… They’d not…
I wouldn’t… Would I…’ Would I not…? Wouldn’t I…?
You wouldn’t… Would you…? Would you not…? Wouldn’t you…?
He wouldn’t… Would he…? Would he not…? Wouldn’t he…?
She wouldn’t… Would she…’ Would she not…? Wouldn’t she…?
It wouldn’t… Would it…? Would it not…? Wouldn’t it…?
We wouldn’t… Would we…? Would we not…? Wouldn’t we…?
You wouldn’t… Would you…? Would you not…? Wouldn’t you…?
They wouldn’t… Would they…’ Would they not…? Wouldn’t they…?

Example Conjugation:

 She would help you.

She’d help you.
She would not help you.
She’d not help you.
She wouldn’t help you.
Would she help you?
Would she not help you?
Wouldn’t she help you?

 They would like something to drink.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Expressing Strong Certainty, Understanding and Obligation : Must

We use the modal must to draw conclusions when you are certain of something, and you believe
there is only one logical explanation. It also express a strong obligation.

 Must : Tener que, Deber de.

𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 + 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡


I must… I must not… I mustn’t…
You must… You must not… You mustn’t…
He must… He must not… He mustn’t…
She must… She must not… She mustn’t…
It must… It must not… It mustn’t…
We must… We must not… We mustn’t…
You must… You must not… You mustn’t…
They must… They must not… They mustn’t…
Must I…? Must I not…? Mustn’t I…?
Must you…? Must you not…? Mustn’t you…?
Must he…? Must he not…? Mustn’t he…?
Must she…’ Must she not…? Mustn’t she…?
Must it…? Must it not…? Mustn’t it…?
Must we…? Must we not…? Mustn’t we…?
Must you…? Must you not…? Mustn’t you…?
Must they…? Must they not…? Mustn’t they…?

Example conjugation:

 You must study. Short answers:

You must not study.
You mustn’t study.
Must you study? Yes, I must.
Must you not study? No, I must not.
Mustn’t you study? No, I mustn’t.

 She must learn to control her temper.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

Rapid population growth can cause problems. The governments have to provide more hospitals,
schools and jobs, farmers have to produce more and all the extra people can have homes. In a less
economically developed country, the economy can grow fast enough to deal with problems. Many
countries realize that they have to control population growth. Some countries believe they can encourage
family planning though education and publicity. Other countries believe that they have such a serious
problems that they have to take special measures to control the number of people. In China, for example,
there is a “one child” policy. Couples have to ask permission from the government to marry, and women
have to be at least 25 years old. The couple then can ask permission to have a child, and are allowed only


Most of us enjoy a good night’s sleep, but we might not realize just how important sleep is.
Everyone knows that without sleeping for a night or two, a person can find it hard to think well. After
three nights without sleeping, you might start to see things, you could begin to lose your sense of reality.
In experiments, rats which are not allowed to sleep will actually die, which seems to prove that sleep must
be very important. We know that children who do not sleep enough can fail to grow properly, as growth
hormones can be active while the body is asleep. Lack of sleep may also damage the immune system, so
you could fall ill more often. Scientists don’t know exactly what sleep is for and why human beings need
so much of it, but they believe that it might give the body
a chance to repair muscles and replace cells. It could also
give the brain the opportunity to organize memory, and
some experts believe that dreams may help in this
process. The brain also needs to rest, so sleep might give
the brain a chance to “recharge” its batteries. Obviously,
sleep must also be related to the fact that there are hours
of darkness when our activities are limited. Another
possible reason for sleeping is that if we didn’t sleep and
save some energy, we might have to eat a lot more food.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


►Connecting Ideas with AND

 And /ænd/ : Y, E; Con (en nombre de comidas y bebidas)


1. When and connects only two words (or phrases) within a sentence, no comma is used.
- She works in the morning and in the afternoon.
- He is tall and slim.
- I work and study.

2. When and connects three or more items within a sentence, commas are used.
- I want to buy a can of tomatoes, a carton of milk, and a dozen eggs.
- Lisa works, studies, and takes care of her children.
- They wake up at 6 o´clock, brush their teeth, and take a bath.
- Tigers, kangaroos, lions, and giraffes are wild animals.

3. When and connects two complete sentences (also called independent clauses), a comma is usually
- She works in the morning, and I work in the afternoon.
- He is talking, and we are paying attention.
- We read the book, and you take notes.

4. Without and, two complete sentences are separated by a period.

- I work. You work.
- We read the book. You take notes.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


I. Read the following sentences and add commas as necessary.

1. My aunt puts milk and sugar in her tea.

2. My aunt puts milk sugar and lemon in her tea.
3. The river is wide and deep.
4. The river is wide deep and dangerous.
5. Goats horses cows and pigs are farm animals.
6. When she wants to entertain the children, my wife moos like a cow roars like a lion and barks like
a dog.
7. The children are playing and jumping in the playground.

II. Write sentences for the topics below. Use and in your sentences.

1. Your three favorite sports.

 My three favorite sports are soccer, baseball, and wrestling.

2. Three adjectives that describe the person whom you admire the most.

3. Four cities that you would like to visit.

4. The five most important people in your life.

5. Two or more things that make you happy.

6. Three or more adjectives that describe yourself.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Connecting Ideas with BUT and OR

 But /bɅt/ : Pero.

 Not… but… : No… sino…
 Or : O, U, Ni.
 Either… or… : O… o…

And, but, and or are called conjunctions. Like and, but and or can connect items within a sentence.
Commas are used with a series of three or more items.

 I read but can’t memorize.

 Is this orange sweet or sour?
 Would you like coffee, tear, or milk?

A comma is usually used when but or or combines two complete sentences into one sentence.

- I press the red button = a sentence

- It doesn’t work = a sentence

 I press the button, but it doesn’t work.

 She calls him, but he doesn’t answer.
 Do we have class on Monday, or is Monday a holiday?
 Are you calling her, or is she calling you?

 Read the following small paragraph and add commas as appropriate.

Mozart was a great composer but he had a short and difficult life at the end of his life, he was penniless

sick and unable to find work but he wrote music of lasting beauty and joy. He died in 1791 because of

streptococcal pharyngitis (or strep throat).

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Connecting Ideas with SO

 So : Para que, De manera que, Así que.

So can be used as a conjunction. It is preceded by a comma. It connects the ideas in two independent
clauses. So expresses results:

Cause : He is not at home.

Result : I will call him.

 He is not at home, so I will call him.

 My friend lies to me very often, so I don’t trust her anymore.
 Adriana has a toothache, so she wants to visit the dentist right now.
 There were no busses, so we had to get back home.

►Using Auxiliary Verbs After BUT and AND

After but and and, often only an auxiliary verb is used. It has the same sense or modal as the main

𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝑏𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝑏𝑢𝑡 + 𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝑎𝑛𝑑 + 𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝑎𝑛𝑑 + 𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒


1. I don’t like coffee, but my mother does.

2. I like coffee, but my mother doesn’t.
3. Susan will not be here tomorrow, but I will.
4. Roger isn’t here, but his wife is.
5. I don’t like coffee, and my mom doesn’t either.
6. Kate likes chocolate, and I do too.
7. Kate doesn’t like chocolate, and I don’t either.
8. Susan isn’t here, and I’m not either.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

I. Complete the sentences with auxiliary verbs.

1. Debra reads a lot of books, but her brothers _______________________.

2. Sam isn’t in the school play this year, but Ann _____________________.
3. I will be at home this evening, but my roommate ___________________.
4. Ducks like to swim, but chickens ____________________.
5. That phone doesn’t work, but this one ________________.
6. Joe isn’t at home, but his parents ____________________.
7. I am not going to graduate this year, by my friend Marcos _________________.

II. Complete the sentences by adding appropriate auxiliary verbs. Add too and either as appropriate.

1. Alex goes to college, and her sisters _______________________.

2. Ana goes to college, but her cousin ________________________.
3. Hugo doesn’t go to college, and his brother __________________.
4. Horses are domesticated animals, and dogs __________________.
5. Paula is not going to the beach tomorrow, and Jack __________________.
6. Olga was in class yesterday, but Antonio ______________________.
7. I can´t sing very well, but my wife ___________________________.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
►Affirmative Agreement

Subject BE , and so BE Subject

They were surprised, and so were we

 You are tired, and so am I. OR You are tired, and I am too.

 My boss is responsible, and so are his workers.
My boss is responsible, and his workers are too.
 This cellphone is pretty expensive, and so is this.
 He is a teacher, and so is his wife.
 I am going to the concert tonight, and so is she.

Subject VERB , and so DO/DOES Subject

My mom Wakes up at 5 A.M., and so do I

 He likes to travel, and so does she. OR He likes to travel, and she does too.
 Mary wants to go home, and so do we. OR ______________________________________
 Sue works, and so does Tom. OR ____________________________________________
 I study English, so does my son. OR ____________________________________________
 I want to learn English, and so does she. OR ______________________________________
 She wants to talk to you, and so do I. OR ____________________________________________

►Negative Agreement

Subject Negative , and neither DO/DOES Subject

Sue doesn’t work , and neither does Joe

 I’m not hungry, and neither is he.

 She won’t go to the concert tonight, and neither will we.
 Lisa doesn’t eat meat, and neither does Ana.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

 ACTIVITY: Complete the sentences using the given words. Pay special attention to word

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►Connecting Ideas with BECAUSE

 Because /bІˈkᴐːz/ : Porque.

Because expresses a cause; it gives a reason.

𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 + 𝑛𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎 + 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒

 He is drinking water because he is thirsty.

𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 + 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎 + 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒

 Because he is thirsty, he is drinking water.

 Because he is afraid of the dark, he likes to have a light on in his bedroom at night.
 Because you are late, I am angry.
 Because he loves her, he doesn’t see it.

 ACTIVITY: Change the order of the connector BECAUSE.

1. We are outside because it’s hot inside.


2. She is working because she feels good.


3. Because I am on vacation, I am writing this interesting book.


4. She won’t work in that company because it is a hectic job.


5. Because they have a lot of money, they can travel around the world.

6. We don’t quit because we need the job.


7. She doesn’t talk to him seriously because he always says he doesn’t have time.

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We use the simple past tense to talk about finished events in the past, when we think about a
definite time. We also use it to describe the events in a history or to describe habits and routines in the
past. We usually use a time word or phrase.

Some Time Words and Phrases we use with the past simple

𝑦𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘

𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑡 6: 30 𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑎𝑔𝑜
𝑖𝑛 1754 𝑖𝑛 𝐽𝑎𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡

In the English language, there are three types of verbs:

 Regular verbs: they just add –ed to form its past simple and past participle.
 Irregular verbs: this type of verbs changes its form completely in past and past participle, so we have
to learn their past and past participle forms by heart.
 Mixed verbs: these verbs have a regular and irregular form both in the past simple and in the past


 Work  Worked  Do  did  Clothe  Clothed or Clad
 Answer  answered  Be  was/were  Learn  Learned or Learnt
 Wash  washed  Go  went  Kneel  Kneeled or Knelt



Rule #1: Verbs ending in –y preceded by a consonant, change the –y for an –i and then add –ed.

𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒎 𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆

𝑇𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑇𝑟𝑦 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝒆𝒅
𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝒆𝒅
Rule #2: Verbs ending in –y preceded by a vowel, just add –ed.

- To play - Play - Played

- To annoy - Annoy - Annoyed
- To destroy - Destroy -
- To enjoy - Enjoy -
- To obey - Obey -

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Rule #3: Verbs ending in –e, just add –d.

- To live - -
- To move - Move - Moved
- To admire - -
- To bathe - bathe - Bathed

Rule #4: If a verb has one syllable and ends in one vowel + one consonant, double the last consonant and
add –ed.

- To can - Can - Canned

- To stop - Stop - Stopped
- To mop - Mop - Mopped
- To wad - Wad - Wadded
- To Plan - Plan - Planned

Rule #5: If the second syllable of a two-syllable verb is stressed, double the consonant and add –ed.

- To prefer - prefer - preferred

- To admit - admit - admitted
- To permit - permit - permitted
 Exceptions: to employ, to enjoy, to unlock, etc.

Rule #6: Verbs that do not fulfill rules 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 just add –ed.

- To need - need - needed

- To pack - pack - packed
- To listen - listen - listened
- To start - start - started
- To want - want - wanted

Write the past form of the following regular verbs.

1. To start ________________________ 9. To wish ____________________

2. To shout ________________________ 10. To Afford ____________________
3. To hope ________________________ 11. To Agonize _______________
4. To hop ________________________ 12. To bat _____________________
5. To help ________________________ 13. To call _____________________
6. To ask ________________________ 14. To study _____________________
7. To book ________________________ 15. To clean ______________________
8. To believe __________________ 16. To hug ______________________
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►Pronunciation of –ED Endings

Final –ed is pronounced /t/ after voiceless sounds. You make a voiceless sound by pushing air
through your mouth. No sounds come from your throat.

Examples of voiceless sounds: /k/, /p/, /s/, /ch/, /sh/, /f/, /θ/.

 Talked = talk/t/
 Stopped = stop/t/
 Watch = watch/t/
 Wash = wash/t/

Final –ed is pronounced /d/ after voiced sounds. You make a voice sound from your throat. Your voice
box (larynx) vibrates.

Examples of voiced sounds: /l/, /n/, /v/, /b/, /ð/, and all vowel sounds.

 Called = call/d/
 Rained = rain/d/
 Lived = live/d/
 Clothed = Clothe/d/
 Stayed = stay/d/

Final –ed is pronounced /ǝd/ or /id/ after “t” and “d” sounds.

 Indicated = indicate/ǝd, id/

 Started = start/ǝd/
 Needed = need/ǝd, id/
 Wanted = want/ǝd/
 Batted = bat/id/
 Detected = detect/ǝd/
 Treated = treat/id/

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Write the correct pronunciations and practice saying the words aloud.

1. Cooked = cook/ / 7. Obtained = obtain/ /

2. Served = serve/ / 8. Opened = open/ /
3. Dropped = drop/ / 9. Painted = paint/ /
4. Added = add/ / 10. Soothed = soothe/ /
5. Danced = dance/ / 11. Shared = share/ /
6. Moaned = moan/ / 12. Pasted = paste/ /


 Affirmative : 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡 + 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 + 𝑃. 𝑇. 𝐸


1. I went downtown yesterday.

2. She slept for eight hours last night.
3. Bob went to bed at 10:30 pm yesterday.
4. The wedding started at 8:30 pm.
5. We watched a horror movie last night.
6. He worked a lot yesterday.
7. Ana left the classroom because she had an awful headache.

 Emphatic : 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝑑𝑖𝑑 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚) + 𝐶 + 𝑃. 𝑇. 𝐸.


1. I did go downtown yesterday.

2. She did sleep for eight hours last night.
3. Bob did go to bed at 10:30 pm yesterday.
4. The wedding did start at 8:30 pm.
5. We did watch a horror movie last night.
6. He did work a lot yesterday.
7. Ana did leave the classroom because she had an awful headache.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
 Negative : 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑡 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚) + 𝐶 + 𝑃. 𝑇. 𝐸.
1. I did not go downtown yesterday.
2. She did not sleep for eight hours last night.
3. Bob did not go to bed at 10:30 pm yesterday.
4. The wedding did not start at 8:30 pm.
5. We did not watch a horror movie last night.
6. He did not work a lot yesterday.
7. Ana did not leave the classroom because she had an awful headache.

 Negative contraction : 𝑃. 𝑃 + 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛′ 𝑡 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚) + 𝐶 + 𝑃. 𝑇. 𝐸.


1. I didn’t go downtown yesterday.

2. You didn’t study English at The Eagle English Academy.
3. She didn’t sleep for eight hours last night.
4. The wedding didn’t start at 8:30 pm.
5. We didn’t watch a horror movie last night.

 Question : 𝐷𝑖𝑑 + 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 + 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 (𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚) + 𝐶 + 𝑃. 𝑇. 𝐸. + ?

Examples: Short answers:

1. Did I go downtown yesterday? Yes, you did. // No, you did not.
2. Did you study English at The Eagle English Academy? Yes, I did. // No, I did not. // No, I didn’t.
3. Did she sleep for eight hours last night? Yes, she did. // No, she did not.
4. Did the wedding start at 8:30 pm?
5. Did Bob go to bed at 10:30 pm yesterday? Yes, he did. // No, he did not.
6. Did you take a shower before coming here?
7. Did you eat breakfast?
8. Did you watch TV yesterday afternoon?

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
Example Conjugation: Short answers:

 He woke up early today.

He did wake up early today.
He did not wake up early today.
He didn’t wake up early today.
Did he wake up early today? Yes, he did.
Did he not wake up early today? No, he did not.
Didn’t he wake up early today? No, he didn’t.

 I traveled to Matagalpa last week.

I did not travel to Matagalpa last week.

Did I not travel to Matagalpa last week?

 We went to eat dinner last night.

We did go to eat dinner last night.

 My sister fell out of bed.

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


(Source: www.

Once upon a time, a king and his three daughters lived in a castle in a faraway land. One day while
the king was thinking about his daughters, he had an idea. He formed a plan for finding husbands for them.

When it came time for the three daughters to marry, the king announced his plan. He said, “I’m
going to take three jewels to the fountain in the center of the village. The young men meet together there
every day. The three men who find the jewels will become my daughters’ husbands.”

The next day, the king chose three jewels – an emerald, a ruby, and a diamond – and took them into
the village. He held them in his hand and walked among the young men. First he dropped the emerald,
then the ruby, and then the diamond. A handsome man picked up the emerald. Then a wealthy prince
spotted the ruby and bent down to pick it up. The king was very pleased.

But then a frog hopped toward the diamond and picked it up. The frog brought the diamond to the
king and said, “I am the frog prince. I claim your third daughter as my wife.”

When the king told Tina, his third daughter, about

the Frog Prince, she refused to marry him. When the
people of the land heard the news about the frog and the
princess, they laughed and laughed. “Have you heard the
news?” the people said to each other. “Princess Tina is
going to marry a frog!”

Tina felt terrible. She said, “I am the unluckiest

person in the world.” She fell to the floor and sobbed. No
Source: www.
one loved her, she believed. Her father didn´t understand
her. She hid from her friends and kept her pain in her heart.
Every day, she grew sadder and sadder. Her two sisters had grand weddings. Their wedding bells rang
with joy across the land.

Eventually, Tina left the castle. She ran away from her family and went to live in the woods by
herself. She ate simple food, drank water from the lake, cut her own firewood, washed her own clothes,
swept the floor herself, made her own bed, and took care of all her own needs. But she was very lonely
and unhappy. One day Tina went swimming. The water was deep and cold. Tina swam for a long time and
became very tired. While she was swimming back toward the shore, she lost the desire to live. She quitted
trying to swim to safety. She was drowning when the frog suddenly appeared and with all his strength
pushed Tina to the shore. He saved her life. Why did you save my life, Frog? Because you are very young
and you have a lot to live for. No, I don’t, said the princess. I am the most miserable person in the whole
universe. Let’s talk about it, said the Frog. And they began to talk. Tina and the Frog prince sat together
for hours and hours. Frog listened and understood. He told her about himself and his own unhappiness and
loneliness. They shared their minds and hearts. Day after day, they spent hours with each other. They
talked, laughed, played, and worked together.
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________
One day while they were sitting near the lake, Tina bent down and, with great affection, kissed the
frog on his forehead. Poof! Suddenly turned into
a man! He took Tina in his arms, and said, you
saved me with your kiss. Outside, I looked like a
frog, but you saw inside and found the real me.
Now I am free. An evil wizard had turned me into
a frog until I found the love of a woman with a
truly good heart. When Tina saw through outside
appearances, she found true love.

Tina and the prince returned to the castle Source: www.

and got married. Her two sisters, she discovered, were very
unhappy. The handsome husband ignored his wife and didn’t talk to her. The wealthy husband made fun
of his wife and gave her orders all the time. But Tina and her Frog Prince lived happily ever after.


George : Damn! This fucking cellphone doesn’t work!

Junior : George, is everything all right?

George : No, it’s not. I had a terrible day yesterday!

Junior : What happened to you yesterday? Why are you so cross?

George : I went fishing with my father, my brother, two friends of mine, and my girlfriend
Evangeline, and when I was standing up in the boat, my Samsung Galaxy S6 Plus slipped out of my hands
and fell into the water. I jumped into the water to look for it, but as luck would have it, I got it back! Then
I took my cellphone to pieces and dried it with a hairdryer, but it doesn’t work now.

Junior : Why didn´t you go to the cellphones repair shop?

George : Because I was angry with myself! This cellphone cost me an eye and a leg.

Junior : You can still go to the cellphones repair shop to see if there’s some solution for
your cellphone.

George : I’m gonna take your advice, mate! I’m going to the cellphones repair shop right

Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________

Karen : What are you doing, Alicia?

Alicia : Oh, I was tidying up my room. Why?

Karen : Just curious! By the way, I was reading an interesting article about abbreviations
we use when we are chatting on social media.

Alicia : That sounds good because I almost always text with abbreviations.

Karen : The article says here that most of the people like writing in this way to save time and
answer fast.

Alicia : It’s true! I almost always write “cya” instead of “see

you,” TTYL instead of “talk to you later”, B4 (before), and so on.

Karen : It also says here that nowadays is common to write in

this way, but it’s considered grammatically incorrect.

Alicia : Do you text with abbreviations, Karen?

Karen : No, I don’t. I don’t like to screw the language up.


Andy : Hey Ronny! Did you know Lisa is not dating Robert?

Ronny : No, I didn’t. Who’s she dating now?

Andy : Karla told me that her new boyfriend is a foreigner.

Ronny : Is that so?

Karla : Hi guys! What were you talking about?

Ronny : Nothing in special. You know… guy things! Why?

Karla : I don’t know if you already know guys…

Andy : Know what?

Karla : Lisa didn’t go to the prom with Robert. She went with Kim instead.

Andy : How do you know that?

Karla : Lisa introduced me her new boyfriend. His name is Kim Anderson, and he’s
Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


Vince, M. (2008). Macmillan English Grammar in Context. Thailand: MacMillan.

Schrampfer Azar, B. (2003). Fundamentals of English Grammar. Third Edition. United States of America:

Acuña Fernández, R. (2001). Cornerstone First Level. Managua, Nicaragua: Cornerstone Production.

Butler, L. (2007). Fundamentals of Academic Writing. Pearson Longman.

S.N. (2011). How to Prepare for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Eleventh Edition.
United States of America: Barron’s Educational Series.

Ansell, M. (2000). Free English Grammar. Second Edition.

Murphy, R. (2012). English Grammar in Use. Fourth Edition. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge
University Press.

Álvarez, J. (2015). Basic English Book II. First Edition.

Carter, R., Hughes, R., & McCarthy, M. (2002). Exploring Grammar in Context: upper-intermediate and
advanced. Cambridge University Press.

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Dynamic Integral English B1_______________________________________________________________


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