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To: Whom it may concern

RE: Letter of Support

Allan Hunter accessed atWork Australia’s Psychology Services with the aim of identifying and
addressing barriers to employment. Allan has disclosed that he is severely ill and is unable to work.
Further details of this can be found in the letter from his GP. Allan has reported that his illness has had
a severe impact on his mental wellbeing. He reported to be under extreme stress and anxiety. Based
on the information gathered during his sessions, along with his medical records, it would be in Allan’s
best interest to not work.

The client has provided consent for the information in this letter to be disclosed.

Please feel free to contact me on 1300 080 856 or at for further

Yours sincerely,

Jilan Siada

Psychologist (Provisional)

atWork Australia Pty Ltd

Head Office P: 1300 080 856

Level 6, 3 Hasler Road
Herdsman WA 6017

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