Lesson Plans For Week 17

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MINED – Lesson Plan Format A

A. Lesson Plan Information B

Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes.

Unit 3: Leisure Time.

Topic: V: Action verbs: write, draw, color, paint, count, measure, paste, cut.

G: He is + (action verb in -ing).

S: Look at the picture and describe what he is doing.

W: Look at the pictures and write sentences.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student identifies action verbs through audios and visual aids and written forms.
b. The student uses action verbs to ask and answer questions about what someone is doing with
proper grammatical structure.

C. Evaluation Criterion
1. Pronounce and recognize vocabulary about action verbs correctly.
2. Ask and answer questions about what someone is doing orally and written form in an acceptable

D. Learning Strategies
Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss participate in the dynamic called “Hangman”. The words that they have
to try to guess are: draw, write, and paste. (10 min)

2. Review: The Ss review with me through flashcards the correct pronunciation, recognition, and
written form of the vocabulary of action verbs 1 and 2. (3 min)

3. Presentation of the new topic: I explain to the Ss that in today’s lesson they are going to describe
in an oral and written way what a male person is doing. (2 min)

Middle Activities

4. Grammar: He is + (action verb in -ing). I draw on the board a boy counting his fingers. I explain
to the Ss how to structure and pronounce the sentence using today’s grammar. Once the Ss have
finished practicing the correct pronunciation of the sentence I ask them to draw the boy counting his
fingers in their notebooks and after that copy the sentence. (7 min)

He is counting.
5. Speaking: Look at the picture and describe what he is doing. I choose some Ss at random
through the dynamic called “hot potato”. I choose a flashcard to the chosen student and ask him/her
the question: “What is he doing?” The S has to answer by making use of today’s grammar: He is +
(action verb in -ing). I check pronunciation and give him/her help if necessary. (10 min)

Closing Activity

6. Writing: Look at the pictures and write sentences. I have the Ss paste in their notebooks a piece
of paper containing five pictures. I explain to the Ss that they have to look at the pictures and then
write sentences putting into practice the grammar just learned. Once the activity is finished, I check
the Ss’ notebooks to be sure they wrote the sentences correctly. (10 min)

He is drinking. He is eating. He is singing. He is coloring. He is pasting.

E. Homework

Unscramble the sentences. (3 min)

a. a poem / Antonio / writing / is

b. eating / is / nacatamal / He
c. is / water / Alexander / drinking

F. My reflections on the lesson / Observation (s)

MINED – Lesson Plan Format A

A. Lesson Plan Information B

Subject: English.
School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes.

Unit 3: Leisure Time.

Topic: V: Action verbs: write, draw, color, paint, count, measure, paste, cut.

G:  He isn’t + (action verb in -ing).  He is + (action verb in -ing).

W: Look at the pictures and write sentences.

L: Listen and circle the sentence you hear.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student identifies action verbs through audios and visual aids and written forms.
b. The student uses action verbs to ask and answer questions about what someone is doing with
proper grammatical structure.

C. Evaluation Criterion
1. Pronounce and recognize vocabulary about action verbs correctly.
2. Ask and answer questions about what someone is doing orally and written form in an acceptable

D. Learning Strategies
Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss participate in the dynamic called “Hot cabbage”. I explain to the Ss that
I am going to play a song on my speaker and they have to pass the cabbage from one to another;
once I stop the song on my speaker, the one holding the cabbage will unstick a leaf and read a
sentnce. (10 min)

2. Review: The Ss review with me through flashcards the correct pronunciation, recognition, and
written form of the vocabulary of action verbs 1 and 2, and the grammar “He is…” (3 min)

3. Presentation of the new topic: I explain to the Ss that in today’s lesson they are going to describe
in an oral and written way what a male person is or isn’t doing. (2 min)

Middle Activities

4. Grammar: He isn’t + (action verb in -ing). He is + (action verb in -ing). I draw on the board a
boy drinking juice. I explain to the Ss how to structure and pronounce the sentences using today’s
grammar. Once the Ss have finished practicing the correct pronunciation of the sentences I ask
them to draw the boy counting drinking, in their notebooks and after that copy the sentences. (7
5. Writing: Look at the pictures and write sentences. I draw on the board five boys: singing,
laughing, drinking, crying and counting. Next to them I draw a box with a cross and a box with a
check. I ask the Ss to draw them in their notebooks and then write the sentences. I monitor and
check to be sure they wrote the sentences correctly. (13 min)


1. He isn’t drinking. He is singing.

2. He isn’t cutting paper. He is laughing.
3. He isn’t eating tacos. He is drinking pinol.
4. He isn’t laughing. He is crying.
5. He isn’t measuring. He is counting.

Closing Activity

6. Listening: Listen and circle the sentence you hear. I write on the board five pairs of sentences
and ask the Ss to copy them in their notebooks. After that, I ask them to listen to me and circle the
sentence they hear. Once the activity is finished I check the Ss’ notebooks to be sure they did the
activity correctly. (10 min)

1. He isn’t playing soccer. / He is playing soccer.

2. He is singing “One love”. / He isn’t singing “One love”.
3. He isn’t drinking lemonade. / He is drinking lemonade.
4. He is coloring a cat. / He isn’t coloring a cat.
5. Wilquer is writing a poem. / Wilquer isn’t writing a poem.

E. Homework
F. My reflections on the lesson / Observation (s)

MINED – Lesson Plan Format A

A. Lesson Plan Information B

Subject: English. C

School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes. D

Unit 4: In Orbit.

Topic: V: Outer Space: planet, star, earth, moon, alien, astronaut, telescope.

L: Listen, point, and say the words.

W: Draw the outer space vocabulary and write the words.

R: Read, find, and circle the words in the word search.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student identifies actions related to people’s jobs through audios, visual aids, and written form.

C. Evaluation criterion
a. Remember different kind of activities related to jobs and small stories about occupation.

D. Learning Strategies
Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss participate in the dynamic called “change place if you have a + (cleaning
article)”. (10 min)

2. Review: The Ss review with me through flashcards the correct pronunciation, recognition and
written form of the vocabulary of routines, cleaning articles and activities. (3 min)

3. Presentation of the new topic: I explain to the Ss by pointing to the topic written on the board that
in today’s lesson they are going to learn to identify, name and write the vocabulary of outer space.
(2 min)

Middle Activities

4. Vocabulary: Outer Space. Through flashcards I present to the Ss the new vocabulary about outer
space. I show them each flashcard and ask them to repeat the words with me. Then I show them
the flashcards again and motivate them to say the words without my help. (5 min)
5. Listening: Listen, point and say the words. I ask the Ss to open their books and turn to page 32.
I ask them to listen, point and say the words. I play track 17 three times on my speaker. I monitor
and check to be sure the Ss are pointing and pronouncing the words correctly. (5 min)

6. Writing: Draw the outer space vocabulary and write the words. Once the Ss have finished
practicing the correct pronunciation and recognition of the words I ask them to draw the pictures in
their notebooks and then write the words for each drawing. I monitor and check to be sure the Ss
are writing the words correctly. (10 min)

Closing Activity

7. Reading: Read, find, and circle the words in the word search. I paste in the Ss’ English
notebooks a piece of paper containing a word search. I ask the Ss to find and circle the eight words
about outer space. The words can be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and back and forth.
Once the activity is finished, I check the Ss’ notebooks to be sure they did the activity correctly. (10

E. Homework
F. My reflections on the lesson / Observation (s)

MINED – Lesson Plan Format A

A. Lesson Plan Information B

Subject: English. C

School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes. D

Unit 4: In Orbit.

Topic: V: Outer Space: planet, star, earth, moon, alien, astronaut, telescope.

G: I + (activity/routine). I don’t + (activity/routine).

W: Complete the chart with the correct sentences.

L: Listen and circle the sentences you hear.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student identifies actions related to people’s jobs through audios, visual aids, and written form.

C. Evaluation criterion
a. Remember different kind of activities related to jobs and small stories about occupation.

D. Learning Strategies
Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss participate in the dynamic called “listen to the song and write the words
you hear about outer space”. I explain to the Ss that I am going to play the song on my speaker,
they have to listen to the song and then write the words that they identify. (10 min)

2. Review: The Ss review with me through flashcards the correct pronunciation, recognition and
written form of the vocabulary of routines, activities, and outer space. (3 min)

3. Presentation of the new topic: I explain to the Ss by pointing to the topic written on the board that
in today’s lesson they are going to learn to describe the activities or routines they do or don’t do. (2

Middle Activities

4. Grammar: I + (activity/routine). I don’t + (activity/routine). I draw on the board a dentist and

below the drawing I draw a T-chart, on the left side I write the symbol () and on the right side, the
symbol (). I explain to the Ss how to structure the sentences in affirmative and negative. I ask them
to say the sentences with me and then without me. After that, I ask them to copy the examples in
their notebooks. (7 min)

 

1. I use special instruments. 1. I don’t use a telescope.

2. I check your teeth. 2. I don’t teach English.
3. I work in a clinic. 3. I don’t work in a school.
5. Writing: Complete the chart with the correct sentences. I draw to T-charts on the board, above
the T-chart I write the word “teacher” and “astronaut”. I ask the Ss to complete each chart by writing
the activities or routines that every professional does. I monitor and check to be sure the Ss are
doing the activity correctly. (10 min)

Teacher Astronaut

   
1. I teach English. 1.- I don’t work in a hospital. 1. I use a telescope. 1. I don’t work in a school.
2. I use a pencil. 2.- I don’t walk on the moon. 2. I walk on the moon. 2. don’t teach children.

Closing Activity

6. Listening: Listen and circle the sentence you hear. I write on the board five pairs of sentences.
I ask the Ss to copy them in their notebooks. After that, I ask them to listen to me and circle the
sentence they hear. I check the Ss’ notebooks once the activity is finished. (10 min)

1. I use a pencil. / I use a pen.

2. I don’t work in a hospital. / I don’t work in a school.
3. I use a telescope. / I don’t use a telescope.
4. I teach English to children. / I teach science to children.
5. I use a telescope to look at the star. / I use a telescope to look at the moon.

E. Homework

Read the sentences and complete the gaps with the words from the box. (3 min)

brush name your

do take make

1. Hello. What’s ___________ name?

2. My _________ is Mandy.
3. What do you _________ in the morning?
4. I ________ my bed, _________ a shower and then I ________ my teeth.

F. My reflections on the lesson / Observation (s)

MINED – Lesson Plan Format A

A. Lesson Plan Information B

Subject: English. C

School: Centro Escolar Público LEIDEN. Time: 45 minutes. D

Unit 4: Excursion Time.

Topic: V: Museum Trips: museum, parents, leave, questionnaire, fill out, day trip, dinosaur,

L: Listen, point and say the sentences.

W: Write the sentences.

R: Find and circle the words in the word search.

B. Performance Indicator
a. The student identifies the vocabulary related to museum trips.
C. Evaluation Criterion
1. Write the vocabulary related to museum trips in a correct way.
D. Learning Strategies
Opening Activities

1. Warm-up activity: The Ss participate in the dynamic called: “change place if you are + (adjective)”.
I explain to the Ss the activity so that they can perform it well. (10 min)

2. Review: The Ss review with me through flashcards the correct pronunciation, recognition and
written form of the vocabulary of adjectives to describe people. (3 min)

3. Presentation of the new topic: I explain to the Ss that in today’s lesson they are going to learn to
identify, name and write the vocabulary related to museum trips. (2 min)

Middle Activities

4. Vocabulary: Museum Trips. I present the new vocabulary to the Ss making use of flashcards. I
show them each flashcard and ask them to say the words and sentences with me. Then I show
them the flashcards again and motivate them to say and read the sentences without my help. (5
5. Listening: Listen, point and say the sentences. I have the Ss paste in their notebooks a piece of
paper containing the pictures of the vocabulary of the museum trips. I ask the Ss to listen, point and
say the sentences. I play the track 15 on my speaker three times. I monitor and check to be sure
the Ss are pointing and saying the sentences with correct pronunciation. (7 min)

6. Writing: Write the words and sentences. Once the Ss have finished practicing the correct
pronunciation of the words and sentences I write the words and sentences on the board so that the
Ss can write each word and sentence below the corresponding picture. I monitor and check to be
sure the Ss wrote the sentences correctly. (8 min)

Closing Activity

7. Reading: Read, find and circle the words in the word search. I have the Ss paste in their
notebooks a piece of paper containing a word search. I ask them to find and circle the museum trips
words in the word search. Once the activity is finished I check the Ss’ notebooks to be sure they did
the activity correctly. (10 min)

E. Homework
F. My reflections on the lesson / Observation (s)


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