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T: /9 C: /10

Students will
• Design and conduct an experiment to confirm Newton’s Second Law.
• Students will record and analyze the data for this lab in the space provided.

Open and start the Gizmo “Fan Cart Physics”.

• On the right, select the tab to view graphs. Change the graph to a v-t graph.

Zoom in or out
as needed to
see the points
on graph

Purpose: To verify Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

Hypothesis [T1]: Newton’s second Law can be expresses as 𝑎= .
- If the net force acting on an object increases, then the acceleration of the object will
____________________, as long as the mass stays constant.

- decrease
If the mass of an object steadily increases, then the acceleration will _________________,
as long as the net force stays constant.

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Background information [T1]:
For this lab, we will measure acceleration as the dependent variable.
There are two potential independent variables: net force (Fnet) and mass, m.
In science experiments, how many independent variables can you test at one time?
one variable at a time
What do you do with the variable you are NOT currently testing during your experiment?
you can combine it with the first variable

Here is some useful data about the Gizmo:

mass of cart: 0.625 kg
mass of each fan (A, B, C): 0.625 kg
mass of each block M: 1.250 kg
force exerted by each fan: 1.00 N

Add fans to the

Add masses to
cart to apply a
the cart to
force on the
increase the
mass of the cart.

Turn fans on
and off here.

Part 1: Fnet as the Independent Variable
1. We will vary Fnet and keep the mass constant.
2. To vary Fnet, we simply need to have more fans blowing. But adding more fans also
increases the mass. So, put ALL three fans (A, B, and C) on the cart to start. Do this by
dragging fans A, B and C onto the cart. Make sure all three are turned off.
3. On the next page, record the total mass of the cart + 3 fans in the chart provided on the
next page. (See top of this page for masses).
4. Turn on one fan. Record the force applied by the fan in the chart. (See top of this page for
force information).
5. Press play.
6. Calculate and record the acceleration from the slope of the v-t graph. It may help to zoom
in/ zoom out of the graph.
7. Click on reset.
8. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 with two fans on and then with three fans on.

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Part 2: m as Independent Variable
1. In this part, we need to keep Fnet constant and change the mass. Put ONE fan on the cart.
Put the other two fans away. Turn on the one fan.
2. Start with no added masses. Record the mass of the cart and one fan on the 2nd chart
3. Press play.
4. Record the acceleration from the slope of the v-t graph.
5. Click reset.
6. Add one mass (M block) to the cart. Record the mass of the cart + fan + added mass.
7. Press play and record the acceleration from the slope of the v-t graph.
8. Repeat steps 5, 6 and 7 with two added masses and with three added masses.

Observations [C7]:

Part 1: [C3]
Total mass of cart plus fans: ____________

Number of fans on Force exerted (N) Acceleration (m/s2)

1 1.25kg 7.1m/s
2 1.875kg 5m/s
3 2.5kg 4.1m/s

Part 2: [C4]
Total force exerted by one fan: ___________

Number of mass blocks on Total mass of cart + fan + Acceleration (m/s2)

cart added masses (kg)

0 2.5kg 0m/s
1 5kg 5m/s
2 7.5kg 4.3m/s
3 10kg 4.1m/s

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Calculations/Analysis [T7, C3]:
1) Graph the data that you have collected:
[T6, 3 marks for each graph]

Part 1: Part 2:
Acceleration of Cart vs. Force Acceleration of Cart vs. Mass
When Mass is Constant When Force is Constant
10 10
6 m
r 5 5
c 4 s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 5 10
acceleration acceleration

Conclusion: (do your results match your hypothesis? Do these results prove Newton’s 2nd Law?
Explain using your data and your graphs) [C 3]

Assessment Questions: [T 1] (For completing all 5 questions)

a) Scroll down below the simulation. Complete all 5 assessment multiple choice questions.

b) Check your answers. How many answers did you get correct? _______________

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