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POLICY TITLE Wine Service For Bottle – All Venues


DEPARTMENT Food and Beverage: Restaurant Operations
ORIGINAL DATE October 4, 2016
DATE VERSION July 19, 2017


 At Royal Caribbean, we are dedicated to providing our guests with a luxury experience on board. Whether it is dining in one
of our casual restaurants, specialty restaurants, or simply hanging pool side, our commitment is to be sure the guests have
the ultimate luxury experience. This includes all aspects of service especially guest interaction and communication.


 Royal Caribbean Cruises have developed basic service standards and requirements in order to execute luxury service. Here
we will review appropriate sequence of service for opening a bottle of wine tableside

 Assist the guest with the selection of the wine. Be honest – if the guest would like information or a
pairing suggestion and the answer is unknown, suggest to a manager to touch the table or another
waiter that can assist.
 Once the guest selects a wine, provide the appropriate glassware: select the glassware based on
varietal or area comparison (i.e. Pinot Noir, Burgundy glass). If the party is larger than 6 and the guest
orders two bottles, provide one proper glass to the guest that ordered as well as an all-purpose wine
glass to taste the second bottle.
 With lito in hand, present the bottle – label facing the guest – to the person who ordered the wine.
 While standing next to host, hold bottle by the low neck. Without moving the bottle, cut the foil just
below the lip only moving the knife, having the bottle label always face the guest; swiping forward and
backwards around the lip. Remove the top part of the foil and put it in your pocket
 Slip the wine key between your fingers in the same hand that you are opening the bottle of wine in
order to open the corkscrew out
 On a 45 degree angle, lay the sharp tip of the corkscrew into the cork and press it in while twisting
clockwise. Twist the corkscrew 7 whole turns or until only one loop is left visable in the cork. Use the
lever to remove the cork.
 Transfer the corkscrew to the hand that is also holding the bottle and twist off the cork, placing it on
the table in front of the host. Pour off a two count splash (or 1 oz) into host’s glass, face the bottle
label to the host, stand by and wait for guest to taste and confirm.
 Going clockwise around the table, pour only to the ladies. Once all ladies have wine, pour to the rest
of the gentleman, moving clockwise. Regardless of gender, pour the host last ALWAYS.
 With each pour, give the bottle a 45 degree angle twist and swipe the drip with the lito.
 Place the bottle (on coaster if available) in front of host, label facing the host.

Property of Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD

Standard Operation Procedure Page 1

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