SB - Unit 8

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READING 1 Match the words in the list with the photos. ‘Write 1-5 inthe boxes. 1 aconcert | 2 amusician | 3 a singer 4 atrumpet | § aviclin 2. Look at the photos on page 75. They show a concert. Where ina tain station ina concertall ina supermarket ina school 74 ‘OBJECTIVES FUNCTIONS: talking about music and feelings: describing a scene; talking about likes and dllkes ‘Gkammats present continuous; ike ( done ike + ing ‘vocasuiany: clothes Do you use Twitter? What do you know about Tweets? Read andlisten to the Tweets, Answer the questions. © Howdoes Alex feel at 09.442 b How many musicians are playing at 09.487 How do the people in the supermarket feel at 09.49? How many people are singingin the concert at 09.50? How does Alex feel at 09:51? ‘What are the musicians doing at 09.55? #musicinsupermarket Alex Smith AloxSmith 0.8 ‘Saturday amp inthe suparmarket with Mum, Were ‘doing some shopping. Boring! People are waiking around. mn listening to musi on my pwn, 0.47 Hey, something is happening. A woman is sitting on. ‘a chair and she's playing a violin. What's this! I's. fash mob in the supermarket! ‘Wow. This is fantastic! Now about tan men and ‘women are standing here and they're playing music on violins and trumpets and things. 09.48 'Tm looking at the other people in the ‘supermarket. They're surprised but they lke the ‘music, They aren't thinking about food now! BTHINK VALUES Music a ck (/) the places where you listen to music. Tell your partner. How many are the same? in my room ‘onthe bustin outside in the shops at school another place (Where?) I ieten to susicin my room, asetside and ove the bus, 8 DANCE TO THE MUSIC 00.50 Now four people are singing! They're giving al coneert but thay aren't wearing epecial lathes. Why is this happening? I don't know! 09.51 ‘Mum says that the music is Handl?71! She isn't ‘shopping now ~ she's standing with meand we're Istaning. 'm not bored now. 00.53 Lots of people are taking out their phones ‘and recorcing the concert. Other peeple are ‘weeting, like me! And a itl girls dancing, 09.55 OK, i's over. All the poopie here.are smiling ‘and talking about the music. The musicians and singers are leaving, What great morning! 2 What are your reasons for listening to mi Write 1-3 in the boxes: 3 = avery important reason, 2= an important reason, 1 =notan important reason. Itmakes me happy. Ican listen with friends Its Free. I can forget my problems I can dance tot 3. EEN Workin groups. Compare your ideas. GRAMMAR : o ; LOOK! Speling Present continuous singsinging Ive -IWving 1 Lokat the examples of the present continuous. Underline din — simi } ‘other examples in the Tweets on page 75. Then choosethe correct words to complete the rule and the table. 2. Woite the correc ing form of these I'm listening to music on my phone, verbs. Awoman is sitting ona chai. \ © come conning They aren't wearing special clothes. 7 ake ‘Why isthis happening? saat ‘ 3 shop RULE: We use the present continuous to talk about things that 4 make "happen every doy | are happening now. We form the present 5 watch continuous with the present tense of oe to have and the ng oles form of the msin verb \ / 7 study ive Negative Question + 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs short answer from Exercise 3 in the correct form. Few(amplstening | mnot(amnoe) + ltering? Gia Concealer et lal eReaae B OK San, iecoming. new! y 1A Where's Mally? Youve, Younes tergrom re) arer’t(arenot)_istening’ litening ; Yes youtweltney are She TV. No, youlwerthey 2A Isfacob here? : 8 No, heisnt. He computer HerShelit HefSheit * helsherit gamer in his bedroom 2 (is) | isnot) | ? 3A Canttalkte Mike, please? Istening lsening Yes, helsheft Sonn eve eal a No, heli isn't forshoes 4A Let's gohome now. 2 Look at the pictures. Then write anameto complete the Pe pagal 5 A Isyourdad in the kitchen? © — jake bare 8 Yes,he is! He acake! Hh : aedaning 6A Where's Ale? istaking a ie standing Sandal photo. and cheering, ee 3 istalkingon 8 swearing a aA es FUER the phone. blue hat and smiling. eee 7 isleaving : oa 8 That's right. She. ata university there. 5 ‘sreading. DANCE TO THE MUSIC FUNCTIONS Look at the different dances inthe photos, Where Describing a scene do you think they come from? Choose from the (hes countriesin the list When we describe a scene, we oftenuse: Brazil | China | Greece | Indonesia Spain | Thailand | Turkey 1 the present continuous prepositions 3 adjectives a forcolours sizes, ete b to say what people are doing © to saywhere people and things are, 2. Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Which photo in Listening Exercise 1 isthis person describing? 2 Underline examples of the language mentioned in Exercise 1 (present continuous, prepositions, adjectives) ‘Therearelots of people, One woman is ‘dancing, She's wearinga red dress, There are ‘some musicians behind her. They're playing iusic. Some people are sitting on chairs. They ‘are watching and clapping. Everyone Is happy. ‘They're enjoyingthemusicand dancing 3 Look at the picture. Work in pairs. Describe the scene. In which photos can you see these things? Write 1-4in the boxes. 1 Amani playing.a guitar and a womanis dancing 2 The men are wearing clothes of diferent colours. 3. The men and the women are dancing ina line 4 The men are wearing bladk-and. white cloths round theirlegs. Listen to the programme. Which three photos in Exercise 1 do the people talk about? Listen again and choose the correct options. © Janie’s family goes to Spait/ Turkey every year 1 Janie foves the clothes that the men / women wear. 2 The dancers in Turkey wear skirts that are the same «colour / diferent colours 3. The dancers in Turkey don't have ony music stop. 4 Inthe Kecak dance, there is't any musi / moving, 5. The Keeak dance is only for touts / musicions Imagine you can go and watch one af the dances. Which dance do you want to watch? 78 READING Read and listen to the dialogue and look atthe picture, Whois Andy? MAGGIE Hi Mike. Are you enjoying the party? MIKE Hey; Maggie. Yeah, i's OK. But | donit like the musi. MAGGIE Oh, the music is OK!Hey! Come and dancet realty ike dancing! MIKE No, thanks. dontlike dancing very much. Ask Andy to dance with you. He'sareally good dancer. MAGGIE Andy? Who's Andy? MIKE He'soverthere. Look ~he's wearing Brey trousers and a green shirt. Can you see him? MAGGIE Oh, yes, cansee him.A green shirt! Ugh! MIKE Oh, it'sjust a shirt! Go and ask himto dance, MAGGIE No. hate talking to boys MIKE But you'e talking to me. MAGGIE tknow, but youre my fiend. That's different. don't know Andy. And he's ‘wearinga green shirt! MIKE You're crazy. Andy isreally nice. He loves going to parties, and dancing . and meeting new people. Oh, look, hos coming over here. anor Hil'm Andy MAGGIE Oh, hi. I'm Maggie. Do youlike dancing? ANDY Yes, !love it! Do you want to dance? MAGGIE Yes, OK! Oh, and I like your shirt! MIKE What? Wow. really don't understand 2 Read the dialogue again and complete the sentences. 0 Mike is enjoying the party but he docsn't like the music. 1 Andyiswearing 2. Maggie doesn't ike 2) Maggie and Mike are GRAMMAR like | don't like + -ing 1 Complete the sentences from the dialogue in Reading Exercise 1. Then complete the rule. © Come anddancel Ireallylke dancing. | 1 Thate: toboys. 2 Heloves to parties 2 Doyou like ? f \ RULE: We use the verbs (dont like / I hee verb + sing to talk about activities 2 Write like, don't like, love and hate in the correct places, 3 Complete the sentences. Usea verb from Exercise 2 and the correct form of the verb in brackets Owwarch) tothe cinema, @ (go) carly. @ @eeeturd © | fove watching. sport on TV. 11 i 3 My forily to France on holiday (0) 4) My best friend @ O(ur) My pacents @ (dance) é parents ? ‘@ cook) aed r the teacher homework? @ (give) + Look at sentences 0-5 in Exercise 3. Which are true for you? Change the ones that are not true for you. VOCABULARY 2 Clothes 1 Match the clothes in the list with the pictures, Write 1-12 in the boxes, Listen and check. 1 adress | 2 acoat | 3 jeans | 4 ajumper S ashirt | shoes | 7 shorts | @ askirt 9 socks | 10 aT-shirt | 11 trainers | 12 trousers | oC 8 DANCE TO THE MUSIC Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 again. What are the people wearing? 0 Paul is wearing blue jeavs, a white T-shirt and trainers 1 Anna is wearing 2 Jason & Amanda 4 Simon ‘Work in pairs, Askand answer the questions, 1 What clothes do you love wearing? What

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