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MAST 205
Calculus II
Dec 1, 2020
Ted Szylowiec



1. Write down the expressions for Taylor series

and Maclaurin series and explain the difference.
2. Expand f ( x ) = 1/x as a Taylor series near
x = 2. What is the interval of convergence?
3. Find the Maclaurin series for f ( x ) = e x and
determine the interval of convergence. Use this
series (and a calculator) to estimate the value of
the number e.
4. Find Maclaurin series for sin( x ) and cos( x ).
5. Find Maclaurin series for sinh( x ) and
cosh( x ). All you need to know is:
d d
cosh x = sinh x, sinh x = cosh x
dx dx
cosh 0 = 1, sinh 0 = 0.

6. Find the Maclaurin series for

f (x) = .
See if you can get the formula for geometric
series this way.
7. Show that the Taylor series for f ( x ) = e x near
x = a is
( x − a ) ( x − a )2
x a
e = e 1+ + +··· .
1! 2!
8. Find the Taylor series for

f ( x ) = 2x3 + x2 + 3x − 8

near x = 2. Notice that your Taylor series turns

out to be a Taylor polynomial.

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