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Watch a recent TV commercial and think of a celebrity endorser that you find to

lack persuasive ability.

Celebrity branding is being used as a marketing tactic to draw in new customers
to a brand. Because they are viewed as opinion leaders, they are a means for brands to
expand their market and improve sales while also having a significant impact on
society.I'm sure you must have come across Old Spice commercials on the TV,
featuring Isaiah Mustafa. He show a lack of persuasive ability in the commercial
because they cannot catch my attension also they show the lack of information about
the product that will pursue to viewers to try or to buy the product. More over they also
use a logical phares ,‘’Im riding this horse backwards’’ which mean let the impossible
unfold that sometimes not immediately understand by the viewers.
Laslty I discovered that this commercial is a lack persuasive ability because me
as marketing student im looking for a a commercial that is more
informative,creative,and create a storyline to which your audience can relate and
connect so that they attrack the viewers to buy that specific product.

2.What do you observe about the product and the person endorsing it that fails to
persuade you?
TV advertising offers a significant competitive advantage. People trust TV, it may
increase market share, and it has a wide audience. The Old Spice strategy makes
brilliant use of social media. The product and the person represents the perfect male in
terms of appearance and scent. This advertising gives the goods a masculine image by
featuring a handsome, fit man like Isaiah Mustafa. This commercial uses the ad
populum logical fallacy. This advertisement virtually yells out the claim that by using the
product, you may imitate the man you see on television in terms of appearance, odor,
and behavior.
The commercial is good but in my perception the person who is endorsing the product
fail to persuade me because in first place they cannot catch my attention immediately
when it flash on our tv, second they use a logical phares that cannot easily
understand by the viewers an lastly it cannot give me a important information about the
product.As a marketing student I think that is important that we know how to persuade
a product so that we will catch the attention a viewers immediately that encourage them
to try the product.

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