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After watching the skits, answer the following questions (20pts):

1.Did the role plays show real life situations?

Yes,because there are certain problem issue show in the role play in a real life
situation like Parent arguing in the front of their children,teenanger pregnancy, stop of
schooling,lack of job and many more that cause a problem to the families.

2.Have you seen these incidents happening around you?

Yes , I remember some of my relatives experience this kind of situation of there
parents arguing in their front because her father was steady at work or being
unenmployed that cause to stop her in shooling.

3.Why does violence happen in families or within relationships?

This happening because of lack of communication because lack of effective
communication is ambiguous and indirect. Numerous family issues, such as excessive
family conflict, inefficient problem-solving, a lack of closeness, and brittle emotional ties,
can result from it. And also Poor Time Management, True communication between
parents and children is rarely possible. Parents can fail to communicate what they
should because of poor time management and a worsened selecting process. Brief
statements like "I love you" could come out as basic and unnecessary.Lastly lack of
attention to each other because for support and solace through both happy and sad
times, it's critical to surround oneself with family. According to studies, having supportive
relationships both makes us feel better mentally and acts as a powerful barrier against
mental diseases and make make us away from a violence happen in the families.

4.Is it possible to resolve conflict without being violent? How?

Yes,make a a proper communication or family communication is crucial because it
allows members to convey their needs, wants, and concerns to one another. Family
members can express their differences as well as their love and appreciation for one
another in a setting where communication is open and honest.

II. Case Study (20pts)

Case 1. In a very traditional and patriarchal family, the father of a 19-year old girl tells
her that he has arranged for her to marry a certain man. The girl does not know the man
very well. The man is much older than she is, but she agrees to the marriage.

1.Do you think this kind of situation could happen?

Yes, it is possible for this to occur since some families continue a custom started by a
previous generation in which the family head arranges marriages for the children.

2.Did she give her informed consent to this marriage?

Given that she is now a 19-year-old woman, she is not a minor. Making a free and
voluntary decision based on information is informed consent. If there was force used, it
would not be considered informed consent, but given the circumstances, the girl
accepts the marriage proposal nevertheless. Despite not knowing the man well, she
agreed that there is no hint of force. The young lady thus gives her informed permission.

3.Was there any force used in this incident? Who is more powerful in this example,
father or daughter?
Regardless of whether she seeks to end the marriage or disagrees with it, there was no
use of force in the accident. It only stated that she consented nonetheless. Given that
he is the family patriarch in this case, the father is clearly the most powerful person.
Since she is not a minor and he controls the choice, I believe she also has the ability to
disagree, but a father is more strong in terms of standing within the family.

4.What kind of power does the father have?

Patriarchy is the father's authority and dominance over his family. The father is more
powerful in this scenario because, as the family's head and a man, he rules over
everyone in the household, including women, younger males, and the children.

5.What kind of power does the daughter have?

The daughter's power comes from women's subordination. In a conventional, patriarchal
family, her position as a daughter is subordinate to that of her father, who is the leader
of the household. She adheres to her father's rules because she has less authority in
their home.

6.How does power relate to choice in this example?

An individual will almost certainly be forced to follow someone who is more powerful
than them if they have less or no control over that thing. In this case, the daughter of a
conventional, patriarchal household is forced to accept the planned marriage that her
father has set before her, with a man of his choosing.

Case 2. A student is failing in her subject. She approached her professor and asked for
assistance because her failure might cost her scholarship. Her professor told her that
the only way that she can pass the subject is for her to have sex with him.

1.Do you think this kind of situation could happen?

Yes,because this situation might arise as a result of some students trying to find
strategies to keep their grades in pass. Additionally, when individuals take use of their
stature or position to harm others. The student attempted to get help from her professor
in this situation, but instead she was given the requirement that she have sex with her
professor in order to pass.
2.Did she give her informed consent?
No, she didn't provide any consent because all she did was go up to her professor and
beg for help, hoping that there could be some room for mistake or a chance to make

3.Was there any force used in this incident? Who is more powerful in this example,
professor or student?
There are no force in incident the professor have very powerful so that the students
might frightened.In this case the student have an option if they make a sex to her
teacher if they want to pass or not.

4.What kind of power does the professor have?

The professor have authority and dominance over his student . The professor is more
powerful in this scenario because, as the professor of the school, he has a power if the
student will fast of not.

5.What kind of power does the student have?

The students have no power to argue with to the professor. In a conventional, her
position as a student is subordinate to that of her professor, who is the leader or a
power in the school. She adheres to her professor rules because she has less authority
in their school.

6.How does power relate to choice in this example?

An individual will almost certainly be forced to follow someone who is more powerful
than them if they have less or no control over that thing. In this case the power to relate
to a choice are very powerful because in every choice that you do have big infact in
your life. In this case it show that if you want to pass there are ceratin thing that you
need to do.

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