Identifying Triggers Worksheet

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Identifying Triggers

Triggers often activate strong automatic physical and emotional responses that are disproportionate to a situation. The exercises
below aim to identify your triggers as a way of gaining more self-awareness and being more proactive in bringing them under
control. Feel free to increase the rows as needed.

Sounds / Things that I hear

Trigger My Response Thoughts & Feelings Possible Origin of Trigger

Smells / Things that I smell

Trigger My Response Thoughts & Feelings Possible Origin of Trigger

Sights / Things that I see

Trigger My Response Thoughts & Feelings Possible Origin of Trigger

Trigger My Response Thoughts & Feelings Possible Origin of Trigger

People or Faces
Trigger My Response Thoughts & Feelings Possible Origin of Trigger

Time, Day of Week, or Season

Informed by Jongsma & Bruce, 2022 1

Identifying Triggers

Trigger My Response Thoughts & Feelings Possible Origin of Trigger

Things People Say

Trigger My Response Thoughts & Feelings Possible Origin of Trigger

Among the triggers you identified, list down the top-3 that you frequently experience and identify alternative ways to respond to the

Trigger Alternative Way of Responding to the Trigger

Informed by Jongsma & Bruce, 2022 2

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