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Part I. When faced with problems, it helps to understand your involvement in creating the problem (i.e.

responsibility) and how much influence you have over your desired outcome or the outcome you dread the
most (i.e., control). In reality, we do not have absolute responsibility or control over all aspects of a problem.
Instead, the extent of our responsibility or control are often limited to certain aspects of the problem. Having
a better understanding of all this can eventually help in putting plans into action. In the spaces below,
identify different problems that you are faced with at the moment and answer the questions that follow.

Problem #01
Briefly describe the real-life problem. I’m too tired sometimes to practice on my art in the
What aspects of this problem can you be Input answer here
responsible for?
What aspects of this problem do you have control Input answer here
If this problem were to be resolved, what outcome Input answer here
do you desire?
What aspects of this problem do you have control Input answer here
What aspects of this problem do you not have Input answer here
control over and need to accept?
What is the outcome you dread the most if you are Input answer here
unable to resolve the problem?
What could you do differently that would be a Input answer here
positive step toward dealing with this problem?
What are you able to do about the problem at this Input answer here
How can you cope with this problem differently? Input answer here
What are more realistic goals or expectations Input answer here
regarding this problem?
What are the costs and benefits of seeing the Costs: Benefits:
problem in terms of what I can work on right now? Input answer here Input answer here

Problem #02
Briefly describe the real-life problem. I do not enjoy the work that I do for our family
What aspects of this problem can you be Input answer here
responsible for?
What aspects of this problem do you have control Input answer here
If this problem were to be resolved, what outcome Input answer here
do you desire?
What aspects of this problem do you have control Input answer here
What aspects of this problem do you not have Input answer here
control over and need to accept?
What is the outcome you dread the most if you are Input answer here
unable to resolve the problem?
What could you do differently that would be a Input answer here
positive step toward dealing with this problem?

Informed by Clark (2020)

What are you able to do about the problem at this Input answer here
How can you cope with this problem differently? Input answer here
What are more realistic goals or expectations Input answer here
regarding this problem?
What are the costs and benefits of seeing the Costs: Benefits:
problem in terms of what I can work on right now? Input answer here Input answer here

Problem #02
Briefly describe the real-life problem. I want to live and work abroad doing artwork.
What aspects of this problem can you be Input answer here
responsible for?
What aspects of this problem do you have control Input answer here
If this problem were to be resolved, what outcome Input answer here
do you desire?
What aspects of this problem do you have control Input answer here
What aspects of this problem do you not have Input answer here
control over and need to accept?
What is the outcome you dread the most if you are Input answer here
unable to resolve the problem?
What could you do differently that would be a Input answer here
positive step toward dealing with this problem?
What are you able to do about the problem at this Input answer here
How can you cope with this problem differently? Input answer here
What are more realistic goals or expectations Input answer here
regarding this problem?
What are the costs and benefits of seeing the Costs: Benefits:
problem in terms of what I can work on right now? Input answer here Input answer here

[Add more tables as needed]

Part II. List the specific steps of your action plan for Problem #1, #2, etc.

Problem #01 Step 1. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)
Step 2. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)
Step 3. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)

Problem #02 Step 1. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)
Step 2. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)
Step 3. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)

Problem #03 Step 1. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)
Step 2. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)
Step 3. Input action plan (Input estimated target date by when)

[Add more tables as needed]

Informed by Clark (2020)

Part III. Answer this part after some time has passed or when you have completed the implementation of
your action plan to evaluate your success.

Problem #01
Did you follow through with all the steps in your Input answer here
plan of action?

Were some steps more difficult than others? Input answer here
Did you spend enough time implementing your plan Input answer here
or did you procrastinate?
Are there some steps in your plan that need to be Input answer here
changed to make them more helpful?

Problem #02
Did you follow through with all the steps in your Input answer here
plan of action?

Were some steps more difficult than others? Input answer here
Did you spend enough time implementing your plan Input answer here
or did you procrastinate?
Are there some steps in your plan that need to be Input answer here
changed to make them more helpful?

Problem #03
Did you follow through with all the steps in your Input answer here
plan of action?

Were some steps more difficult than others? Input answer here
Did you spend enough time implementing your plan Input answer here
or did you procrastinate?
Are there some steps in your plan that need to be Input answer here
changed to make them more helpful?

[Add more tables as needed]

Informed by Clark (2020)

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