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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
School Division of Samar
Jiabong National High School
Jiabong, Samar



Mr. Carlos Ulrico Cabubas

Orbita, Jelaine H .(G12-ORION)
It is enough to understand Western ideas based on the nature of the self. Interesting to do A lot of the
challenge is learning what the self really is. Hence it became an interesting subject in the field of

This is a feedback of what I have learned in this course about what philosophy is. Philosophy is a vast
subject and can be difficult to understand. What we learn is that the philosophy class makes me think
and my brain spins all the time, but so far I understand that philosophy is the study of knowledge.
Additionally Philosophy comes from the Greek words, philos and sophia which approach love of
wisdom. Philosophy is unique deliberating such things as thoughts, issues, nature of truths and
knowledge, a take a look at of the world, concepts of behavior etc. wherein humans desires to confront
of their regular living. It allows human beings to understand, clarifies and even express thoughts that
improve the lives of humans via experience, sociability, observations and gaining greater wisdom.

According to Aristotle, philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge; It starts with
amazement. Philosophy leads us to ask specific questions like "Why?" Why did this happen and how did
it happen? The philosophy has its origins in ancient Greece. Philosophy recognizes that everything is
connected in some way.

Philosophy and 'science' are the same project; Doing philosophy is doing science and doing science is
doing philosophy.It is connected because philosophy/science has attempted to discover the
fundamental principle of unity that lies at the basis of all reality and all experience. For this reason we
refer to Garrett Strong many times in our classroom discussions

The earliest philosophers/scientists are called pre-Socratic philosophers. They came before the great
philosopher Socrates. Thales will be first. Thales is known as the father or founder of philosophy/ who
lived in the 6th century BC.Thales began to search for the Unity Principle that..It is enough to
understand Western ideas based on the nature of the self. Interesting to do A lot of the challenge is
learning what the self really is. Thus it became an interesting topic in the field of philosophy.

As a final note, there is a sense of hope and possibility for us and future generations. Such learning can
be developed with philosophy; Professional competence, critical thinking and problem-solving skills,
communication skills, lifelong learning, social and ethical responsibility, productivity and interpersonal
skills. Philosophy molds man into a rational being who uses his intellectual enthusiasm to make
decisions and reason according to his reason. Man uses his knowledge to understand. Or analyze how
they deal with reality in order to live it properly.

In this topic I've learned a couple of methods that I would like to explore further in my own
philosophical activities are philosophy as a method of conversation and the two corresponding
comparative methods. I believe that these two methods could be synthesized in a way that allows for
a genuine dialectic between a variety of philosophical positions. Too often philosophy only speaks to
itself. While comparative methods may still be the subject of this problem, I believe that philosophy
as a method of conversation could really be a useful tool to bridge the gap between formal
philosophical and everyday experience. The comparative method is one that I actually used in my first
philosophy course called Humanities that I took my senior year in high school.

I think this method is more necessary in view of its political implications. I say this because the
current methods of "identity politics" have fragmented and specialized the left compared to what I
call the over-specialization of science would denote. While certain left-wing groups such as women's
liberation, civil rights, socialist, gay rights, and environmental organizations fight for their own specific
goals, all too often they fail to form coalitions

and instead fight (both internally within the organization and externally between different
movements). ) for the same resources and media attention. I firmly believe that the left must fill this
gap if it ever hopes to achieve any of its particular goals in a sustainable way. So if I decide to return to
science, my work will certainly focus on making those explicit connections and comparisons between
different social movements and between different philosophies.

I think if there is a method here that best reflects my own philosophical work, it would be
phenomenology or deconstruction. As already mentioned, I think I've been doing phenomenology for
a long time and I believe in the need to question one's own experiences critically and reflectively. I
believe that deconstruction and phenomenological method are implicit in each other. If I have learned
anything in the sociology of knowledge, it is the reciprocity by which our epistemology is created and
legitimized by particular subjectivities with particular intentions (generally power). Only by
understanding how one's righteous intentions feed into this power struggle can one begin to
determine how to change the system.

You cannot achieve this through simple abstraction because there is no view of anything. The key is
to be honest with yourself and with your intentionality, as my argument is that the system is just
made up.

In this subject matter I had enjoyed a lot it’s far due to the fact the lesson become interesting. The
human man or woman is an vital situation in Philosophy, and an information of the character and
situation of the man or woman is one of the fundamental desires of the discipline.

This manner that we can not separate the 2 and that they pass hand-in-hand in making us who we
are. Whatever influences the frame additionally influences the spirit, and this particular trait of the
man or woman permits her or him to revel in each the bodily global and the religious global.

We frequently ask ourselves, “What makes us unique?” Pondering our human nature permits us to
decide the unique trends that make us human beings particular as species. Further reflection on our
nature as human beings will even assist us determine out what makes us unique as people and the
way this area of expertise is shared with our fellow human beings.

Moreover it permits us to understand our prospects and limitations, it additionally exposes us to an

intensive and deeper.



This lesson 4, I have learned about having responsibility to treat with respect not only our fellow
humans, but also everything in our world.We rule the earth with everything that happens. We work
with everything, the natural disasters that occur, we manage them and we work to rebuild the
damage they cause. Whatever happens on earth, we handle it and take care of it. Man is responsible
for the care of the earth.

From this state between man and nature, we can conclude that, for the Greeks, man will not
"compromise with nature"." By "engaging with nature" I mean that man does not have to change
what is written in nature's book, but simply "adapt" to what nature asks him to do Therefore, man is
an "observer" of the course of nature, observing the influence of nature. As he observes nature's
influence, he extracts her constant pattern or law. (I hesitate to use the term "pattern constant"
because, for the Greeks, it was a law [logos, Greek] that governs nature.) It is therefore man's duty to
nature to engage with it "intellectually." , as she is primarily rational or has the intellectual capacity to
deal with her.

Society has made progress, but nature has been damaged in the process. Likewise, nature has begun
to harm society in recent years. Before these major problems, Emerson foresaw the deep connection
between humans and the environment and that they must create harmony in order to live a happy
and peaceful life. But not one man, but all men must do this. For when man and nature become.

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