Gun Control SP

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Karnley 1

Emmanuel Karnley


English 4

24 March 2023

Regulating The Right to Bear Arms

Legislation aiming at regulating and limiting access to weapons is referred to as

gun control. Many nations, notably the United States, where the Second Amendment of

the Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, have engaged in spirited discussion

about this problem. Gun control advocates contend that limiting access to firearms can

lower gun violence and make neighborhoods safer. The right to bear weapons and the

right to self-defense, according to opponents, are violated by gun control laws.

Following a string of mass shootings in the country, including the sad incident at Sandy

Hook Elementary School in 2012, the argument over gun regulation has recently flared

up again(Jancer). In reaction to these instances, some states have passed new

legislation to impose limits on gun ownership, including background checks for all

prospective buyers, waiting periods, and bans on the sale of specific firearms, such as

assault weapons. Over the effectiveness of these measures, there is still a lot of

contention. Mass shootings and other sorts of gun violence, according to proponents of

gun control, will be decreased by greater restrictions on access to firearms. They cite

nations like Australia and the United Kingdom as examples, where rigorous gun control

laws have been put in place and gun violence has decreased (Goldstein 23).
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Stricter gun control laws are opposed on the grounds that they violate the right to

self-defense and ineffectively reduce gun violence. They contend that even if

law-abiding persons' access to firearms is restricted, criminals will still be able to obtain

them. They contend that the right to keep and bear arms is a basic freedom that

shouldn't be restricted (Murphy). The argument regarding gun control is ultimately

complicated and diverse. Both sides have significant points of contention, therefore

finding just one answer to the problem is unlikely. To discover a strategy to lessen gun

violence and make communities safer, it is crucial to keep the dialogue going and

consider all viable options.It is also important to consider the role of mental health and

access to mental health resources in preventing gun violence. Many mass shootings are

committed by individuals with mental health issues who were not able to access the

resources they needed (Schaeffer). Improving access to mental health resources and

addressing the stigma surrounding mental health may be a critical step in reducing gun

violence. To summarize this issue, gun control is a highly debated and complex issue

that requires a nuanced approach. While there are valid arguments on both sides, it is

important to continue the conversation and explore all potential solutions in order to

find a way to reduce gun violence and make communities safer. The modern day issues

brought about by recent gun violence and controversy has raised the question: Why

should gun control be more strict?

The implementation of strict gun control measures can bring about a range of

benefits, including reduced gun violence by limiting access to firearms, the number of

firearms in circulation decreases, reducing the potential for gun violence. This is
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particularly true in the case of restricting access to firearms for individuals who pose a

threat to themselves or others, such as those with a history of domestic violence or

mental illness(Schaeffer). It also offers increased community safety as gun control

measures can also make communities safer by reducing the number of firearms on the

streets. This decreases the chances of accidental shootings and reduces the potential

for firearms to fall into the wrong hands, such as those of criminals. Another benefit of

gun control is prevention of mass shootings. Mass shootings, which have become all

too frequent in recent years, can be avoided with the aid of gun control laws. The

likelihood of mass shootings is reduced by limiting access to firearms for those who

might be a danger. Suicide rates have decreased as a result of gun regulation. Since

using a gun to commit suicide is a common practice, gun regulation helps lower the

number of suicides (Murphy). The amount of suicides committed with firearms can be

decreased by restricting access to firearms. Last but not least, gun regulation enhances

public health.Public health can benefit from the decrease in gun violence and suicides

brought on by gun control policies (Vanderhoff). This can lower healthcare expenses

while also enhancing the standard of living for both people and communities. While

there are reasons against gun control, it's critical to take into account the advantages

listed above in order to decide on firearms regulations. Public safety and community

health can significantly improve with the adoption of strict gun control measures. Even

though these are unmistakable advantages of gun regulation, there are always opposing


A wish to lessen the number of gun-related fatalities and injuries is frequently the

driving force behind the concept of restricting access to firearms. Gun regulation,

however, has a number of issues that make it challenging to resolve.

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problems with the second amendment The Second Amendment to the US Constitution

guarantees the freedom to bear arms (Yarl). Any efforts to limit access to guns must,

therefore, be made in a way that is compliant with this amendment. Many proponents of

gun rights contend that any effort to limit access to weapons violates their fundamental

rights and is unacceptable.

There are many controversial opinions with gun control, on its effectiveness.

Despite the intentions of those who support gun control, there is no evidence that it is

effective in reducing gun violence. In many countries where gun control is strict, such as

Australia and the United Kingdom, gun-related deaths have not significantly decreased

(Vanderhoff). Furthermore, countries with lenient gun laws, such as Switzerland, have

low levels of gun violence. Another relevant controversy is the laws’ enforcement. Even

if laws are put in place to restrict access to firearms, it can be difficult to enforce them.

Guns can be easily obtained on the black market, and criminals who are already

breaking other laws are unlikely to be deterred by firearms restrictions (Jancer). In

addition to more ethical concerns, there is also the lack of consensus. On what exactly

qualifies as an effective gun control policy, there is no agreement. Some support strict

gun control laws, while others support fierce defense of the Second Amendment's right

to bear weapons. It is challenging to approve legislation that is supported by the

majority of the population because of this lack of agreement. Cost is a major factor in

firearms control legislation. It can be expensive to put firearms control laws into effect

and enforce them (Richenbaucher). This covers the price of licensure, training, and

background checks in addition to the price of enforcement and fines for

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noncompliance. Taxpayers and government funds may be severely burdened by this.

Even with firearms control laws in place, misuse is still a possibility. There are concerns

that gun control measures could be misused to restrict access to firearms for

law-abiding citizens, while doing little to prevent criminals from obtaining firearms

illegally. This could lead to a situation where only those who are intent on breaking the

law have access to firearms, which would make law-abiding citizens vulnerable


I had the chance to speak with someone who served as a police officer, but is

now retired. Per his request, he wanted to stay anonymous. Many different reasons are

yielded from police officers as to why they took up their job.My interviewee joined the

force as a means to help his community. Coming from a lower income neighborhood, he

stated, he often had to witness local shop owners yell at young kids who would often

steal bags of merchandise, food, and other miscellaneous items. This example he used

was from decades ago, but instances like these are still very common today. “I hoped

that I could be the authority for similar neighborhoods facing similar circumstances”, he

stated when reflecting on his memories.I then shifted the subject of the interview to gun

control. Being an officer, he was required to carry a firearm while on duty. An advocate

for firearms, my interviewee expressed his concerns over recent events like the Uvalde

shooting. “Seeing the individuals responsible for it and how they obtained weapons of

that capability scared me”, stated the ex-officer, pondering the horrific nature of the

event. He expressed that he believed that the Uvalde shooting had set the example for

modern day weapons access. In the case of Uvalde, Robb Elementary was the victim of
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an attack staged by an 18-year old former student. In the United States, the legal age to

own a rifle or shotgun is 18. The shooter in Uvalde used an AR-15 style rifle, which was

illegal for him to have possession of. This raises the case of how he obtained it. This

seemingly easy access to this type of weapon cannot be permitted by us as a society.

With a firm tone, he stated: “We need to crack down on the illegal possession of these

weapons….without tighter gun control, I fear that we will see similar events in the

future.”. The scary part of the event is it took place last year in 2022, and shows how

this is an issue we will have to tackle now so it does not persist through future


In the United States, fatal school shootings are a horrifying and all-too-common

occurrence that result in a terrible loss of life and long-lasting trauma for those who

escape. These shootings have sadly become a reality in schools across the nation,

forcing parents, teachers, and students to face the terrifying prospect of gun violence in

a setting that ought to be secure for learning. National discussions about gun regulation

and the reasons it should be strengthened have been sparked by the regularity of these

shootings and their tragic consequences. There is general agreement that something

must be done, but there hasn't been much success in averting these tragedies. School

shootings have a lasting impact not only on the families and friends of the victims, but

also on the entire community. It is crucial that society takes the issue of school

shootings seriously and works to prevent future incidents through stricter gun control

laws. By taking action, we can help to ensure that our schools and communities remain

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The need for stricter gun control laws is a highly debated and polarizing topic, but

the fact remains that the United States has a serious problem with gun violence as seen

in recent events of violence. Despite having less than 5% of the world's population, the

United States is responsible for nearly half of all civilian-owned guns globally and has

significantly higher rates of gun-related homicides compared to other developed

countries (Ryan). The high rates of gun violence in the nation are largely attributable to

the ease with which guns can be obtained, particularly by dangerous individuals or

those with a violent past. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that stricter gun

control regulations reduce gun-related fatalities in other nations and can help keep

firearms out of the hands of people who shouldn't have access to them. Adopting

policies like thorough background checks, waiting times, and limitations on the sale of

specific kinds of firearms can also aid in preventing dangerous people from obtaining

firearms. Background checks allow licensed firearm dealers to make sure that guns

don’t end up in the wrong hands. They provide a “deep dive” into a customer's record,

looking for things like past police interactions, court appearances, and jail time served.

These instances will flag the customer and determine whether or not they should be

allowed to purchase firearms. Wait times vary by state. Here in California,a buyer must

wait 10 days between starting the background check process and going home with a

new firearm. Lengthening this wait time could detour ill-natured buyers from acquiring a

gun rapidly, as well as stay fair to buyers looking to use guns for game and recreation. In

addition to these precautions, we have regulations limiting the sales of firearms.

Automatic rifles are banned,and handhelds are limited to only those above the age of 21
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years old. These limitations are there to keep people safe, but can also be altered based

on the people’s needs. Although the second amendment establishes the right to bear

weapons, it is not an unqualified right and may be restricted for the sake of public

safety. By making it more difficult for dangerous individuals to access firearms, stricter

gun control laws can help to reduce the number of gun related deaths and make

communities safer.

Every American has the unalienable right to possess firearms under the Second

Amendment. The vast majority of people believe that they should be allowed to own

guns for their personal protection as well as for leisure purposes like hunting. "A

well-regulated militia, being essential to the security of a free state, the right of the

people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed," the Second Amendment of the

U.S. Constitution reads. Citizens think that in order to defend themselves against

violence and tyranny, they should have the fundamental right to possess and bear arms.

Although many people have different interpretations of the Second Amendment and gun

ownership, we should still maintain a judicious use of guns. Even with numerous gun

control legislations,specific limits are still not being implemented. Approximately

100,000 people are victims of gun violence each year, and many lives are radically

affected as a result (Ryan).I believe that if there were stricter rules enforcing gun laws,

there would be a substantial decrease in the number of fatalities caused by gun

violence. Tougher gun laws are desperately required to protect public safety and

welfare. Gun violence, which has increased and is now a major issue in many countries,

has resulted in numerous deaths and injuries. Based on my research, stricter

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regulations will reduce the number of gun-related offenses by restricting access to

weapons for those who pose a threat to others or themselves. These laws would

provide a more effective means of combating the unlawful trafficking of firearms while

also assisting in the creation of a safer environment for families, communities, and

educational institutions. Overall, tighter gun restrictions are necessary in the ongoing

fight to minimize gun violence and would help to create a society that is safer and more


Goldstein, Adam. Guns in America. KQED Publishing, 2013

Interviewee, Interview, conducted 24 February 2023

Jancer, Matt. "Gun Control Is as Old as the Old West." Sections, Smithsonian

Magazine, 5 Feb. 2018,

gun-control-old-west-180968013/. Accessed 8 Feb. 2023.

Johnstone, Kevin. "Gun Safety in New York State." New York State, NY Gov, 25

Oct. 2017, Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.

Murphy, Sarah. "Gun Control: All Latest News." The Hill, Hill Social Publishing,
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28 Sept. 2016, Accessed 1 Mar. 2023.

Richenbaucher, George. "Gun Control." Congress Sylvia, Sylvia Garcia, 17 Mar.

2019, Accessed 23

Feb. 2023.

Ryan, Jeff. "US Gun Control." The Guardian, World Environment Service, 8 July

2021, Accessed 18 Feb. 2023.

Schaeffer, Katherine. "Key Facts about Americans and Guns." Pew Research Center,

Pew Research, 13 Sep. 2021,

key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

Vanderhoff, Mark. "What Are the Chances Gun Control Measures Pass in Frankfort

After Week of Violence in Louisville?" WLKY, CBS News, 13 Mar. 2022,

43636293. Accessed 15 Feb. 2023.

Yarl, Ralph. "News about Shootings, Weapons and the Debate about America's Gun

Culture." NBC, NBC News, 26 Aug. 2019,

Accessed 19 Feb. 2023.

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