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Rubric for Travel Writing and Photography Portfolio

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Score
Travel Writing
Quality of Writing is engaging, Writing is engaging and Writing is adequate, but may lack Writing is ineffective and lacks
Writing (20%) descriptive, and informative, descriptive, with a clear focus on clarity or focus on the travel engagement, with little or no
with a clear focus on the travel the travel experience. The writer experience. The writer focus on the travel experience.
experience. The writer demonstrates a good command of demonstrates some weaknesses in The writer demonstrates
demonstrates a mastery of grammar, spelling, and syntax, but grammar, spelling, and syntax. significant weaknesses in
grammar, spelling, and syntax, may have a few errors or grammar, spelling, and syntax.
and shows evidence of careful inconsistencies.
editing and revision.
Creativity and Writing demonstrates a unique Writing demonstrates a good effort Writing demonstrates some effort to Writing lacks creativity and
Originality perspective on the travel to create a unique perspective on create a unique perspective on the originality, with little or no effort
(10%) experience, with fresh ideas the travel experience, with some travel experience, but may lack to create a unique perspective
and creative approaches to fresh ideas and creative consistency or originality. The writer on the travel experience. The
describing the places, people, approaches to describing the conveys the essence of the writer does not effectively
and events encountered. The places, people, and events destination in a somewhat effective convey the essence of the
writer conveys the essence of encountered. The writer conveys manner. destination.
the destination in a way that is the essence of the destination in a
both original and memorable. way that is somewhat original and
Accuracy and Writing demonstrates a Writing demonstrates a good Writing demonstrates some Writing demonstrates little or
Research thorough knowledge of the knowledge of the destination, with knowledge of the destination, but no knowledge of the
(10%) destination, with accurate mostly accurate information on may have some inaccuracies or destination, with significant
information on geography, geography, history, culture, and omissions in the information inaccuracies or omissions in
history, culture, and other other relevant aspects. The writer presented. The writer uses limited the information presented. The
relevant aspects. The writer uses some research to enhance research to enhance the narrative. writer does not use research to
effectively uses research to the narrative. enhance the narrative.
enhance the narrative.
Organization Writing is well-organized, with a Writing is mostly well-organized, Writing is somewhat organized, but Writing is poorly organized,
and Structure clear structure that guides the with a clear structure that guides may lack a clear structure or have with little or no structure to
(5%) reader through the narrative. the reader through the narrative. significant lapses in organization. guide the reader through the
The writer effectively uses The writer uses headings, The writer uses some structural narrative. The writer does not
headings, subheadings, and subheadings, and other structural elements, but may not use them use structural elements
other structural elements to elements effectively, but may have effectively. effectively.
create a cohesive and some inconsistencies or lapses in
compelling narrative. organization.
Presentation Writing is presented in a Writing is presented in a mostly Writing is presented in a somewhat Writing is presented in an
and Style (5%) professional and polished professional and polished manner, professional manner, but may lack unprofessional manner, with
manner, with an appropriate with an appropriate tone and style consistency or have areas for significant issues in tone, style,
tone and style that reflects the that reflects the author's improvement in tone, style, or visual or visual elements that detract
author's personality and voice. personality and voice. The writer elements. The writer uses some from the overall quality of the
The writer effectively uses visual elements such as visual elements, but may not use portfolio. The writer does not
uses visual elements such as photos, graphics, and layout to them effectively. effectively use visual elements
photos, graphics, and layout to enhance the presentation of the to enhance the presentation.
enhance the presentation of portfolio, but may have some
the portfolio. inconsistencies or areas for
Photography Portfolio
Technical Images are technically strong, Images are generally technically Images are somewhat technically Images are technically weak,
Quality (20%) with appropriate exposure, sound, with mostly appropriate flawed, with some inconsistencies in with significant issues in
focus, and white balance. The exposure, focus, and white exposure, focus, and white balance. exposure, focus, and white
photographer demonstrates balance. The photographer The photographer demonstrates balance. The photographer
skillful use of camera settings, demonstrates good use of camera some weaknesses in camera demonstrates significant
lighting, and composition to settings, lighting, and composition settings, lighting, and composition. weaknesses in camera
produce high-quality images. to produce quality images. settings, lighting, and
Creativity and Images demonstrate a unique Images demonstrate a good effort Images demonstrate some effort to Images lack creativity and
Originality perspective on the subject to create a unique perspective on create a unique perspective on the originality, with little or no effort
(10%) matter, with fresh ideas and the subject matter, with some subject matter, but may lack to create a unique perspective
creative approaches to fresh ideas and creative consistency or originality. The on the subject matter. The
composition, lighting, and approaches to composition, photographer conveys the essence photographer does not
subject matter. The lighting, and subject matter. The of the subject matter in a somewhat effectively convey the essence
photographer conveys the photographer conveys the effective manner. of the subject matter.
essence of the subject matter essence of the subject matter in a
in a way that is both original somewhat original and memorable
and memorable. way.
Impact and Images have a strong Images have a good emotional Images have some emotional Images lack emotional impact
Emotion (10%) emotional impact on the viewer, impact on the viewer, with mostly impact on the viewer, but may lack on the viewer, with little or no
with compelling subject matter, compelling subject matter, consistency or impact in subject compelling subject matter,
composition, and lighting that composition, and lighting that matter, composition, and lighting. composition, and lighting that
elicits a powerful emotional elicits an emotional response. The The photographer communicates elicits an emotional response.
response. The photographer photographer communicates the the message or feeling of the image The photographer does not
effectively communicates the message or feeling of the image to some extent. effectively communicate the
message or feeling of the to the viewer. message or feeling of the
image to the viewer. image to the viewer.
Composition Images are well-composed and Images are mostly well-composed Images are somewhat well- Images are poorly composed
and Framing framed, with a clear focal point, and framed, with a clear focal composed and framed, but may lack and framed, with little or no
(5%) strong lines, and effective use point, good lines, and mostly a clear focal point or have clear focal point or
of the rule of thirds, leading effective use of the rule of thirds, significant compositional issues. compositional elements. The
lines, and other compositional leading lines, and other The photographer uses framing and photographer does not use
elements. The photographer compositional elements. The cropping to enhance the image to framing and cropping
effectively uses framing and photographer uses framing and some extent, but may not use them effectively, and may not
cropping to enhance the image. cropping to enhance the image to effectively. consider the impact of the
some extent. placement and orientation of
the subject matter.
Presentation The portfolio is well-organized The portfolio is mostly well- The portfolio may lack some The portfolio is poorly
and and presented in a professional organized and presented in a organization and presentation organized and presented in an
Organization manner. The images are professional manner. The images elements, with little or no attempt to unprofessional manner. The
(5%) presented in a cohesive and are presented in a somewhat establish a narrative or theme. The images may be presented in a
thoughtful way, with a clear cohesive and thoughtful way, with images may be presented in a chaotic or disorganized way,
narrative or theme that ties some attempt to establish a somewhat haphazard or random with no clear narrative or
them together. narrative or theme. manner. theme.
Rubric for AMADEUS Training Written Report

Task: Students are tasked to write a narrative report based on their AMADEUS (GDS) training experience. The report should be at least two
pages of A4-size paper. Preferably, the narrative should follow the following format: Font size: 11; font-style: Arial; spacing: 1.5. Students are
encouraged to include photos in their reports on a separate page. However, for creativity purposes, students may utilize Canva or Publisher in
making their narrative report, as long as it is readable and on A4-size paper.

Criteria Poor (1) Fair (2) Good (3) Excellent (4) Score
Content (40%) The report lacks The report provides The report provides a The report provides an excellent
detail and does not some information good understanding of understanding of the Amadeus
provide a clear about the Amadeus the Amadeus training training and includes thorough
understanding of the training but is lacking and includes relevant and relevant details
Amadeus training in detail or clarity details
Organization (10%) The report is poorly The report is The report is well- The report is exceptionally well-
organized and somewhat organized organized and follows organized, with a clear and
difficult to follow but lacks a clear a clear structure logical structure that guides the
structure reader through the report
Clarity (10%) The report is poorly The report is The report is written The report is exceptionally clear
written and difficult to somewhat clear, but clearly and concisely, and concise, with a strong
understand could be more concise with few errors or command of language and few
and precise confusing passages or no errors
Grammar and The report has The report has some The report has few The report is free of grammar
Spelling (10%) numerous grammar grammar and spelling grammar and spelling and spelling errors
and spelling errors errors, but they do not errors, and they do
that detract from the significantly detract not detract from the
overall quality from the overall quality overall quality
Use of Amadeus The report does not The report The report The report demonstrates an
(20%) demonstrate a clear demonstrates some demonstrates a good excellent understanding of how
understanding of how understanding of how understanding of how to use Amadeus, with thorough
to use Amadeus to use Amadeus but to use Amadeus, with and relevant details
lacks detail or clarity relevant details
Overall Evaluation The report does not The report meets The report meets The report exceeds the
(10%) meet the some of the most of the expectations of a narrative
expectations of a expectations of a expectations of a report about Amadeus Training,
narrative report about narrative report about narrative report about and demonstrates a thorough
Amadeus Training Amadeus Training, but Amadeus Training, understanding of the material
could be improved in but there is room for and effective communication
several areas improvement skills.

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