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June Louise Badon


Discuss about the ASSURE and Create ASSURE lesson.

The ASSURE model is a set of guidelines for organizing and delivering technology and media-
infused lessons. It also describes a methodical approach to writing lesson plans that can help
teachers plan instructional strategies. The first stage of the ASSURE methodology or model is to
carefully examine what the learners need in order to design effective courses and learning
experiences. The second step is to plan how you will check in to ensure that your students
understood the lesson during your evaluation and revision. Third, explain how the
aforementioned options will be implemented using technology, resources, and media. Finally,
when learner participation is required, specify how students will actively participate.


Subject: Physical Education Duration: 15-30 minutes

Topic: Football Date: Oct. 23, 2022
I. Analyze Learners For a class of fifth-grade kids, this lesson plan
was created. There are 36 pupils in the class.
In the class, there are 16 girls and 20 boys.
Although most students enjoy physical
education, there are pupils in this subject who
prefer visual to aural learning approaches.
During class, students have a hard time
staying focused. Lessons must be modified to
meet the students' attention spans in order to
get around this problem.

II. Objectives • Specify the size of the Football Field.

• List the total number of plays and each
of the six positions in a Football
• Describe how a football game's player
rotation works.

III. Selected Media, Materials and Speakers: The pupils will be able to clearly
Method hear the clip of some crucial elements of the
game of football thanks to speakers attached
to the computer. Their learning will be
improved by the speakers.
Handouts: Handouts with information about
the size of the field, playing positions, and
game rotation will be distributed to the
Digital story: Students will view a digital tale
that includes images of the field ,player
rotation, and playing positions, along with
audio that describes each player's traits.
Interactive Power Point: On the basis of the
lessons delivered, an interactive PowerPoint
will be made with questions for students to
respond to.
Video clips: In a video clip, students will see
how the various positions are set up on the
football field before a match. PowerPoint: The
PowerPoint presentation will include images
so that students may easily understand the
playing positions and rotation.
Computer: The overhead projectors slides will
be run through a computer.

IV. Utilize Technology, Media and  I start by checking to see if the media
Materials and materials are in good operating
order. The handouts with the game's
characteristics will be distributed to the
• The game will be shown as a video
clip to the class. As kids can see and
hear how the game is played, it helps
both auditory and visual learners.

• Different images from the game will

be displayed in a PowerPoint

V. Prepare the environment

• All of the kids will be seated in the
classroom to ensure that they can all
see the PowerPoint presentation well.

• The speakers will be positioned such

that every student can hear the video
clips well.

VI. Prepare the Learners

Before class, the teacher will let the pupils
know what will be happening. The evaluation
tasks that they will do at the conclusion of
class will also be explained to the pupils. The
pupils will feel at ease when the class starts if
you do this.

VII. Require Learners Participation Groups of students will read different

handouts together. They will talk among
themselves about how well they
comprehended the material read, as well as
support any weaker classmates.
VIII. Evaluation and Revise A question-and-answer session will be held
with the students. The first group to raise their
hand will acknowledge the question and
provide an answer. The question will be based
on the lesson that was taught using an
interactive power point. At the conclusion of
the competition, the team with the most points
wins the quiz. Students will also be given
multiple choice questions and short answer
questions to define and describe certain
volleyball qualities. Checking whether the
goals were achieved is the goal of this action.

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