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For example
These Example that I will be writing
show that the subject is Doing The
Verb’s Action.

Marilyn mailed the Letter

In this example MARILYN, THE

SUBJECT is doing the action.
Do you understand class? Am I

Another example
The Dog Jumped onto the Boy

In this example, The dog is doing the

jumping (Action)

Ok lets move on

These Example that I will be writing
show that the Subject is being Acted
upon by the verb.

For example:
The Letter was mailed by Marilyn
In this example, the direct object from
the previous example was already on
the place of the subject which is “the
letter” and the subject here is being
acted upon.

Let’s take a look at this draft

In the active voice, “the letter is still a

direct object, and in passive, it was
already a subject. And also in passive
voice, we will change the verb: add a
form of BE in front of the verb, and use
the past participle.
Lets have more example comparing
active and passive voice

AV: Harry ate six shrimp.

PV: Six shrimp were eaten by Harry.

In this example, on the active, Harry is

doing the action. On the passive, the six
shrimp was acted upon by Harry .

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