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Planning Finals 1T (2022-23) Points: 48.5/50 Y Correct 1/1 Points 1 Based on our lecture, what is this brick pattern layout? Jack on Jack Y Correct 1/1 Points 2 Where does drainage, specialty installation and water irrigation falls in landscape aspect? [1] ~) Hardscape Softscape Site Utilities Site Furniture Water Feature Y Correct 2/2 Points 3 This activity is a schedule of data to be gathered is best prepared before a systematic survey begins (1) Checklist Correct answers: Checklists Y Correct 1/1 Points 4 Landscaping provides colors to the building, and it helps to provide the balance in the height of the building visually. It also helps to save energy by providing the shadow to the building. (2) Tue v False Y Correct 1/1 Points 5 What is that practice of increasing efficiency with which buildings use resources such as energy, water and materials while also reducing the building’ impact on human health and the environment? 3, Green Building Y Correct 2/2 Points 6 A guide to decisions on the nature, pattern and direction of the physical growth and development of the city/municipality (3 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Y Correct 2/2 Points 7 Under Landscape Style Option - what is this option that required plants, rocks, water and earth forms dominate, but there is a clear sense of geometric arrangement? 1) Natural-Structural Correct answers: Natural - Structural X Incorrect 0.5/1 Points 8 What is this type of landscape lighting that evenly and clearly light pathways, walkways and water elements like ponds and waterfalls while avoiding glare. a Path Landscape Lighting Correct answers: Path Lighting Y Correct 1/1 Points 9 It is an art of arranging structures on the land and shaping the spaces between a Site Site Analysis Site Inventory Site Planning Y Correct 2/2 Points 10 What type of Site Data checklist that defines with residents and using populations, adjacent behavior settings, site values, rights, and restraints, past and future.? (i) Cultural Data Y Correct 1/1 Points " Enhanced employee productivity: Green buildings have shown significant improvements in productivity, because workers were breathing better quality air, had a connection to the outdoors and worked in spaces with natural daylight. (3 Tue v False Y Correct 1/1 Points 12 What is the great cause and effect of the global warning that we are experiencing? (1) Carbon Dioxide Y Correct 1/1 Points B Site is classified base on zones and land uses such as residentials or commercial under what general document plans? (1) Comprehensive Land Use Plan Y Correct 2/2 Points 4 In short description, Landscaping Design comprises of the following [1] Hardscape, Softscape, Site Utilities, Waterscape Site Utilities, Lighting, Hardscape, Softscape Softscape, Hardscape, Lighting, Site Furnitures Waterscape, Site Furtnitures, Softscape, Hardscape, Site Utilities, Y Correct 1/1 Points 15 What is this type of landscape lighting that are used to accentuate the variations in texture as well as architectural features in brick and stone work, soffit details, and fascia. 1) Architectural Lighting Y Correct 2/2 Points 16 Site Selection criteria, Slope should be below? (i) 18% Y Correct 1/1 Points 7 Streamlined regulatory approvals: Sustainable site design strategies often can build public trust and streamline regulatory approvals. (1) Tue v False Y Correct 1/1 Points 8 This a phase on the plans, when the designer has developed one or more complete plans, showing building form and location, outdoor activity, surface circulation, ground form and general landscaping. (1) Schematic Plan Y Correct 1/1 Points 19 Site Plans locate objects and activities in space and time, These plans may concem a small cluster of houses, a single building and its grounds, or something as extensive as a small community built in a single operation. (1) True v False Y Correct 1/1 Points 20 Based on our lecture, what is this brick pattern layout? (1) Running Bond Y Correct 1/1 Points a Reduced operating costs: It is possible to reduce building energy consumption by 20-30% within the constraints of most building budgets. This increased energy efficiency can reduce energy costs over the life of a building. (Ij True v False Y Correct 1/1 Points 22 What is the science of human settlement? (1) Ekistics Y Correct 1/1 Points 23 An act mainstreaming climate change into government policy formulations, establishing the framework strategy and program on climate change creating for this purpose the Climate Change Commission, and for other purposes. - RA 9266 (1) True False Y Correct 2/2 Points 24 This uses the same techniques as any site analysis, but a broad search will most often begin by the reduction of possibilities to a manageable handful or alternatives. ( Site Selection Y Correct 2/2 Points 2s This activity exhibits efficiency to confine the initial survey to bare essentials and gather special data later in the design process as new questions arise. (1) Gathering Data 1/1 Points 26 Based on Philippine setting, as defined by RA 7160, a minimum income of P20M, at least 10,000 has in land area or minimum population of 150,000, a political or legal status granted by the government (1) Tue v False X Incorrect 0/1 Points 2 The plan is analyzed for fitness to our purposes but also in its own right as living, changing community of plants and animals. this community has its own interest in the area. 1} True False v Y Correct 1/1 Points 28 Based on our lecture, what is this brick pattern layout? (1) Diagonal Herringbone Y Correct 2/2 Points 29 For Site Analysis, one of two elements is one oriented to human purpose, define the other element: a To itself as an ongoing system Correct answers: to the itself as an ongoing system. Y Correct 2/2 Points 30 This is used in plan reading, particularly topographical plans, the sets of ground points to be connected by theses lunes are separated vertically some regular interval: 1, 2,3, or 10 feet or meters. [I] Contours Y Correct 1/1 Points 31 What is the design of urban environment? (1) Urban Design Y Correct 1/1 Points 32 An art linked to architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, and city planning Cj Site Planning 1/1 Points 33 Where does plants and planting design falls in landscaping aspect? (1 Softscape Y Correct 1/1 Points 34 Under Landscape Style Option - what is primary and plants play a minor role? m Geometric - Natural Not in the selection Geometric-Structural 7 Y Correct 1/1 Points 35 Under Landscape Style Option - what has natural elements and materials dominate and there is no obvious human-determined form or structure? (1) Geometric - Natural Natural Structural - Natural Y Correct 1/1 Points 36 Based on our lecture, what is this brick pattern layout? (i) Half Basket Weave Y Correct 1/1 Points 37, A site plan is made by a professional for some paying clients who has the power to carry out. 1, Tue v False 1/1 Points 38 What is settlement settled by man? (1 Human Settlement Y Correct 1/1 Points 39 This is a compiled plans, that plans development produces accurate plans, location of capacity or utilities and nature of site details (1) Detailed Plan and Contract Documents Y Correct 1/1 Points 40 Under landscape lighting, What is this feature Illuminating your pond, garden or watercourse not only increases its attractiveness, it also ensures safety, as it is easier to see in the dark. (1) Underwater Lighting Correct answers: Under Water Lighting ‘This content is created by the owner of the form. The data you submit will be sent to the form owner. 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