Lesson Plan 2-4 Creating Addtition Stories

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Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000

Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Lesson plan 4
Creating addition stories
Time 4 Hours
1. Learning standards/Indicators
MA 1.1 G.3/9 Solve the 2 steps word problems of the whole numbers up to 100,000 and 0.
2. Learning objectives
1) Explain the method of creating addition stories and the reasonability of the answer. (K)
2) Creat addition stories of the counting number from pictures or given messages. (P)
3) Apply knowledge of creating additional stories in real life. (A)

3. Contents
Compulsory details Local-related content
Creating addition stories According to the school curriculum

4. Key concept/Concept
Creating addition stories from the picture, text or number sentence, we have to understand
the components of the word problem and create the word problem that relates to the picture
message or number sentence. Starting from specify the mathematical concept, create the story
from the given number, question, create the addition story and solve the word problem. So, the
word problems have to be appropriated with real life.

5. Learners’ Key Competencies and Desirable Characteristics

Learners’ Key Competencies Desirable Characteristics
1. Communication Capability 1. Self-discipline
2. Thinking Capability 2. Avidity for learning
1) Observation skill 3. Dedication and commitment to work
2) Connection skill
3) Creative thinking skill
4) Reasoning skill
5) Analytical skill
6) Problem-solving skill
3. Problem-solving Capability

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Learners’ Key Competencies Desirable Characteristics

4. Capability for applying life skills

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
6. Learning activity
 Concept/Teaching model/Teaching method/ Technique: Discovery Method
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment
Hour 1
MA 1.1 G.3/9 Analyse
and show method of finding Introduction to the lesson
answers to problems and mix- Introduce to the lesson
problems of cardinal numbers 1. The teacher greets the students. Then the teacher - Connection skill - Post-it - Observe student’s
not exceeding 100,000, and 0, reviews the method of finding the sum. The teacher desirable
as well as be aware of validity gives 4 pieces of Post-it papers to each student and Characteristics
of the answers. explains the rule of create addition stories as follows:
- Write adding two numbers without regrouping on
Learning objective
the pink paper.
1) Explain the method of
- Write adding two numbers with regrouping on the
creating addition stories and the
yellow paper.
reasonability of the answer. (K)
2) Creat addition stories of - Write adding three numbers without regrouping
the counting number from on the green paper.
pictures or given messages. (P) - Write adding three numbers with regrouping on
3) Apply knowledge of the orange paper.
creating additional stories in 2. The teacher writes the answer on the board, for
real life. (A) example, the answer is 12,256. Then the students
Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment
have to create an additional story that the answer
matches the given number and write it on the Post-it
3. When each student finishes, the teacher calls 5 - 6 - Observation skill - Future board - Observe student’s
students randomly to tell their additional story. The - Analytical skill desirable
rest of the students check the accuracy of the Characteristics
additional story and the answer. Then the teacher
tells the students to put the Post-it paper on the
Future board.
The answer is The answer is
equal to 12,256 equal to 23,370

4. The teacher repeats the activity 3-4 times. Then the

teacher puts the Future boards around the classroom
used as a learning source.

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment

Hour 2

- Reading skill - Targeting - Observe student’s
1. The teacher assigns the students to study creating
Mathematics desirable
addition stories from texts or pictures in Targeting
Work-Textbook Characteristics
Mathematics Work-Textbook P.3A page 67-68.
2. The teacher makes up the hypothetical situation by
- Picture and
putting the pictures and the price of the products on the
price of the
board. Then the teacher calls 2 students randomly to
the front of the class to play as a female shopkeeper
and the rest of the students play as the customer to buy
and calculate the price of the products.
3. When the students finish buying the products. The
- Connection skill - Observe student’s
teacher calls 1-2 students to create additional
stories from the situation. The rest of the students
check the accuracy and reasonability of the
additional stories.
- Creative thinking
4. The teacher and the students summarize the steps of

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment
creating the addition stories by identify the skill
mathematical concept, create the story from the
given numbers, question, create additional stories
and solve additional stories.
Practice the skill
1. The teacher reviews the previous knowledge by - Reasoning skill - Number cards - Observe student’s
putting the number cards on the board. Then - Connection skill desirable
the teacher calls 2-3 students randomly to Characteristics
create additional stories from the given
numbers. The rest of the students check the
accuracy and the reasonability of the stories.
2. The teacher separates the students into a group of 4-5
(Each group must consist of varying mathematical skill
ability.) Each group discusses the knowledge of creating
additional stories.
3. The teacher puts the text cards, number cards - Connection skill - Flashcards - Observe student’s
and the pictures on the board one at a time. Then - Creative thinking - Number cards desirable
each group creates addition stories from the text skill - Pictures Characteristics
cards or the pictures on the board and show the
solution and check the reasonability of the stories.
Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment
4. The teacher assigns each group to create 3 - Reasoning skill - A4 paper
additional stories and write on the A4 paper.
5. The teacher tells each group to discuss the
method of creating additional stories and send the
members to present in front of the class.
6. The teacher checks the accuracy from each group
and explain more if there is any question. - Observe student’s
7. The teacher assigns the same group to do Show - Connection skill - Targeting desirable
and Say activity in Targeting Mathematics Work- - Creative thinking Mathematics Characteristics
Textbook P.3A page 69. Then the teacher and the skill Work-Textbook
students answer together. - Reasoning skill P.3A - Observe student’s
8. The teacher assigns the same group to do - Number cards group working behavior
Performance Task and Do and Learn activity in
Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook P.3A page
74. Then the teacher and the students answer
9. The teacher and the students summarize the
steps of creating additional stories and the
method of solving problems.

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment

Hour 3
10. The teacher reviews the previous knowledge by - Reasoning skill - Word problem - Observe student’s
putting the additional stories on the board and leave - Connection skill cards desirable
a space for the question. From the given information, Characteristics
the students discuss how we create the question
from the addition stories.
11. The teacher encourages the students to answer the - Reasoning skill - Internet - Observe student’s
question. Then the teacher writes the students’ - Analytical skill - Library desirable
answers on the board. The rest of the students - Newspaper Characteristics
discuss which text is correct or not correct. - Observe student’s
12. The teacher separates the students into a group group working behavior
of 2. ( The male students and the female
students) Then each group creates addition stories
calendar and choose their favorite month, it must
not be the same month with other groups.
13. When they get the month they want. The teacher
assigns the students to choose the favorite days (2
days per 1 student) it must not be the same month.
Then the students research the information from the

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment
news or the situations that happened on that day
from the sources by finding 2 pictures of the news or
the situations.
14. The teacher assigns each student to create the - Connection skill - A4 paper - Observe student’s
additional stories from the news or the situations and - Creative thinking - Big calendar desirable
write the solution on A4 paper with 1 picture and put skill Characteristics
another picture on the big calendar that the teacher
15. The teacher asks the students to present their
work in front of the class by explaining the
additional stories and the solution. The rest of
the students check the accuracy and
reasonability of the additional stories.
16. The teacher assigns the students to do the exercise - Reasoning skill - Targeting - Observe student’s
in Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook P.3A page - Connection skill Mathematics desirable
70-72 as homework to check their understanding. Work-Textbook Characteristics
17. The teacher and the students summarize the activity P.3A
and the step of creating additional stories.

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment

Hour 4
1. The teacher reviews the previous knowledge of - Connection skill - Targeting - Observe student’s
creating addition stories by assigning the students to Mathematics group working behavior
do Let’s Think Along activity in Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook
Work-Textbook P.3A page 73. P.3A
2. The teacher calls the students randomly to write the - Observation skill - Internet
solution in front of the class. The rest of the students -Newspaper - Observe student’s
check the accuracy of the step of the solution and desirable
the answer. Characteristics
3. The teacher assigns the students to create the - Creative thinking
workpiece “why…I decide to buy?” each student skill
finds the pictures and the price of the products at
least 10 items then choose the product to create the
addition stories that the sum does not exceed
4. The students have to write 2 solutions correctly and
clearly. The first story is 2 counting number addition
story and another story is 3 counting number

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories
Indicator/Learning objective Learning activity Acquired skill Assessment
addition story. The students tell the reason they buy
the product reasonably, the teacher gives them a
chance to create their presentation.
5. The teacher assigns the students to do Problem - Reasoning skill - Targeting - Observe student’s
Solving, Math Journal and Math in Real Life in - Reasoning skill Mathematics desirable
Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook P.3A page Work-Textbook Characteristics
75,76 and 77 respectively. P.3A - Observe student’s
6. The teacher assigns the students to do worksheet 2.4 - Worksheet 2.4 individual working
create additional stories. The teacher and the behavior
students check the accuracy and reasonability of the - Check exercise
additional stories.
7. The teacher and the students summarize the method - Reasoning skill - Post-test Unit 2 - Check post-test
of creating additional stories that the students must
understand the components of the additional stories
and relate to pictures and appropriated in real life.
8. The teacher assigns the students to do post-test Unit
2 Addition up to 100,000.

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

7. Assessment
List Methods Tools Assessment
7.1 Evaluation of - Workpiece ‘Why...I - Evaluate workpiece/ - Quality level 2:
workpiece/ decide to buy?” Task pass
Task (Total)

7.2 Evaluation during

learning activity
1) Creating - Check worksheet 2.4 - Worksheet 2.4 - 60 %: pass
addition stories - Check exercise - Exercise - 60 %: pass
2) Presentation/ - Evaluate - Presentation - Quality level 2:
Activity result presentation/activity evaluation form pass
3) Individual - Observe students’ - Individual behavior - Quality level 2:
working behavior behavior when they evaluation form pass
work individually.
4) Group working - Observe students’ - Group behavior - Quality level 2:
behavior behavior when they evaluation form pass
work in a group.
5) Desirable - Observe students’ - Desirable - Quality level 2:
characteristics self-discipline, avidity characteristics pass
for learning and evaluation
dedication and
commitment to work
7.3 Post-test
evaluation - Check post-test - Post-test - 60 %: pass
- Post-test Unit 2
Addition up to
100,000 ไม่เกิน 100,000

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

8. Learning media/source
8.1 Learning media
1) Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook P.3A Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
2) Worksheet 2.4 Topic: Creating additional stories
3) Digit number cards
4) Number cards
5) Flashcards
6) Picture and price of the products
7) Future board
8) Post-it
9) Big calendar
10) A4 Paper
11) Newspaper
12) Sentence label
8.2 Learning source
1) Classroom
2) Internet
3) Library

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Worksheet 2.4
Creating addition stories

Instruction: Students find the news and interesting information to create addition story that the
sum does not exceed 100,000
1. Create addition story :

2. Create addition story :

3. Create addition story :

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Worksheet 2.4 Key

Creating addition stories

Instruction: Students find the news and interesting information to create addition story that the
sum does not exceed 100,000

1. Create addition story :

2. Create addition story :

Create addition story :


Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Digit number cards

0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories


Flower Population

Bicycle Bag

Saving money Washing machine


Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Picture of the products

Refrigerator Microwave

Fan Washing machine


Watch Notebook

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Price of the products

Refrigerator Microwave
48,394 32,393

Fan Washing machine

1,383 38,203

Watch Notebook

18,292 29,405

Post it

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

Sentence labels

Khun buys a computer that costs 36,990 baht. Suda buys a new model computer that
costs 40,900 baht .............................. .....................................................?

Napa has 21,354 ducks, and 12,533 chicken..........................................................................?

Unit 2 Addition up to 100,000
Lesson plan 4 Creating addition stories

9. School’s executive or the assigned person’s comments.


Signature .................................
( ................................ )
Position .......

10. Post-teaching record

 Knowledge

 Learners’ Key Competencies

 Desirable Characteristics

 Mathematical Competence

 Others (Student’s outstanding behavior or problem (If any))

 Problem/difficulty

 Solution


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