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Daniel A.

Gido BSCE – 2A

Rizal in Dapitan Questionnaire

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the correct answer

1. When was Jose Rizal exiled in Dapitan?
a.) 1892
b.) 1997
c.) 1982
2. Who was Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken’s stillborn son?
a.) Fernando
b.) Franco
c.) Francisco
3. Which of the following was Rizal’s nickname?
a.) Pipo
b.) Peppa
c.) Pepe
4. These are just some of the known talents/skills of Jose Rizal except being
a.) Poet
b.) Swimmer
c.) Sculptor
5. Where is Dapitan located?
a.) Zamboanga
b.) Luneta
c.) Pampanga

II. Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. What did Jose Rizal’s students call him?
2. He was the priest who was against the union of Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken.
3. The place where Rizal was exiled.
4. When was the film “Rizal in Dapitan” released?
5. Jose Rizal’s birthday.

III. True of False.

1. Rizal helped the constituents in the town he was in.
2. Father Superior Pastells said that Rizal could live in the convent with no conditions.
3. Julietta Bracken was the name of Rizal’s fiancée.
4. Rizal never kept in touch with any of his immediate family.
5. Jose Rizal was the eye surgeon of his mother.
IV. Essay.
1. Give some conditions proposed by Father Superior Pastells to allow Jose Rizal to live in the
2. How did Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken meet?
3. What made Rizal’s stay in Dapitan eventful?
4. In your opinion, was Jose Rizal’s choice to fight a silent revolution a good choice? Explain.
5. In your own explanation, would you also fight for your country during Rizal’s time?


I. Multiple Choice
1. a.
2. c.
3. c.
4. b.
5. a.

II. Identification.
1. Maestro
2. Father Obach
3. Dapitan, Zamboanga
4. 1997
5. June 19, 1861

III. True/False
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True

IV. Essay
1. Some of the conditions Father Superior informed Father Obach was that Rizal
should perform the church rites and make general confession of his past life and
that Rizal must retract his errors concerning religion, and make statements that
were clearly pro-Spanish and against revolution.
2. Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken met when Josephine Bracken brought his
stepfather to Jose Rizal because of his eye concerns. This was also the chance of
Jose and Josephine to bloom their relationship.
3. What made Jose Rizal’s stay in Dapitan eventful was how he spent his last years
in helping his community, he emphasized the importance of education by
teaching the children there, he also practiced being a doctor there.
4. Yes, because he knew that his pen was mightier than the sword and he knew
that forming a revolution that entails violence against the colonizers was nearly
impossible and would only hurt many Filipinos.
5. If I were Rizal during his time, I don’t think I will have the same guts and courage
as him because he was also a man who had wisdom and knowledge on things.
He was an exemplar for the Filipinos to give importance on education as it may
become your weapon to attain things that could help the country. I also don’t
think I could handle that much pressure of being antagonized by a whole branch
of government and being subjected to execution.

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