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Adapting The
Format Of Content


1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Objectives 2

2.1 Adapting The Format Of Content 3

2.1.1 Instruction 4

2.1.2 Presentation 8

2.1.3 Assessment 10

3.1 Conclusion 12

1.1 Introduction

Adapting the the format of content is a topic use to provide a more clear understanding of the
content for students. The content is subject being taught which includes reading, mathemathic,
social studies, science, arts, physical education and etc. There are 3 major areas of focus when
we analyze our content or subject :

i) What are the organizational skills needed to help the student understand the subject being
taught and be in constant state of learning for test and review?

ii) What are some strategies educators can use to bring life (understanding) to the content of
a subject as it it being taught?

iii) When the class is over and assignments are presented,our job is only beginning. How can
teachers adapt assignments to meet individuals students needs?

This three question can be categorized into three different aspect which are :

i) Instruction

ii) Presentation

iii) Assessment

1.2 Objectives 

There are several objectives or purposes for adapting the format of content. First of all
it’s true main ideas is to discuss ways of giving directions which means that how to give the most
suitable instruction to the students in class. Then this topic also use to provide more appropriate
work sheets for students as for the assessment. This topic also created to help students to
understand the note-taking process and tips for helping students. Teach notebooking to students
is part of the topic which will develop study guides and numerous interventions for presenting
the format of content. This two development will help over to develop the task analysis for the
students to adapt with the assignments. As for the last objectives, all of the above objectives will
guide students to understand the five components of whole language theory.


Adapting the format of content can best categorized into three different aspects. Each of them
will have it’s own function :

i) Instruction

Organizing Content

ii) Presentation

Modification And Whole Language

iii) Assessment

Task Analysis

Adapting Assignments

2.1.1 Instruction

Organizing Content :

i) Worksheet modification

Question or exercise given in class or for homework to students. Teacher will help students
by recognizing students level and try to adapt the worksheet given according to students
level. By using this guide, teacher will be able to help students to work on the exercise within
their level in order to make them understand what are the works given to them.

ii) Note books

The teacher should examine the structure of the class from the beginning. For example
teacher should know how does the structure relate to the type of test given? Does the class
follow a certain structure each day? Note book organization should reflect the structure.
Teacher needs to make students aware of the match between class structure and notebook
format, including the test item type for each section. Teachers also need to help students
think of the class from the beginning to end. Teacher must show how to organize the
notebooks using divider for each subject and section and keep the notebook separate in a
loose-leaf binder for each subject. Keeping notebook could be a problem sometimes. So
teacher should work with students as they build their notebook. Explain the overall format &
provide examples of a completed notebook. Teacher also needs to show students the
relationship among class, notebook, and test. Try to have each students compile their
notebook in class and review the final product. For many students, direction is not sufficient
because they can’t follow through with the structure without support. Teacher must continue
to work with the class each day on keeping notebook in order. Students who would never get
a notebook together alone is the one who benefits most from the notebook building class. The
notebook also use for test review. Reviewing notes will improve their results.

iii) Study guides

Study guide helps students develop a focus plan for study and review. Study guides becomes
instruments for improving structure both as the lesson develops and when the lesson is over
and test review begins. There are 2 types of study guides:

- Formative

- Summative

Formative : organize information in short, distributive segments. The guide focusses on

specific details of the information covered.

Summative : organize information in short, distributive segments. The guide focusses on the
general info/overview of the topic covered.

After the students completed both of it, organizing study will be next focus. Students still
need the guided practice of planning for the study process. Using monthly organization chart
and the subject time-organization chart facilitates this learning process.

iv) Taped books

Aims to help students understand the textbook given to them. Sometimes textbooks are not
suitable for all stages or students ability. Teacher needs to help them to overcome this
situation. Using taped texts could help them to maximize the learning outcomes

v) Direction

Giving direction is the first thing to do in class. Students could lost from the start of the class
if they can’t heard and understand the direction from teacher. There are 3 aspects of

- Before giving directions

Teacher should construct what are direction to be given to the students before entering
the class. What are the things that teacher should do when enter the class.

- Giving oral directions

Teacher should give the students oral instruction. The instruction which was consturct
before entering the class.

- Providing written directions

If some students still can’t understand, teacher will also use written direction such as in
the worksheet.

vi) Note taking

Skills requires instruction, structure, practice. Students have difficulties in taking notes
because of :

- Inability to to organize ideas or concepts

- Distinguish main points or ideas

- Transfer information from written oral forms

- Some might have deficits in processing or in motor skills

The note taking serves as study process for many students. Students anxiety will reduced
when they know that they have the proper information from which to organize their
study. Many students failed the exams because of incomplete notes, not because they
don’t know the material. Test success depends on having good notes. Learning taking
notes in a difficult situation should be taught to the students. Before providing adaptation
for note taking process, teachers need to consider :

- The sources from which the notes will be given.

- Will the information be orally presented through lectures, movies, written format, using
chalkboard, textbooks, newspaper, magazines or even powerpoint .

Providing adaptation for notes is a crucial support for students. If they can’t complete their
notes, we can’t expect them to be successful on the test. It is not important that students take
the notes. It is important that thay get the notes

2.1.2 Presentation

Modification And Whole Language

• Attempt to build curriculum based on what we know about natural language learning

• Breaking the language into small parts to be learned in sequence

• Focus on meaning not the component parts of language

• Expose children to lots of good literature

• Get children writing early and often

Proficient and experienced readers typically read many words automatically and easily,
which facilitates the processing of text for meaning. Proficient readers also use context and
their prior knowledge and experience to think ahead, as they read to identify words by just
sampling parts of the letters to monitor comprehension, to notice when there is a need for
correction, and to aid in correction. Thus, learning to read involves developing strategies for
making sense of text, and this in turn means developing letter or sound knowledge and the
ability to use it along with context and prior knowledge, in order to think ahead and to use
"fix it" strategies, as needed. Students as well as adults tend to read unfamiliar print words in
pronounceable chunks, not letter-by-letter. We read unfamiliar print words by analogy with
the parts of familiar words. Decoding skills alone are often not adequate to get the
pronunciation of unfamiliar print words, most of the time, context alone is even less adequate
for getting the exact word and therefore, the most proficient readers use everything they
know to get words and meaning from texts. Phonemic awareness and learning to read
facilitate one another. "Decodable texts" are more difficult for students to read than texts with
natural language patterns and a wider range of vocabulary. Many students develop and use
phonics skills, decoding skills, without very much explicit instruction, but other students
need more help. Many students develop and use effective reading strategies without very
much explicit instruction, but others need more help. Students learning to read benefit from
what's often called "scaffolding." That is, they benefit from temporary support in their
reading of texts and words. Studying or even demonstrating a reading skill in isolation does

not guarantee its use in practice. On the other hand, it is not necessary to demonstrate a skill
in isolation in order to use it in practice. Students who spend a lot of time doing skills work
typically read less well than students who spend their time reading instead. Extensive
phonics becomes a gatekeeper, preventing students from reading. Students who are
consigned to lower reading groups seldom move out of them. Of course students need to
develop reading strategies and skills, but these can be taught effectively and for many
students, certainly most efficiently in the context of reading and writing whole texts and in
the process of becoming literate individuals who not only can read and write, but who want
to. With individual tutoring help, as in Reading Recovery or a modification that gives more
attention to phonological processing, virtually all students can learn to decode words
adequately in context. The more time students spend reading, the better readers they
become. Indeed, one can become a highly competent reader through extensive reading, even
while continuing to have problems with word recognition and decoding when, that is, reading
is defined as getting meaning.

2.1.3 Assessment

i) Task Analysis

Task analysis is the breakdown of skills within a task into sequential steps. When we teach
specific contents and realize that a student still doesn’t get the concept, check to see if the skill
could be broken down into smaller steps. Then teach them separately

ii) Adapting Assignment


• Tips for assignment books :

Before any assignments is given, students need to establish an organization process for
keeping assignments

• Assignments assumptions :

Teacher make assumption about assignments. Gave the next day assignment before class end.
Examples: bring on some articles for tomorrow to study in class

• Types of assignments :

The learning task that reinforce concepts taught during class instruction. There are two types
of assignments :

• Control assignmnets:

• Iclude in class assignments which teacher had in control

• and no control assignmnets :

• Those are no longer under teacher supervision

• Homework

Steps for adapting assignments

In developing an assignment, recognize that the assignment's goal can be accomplished

through a variety of means. Offer flexibility in assignment tasks to make the overall learning
goal accessible to all students. Clearly present the goals of assignment to students on an
instruction sheet and during in-class assignment review. Provide assignments in alternate
formats (print, online, audiotape) for greater accessibility. Review assignment instructions in
class. Emphasize drafting and revision.


This chapter helps teachers to uncover the subject matter. We are assigned to teach and in
conjunction with our teaching we are constantly developing strategies and formats for assisting
in teaching the content. Teacher needs to find an organizational strategy to help students
understand the skill, develop the understanding of the content and also adapt to the assessment.


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