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Class: Y10 IGCSE Geography Date:  

Task: To complete an 8 mark exam question

Topic:  AO1 – Knowledge (2)
Question: AO2 – Understanding (2)
AO3 – Application and analysis (2)
Using Sources 1a and 1b, analyse the reasons for the choices of AO4 – Skills (2)
coastal management methods shown on the map.

WW What went well:

W □□ You have a clear understanding of the factors governments would take into account when making
decisions about which methods to use (AO1) (AO2)
□□ You have been able to explain two (appropriate) factors that governments would take into account when
making decisions about which methods to use (AO2)
□□ You have used context from the sources to support your answer (AO2)
□□ You have discussed what the impact of the differing methods of engineering could be (AO3)
□□ You have discussed what the limitations of the different engineering methods (AO3)
□□ You have created P-E-E chains (point – explain – effect) using connectives (e.g. this is because…
leading to… therefore) when discussing the impact/limitations (AO3)
□□ You have produced a conclusion at the end of your response that outlines which of the location factors
would be most significant when. (AO4)

EBI Even better if:

□ You need to revisit/revise the topic of ‘hard/soft engineering’ and consider appropriate factors that would
be taken into account when choosing coastal defences. (AO1) (AO2)
□ You need to specify two (appropriate) factors that would be taken into account when making decisions
about which engineering methods to choose (AO2)
□ You should explain two (appropriate) factors that would be taken into account when making decisions
about which engineering methods to choose (AO2)
□ You should use context from the Holderness Coast case study to support your answer (AO2)
□ □ You should discuss the impact of considering two (appropriate) factors that would be taken into account
when making decisions about which engineering methods to choose (AO3)
□□ You have should discuss the limitations of considering two (appropriate) factors that would be taken into
account when making decisions about which engineering methods to choose (AO3)
□ □ You must ensure that you have produced two P-E-E chains (point – explain – effect) using connectives
(e.g. this is because…leading to… therefore) when discussing the impact/limitations of considering two
(appropriate) factors that would be taken into account when making decisions about which engineering
methods to choose (AO3)
□□ You should produce a conclusion at the end of your response that outlines which of the factors would be
most significant would be taken into account when making decisions about which engineering methods to
choose. Try to make your conclusion SASSY. (AO4)

D Development task: Mark:

- Respond to any comments in red/pink pen to show ____________
your progress.

- If you have dropped any application marks (AO2), go 8

back through your response(s) and tailor your answer
to the sources provided in the question – using the
evidence provided. You could include relevant
information about the effectiveness based on our
case studies from class to support the point you are

- CHALLENGE: Which of the methods is the most

effective and will this continue to be the most Key:
effective in the next 100 years?
AO1 = Knowledge /
AO2 = Application
AO3 = Analysis
AO4 = Evaluation

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