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Dr. Carl E.

Balita Review Center

CBRC Headquarters
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008

Academics and Services Department (ASD)

PHINMA Education Special Teaching Enhancement Program (STEP)


Traditional literacy - refers to one’s ability to read the written word in order to understand it and acquire
its meaning.

Functional literacy - makes the person function effectively through his engagement in all activities.

Emergent literacy - refers to a child’s experiences in reading and writing which begins at birth even
before he is able to read and write.

Multicultural Literacy consists of the skills and ability to use knowledge to guided action that will create
a humane and just world (Boutte, 2008).

Global Literacy also aims to empower students with knowledge and take action to make a positive
impact in the world and their local community (Guo, 2014).

According to the Ontario Ministry of Education (2015) A global citizen should display most or all of the
following characteristics:

Respect for humans no matter their race, gender, religion or political perspectives.
Respect for diversity and various perspectives.
Promoting sustainable patterns of living, consumption, and production.
Appreciate the natural world and demonstrate respectful towards the rights of all living things.

Social Literacy refers to the students’ ability to connect effectively with those around them. This means
that the is able to convey his thoughts to others as well as listens to what others have to say.

7 Steps to Improve Social Skills

1. Sharing
2. Cooperating
3. Listening
4. Following Directions
5. Respecting Personal Space
6. Making Eye Contact
7. Using Manners
Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. Moreover, the learner is
able to process in his brain the complex information being received from all forms of media.

Media refers to all electronic, digital, print & visuals materials used to send messages.

Literacy is the ability to encode and decode symbols and to synthesize and analyze messages.

Media education is the study of media, which includes the analysis and one’s perception on
businesses, and their best practices through the use of appropriate contents that could drive their
business to success.

Media literacy education is the educational field dedicated to teaching the skills associated with media

Financial literacy focuses on the ability to supervise and oversee personal finance in an effective
manner. Personal finance could be through savings, insurances, payments for rent and utilities,
budgeting, house and car acquisition, retirement benefits, among others.

The basics of good financial health

Don’t spend beyond your capacity to earn.

Ideally, save 10% to 15% from each paycheque.

Digital literacy refers to one’s ability to communicate and access information with the use of digital
technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices.

Ecoliteracy is the ability to understand the natural systems that make life on earth possible. (Graham,
B. (2018)

Arts and Creativity Literacy

7 Key Features of 21st Century Education are:

Personalized learning
Equity, diversity and inclusivity
Learning through doing
Changed role of the teacher
Community relationships
Teacher professionalization
By: Drew, C. (2021)

Critical Attributes of the 21st Century Education

1. Integrated and interdisciplinary
2. Technologies and multimedia
3. Global classrooms
4. Creating/ adapting to constant
personal and social change, and lifelong learning
5. Student-centered
6. 21st century skills
7. Project-based and research driven
8. Relevant, rigorous and real world
By: Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (2020)

Basic strategies for developing literacy

1. making connections - refers to one’s connection to what he knows, to what he can read in books
and to what he sees around him
2. visualizing - creating some sort of mental image on the part of the child
3. inferring - making a conclusion based from what has been read
4. questioning - clarifying then understanding what is being read
5. determining importance - this is classifying the text as to interesting versus understanding it
6. synthesizing - collating the parts of the texts to form a general idea

Strategies for the development of emergent literacy skills and teaching resources:
1. pictures and objects - use of graphics, drawings, and actual objects for better understanding
2. letters and words - showing of letters through flashcards and other graphic organizers
3. sounds - this is a strategy where sounds can be blended for child’s reading. There is a use of rhymes,
children’s sand games to realize this
4. read aloud experiences - the purpose of this is to build comprehension on what is being read

Beginning reading skills and teaching resources

1. Phonemic awareness - identifying and manipulating individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken
2. Phonics instruction - is a way of teaching reading to children which emphasizes the use of letter -
3. Fluency instruction - this pertains to student’s ability to read with at least 90% accuracy
4. Vocabulary instruction - more on thinking about word meaning
5. Comprehension instruction - learners become aware of how they understand what they are

Developing functional literacy

1. Participatory approach - more of students’ engagement in self construction of knowledge

21st Century literacy skills and teaching resources

1. Student-led learning (Cooperative learning)
2. Inquiry-based classroom environment - giving learners activities that could trigger their curiosity
3. Collaborative activities - group activities
4. HOTS activities - this is something where learners can use their critical, creative and abstract thinking
5. Creative learning - an application of constructivism where there is the so-called building of knowledge
with the use of creative strategies

21st Century Skill Categories

A. Learning Skills
1. Critical thinking - process of skillful use of all the child’s domain as to recalling, comprehending,
applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.
2. Creativity - the use of original ideas or concepts
3. Collaboration - coordinating and cooperating with the stakeholders in the school community
4. Communication - the ability to convey ideas and which pertains to the sender and receiver of

B. Literacy Skills
1. Information literacy - learning about facts or something
2. Media literacy
3. Technology literacy - ability to use technology to access, store, create, delete, save and send data
or information

C. Life Skills
1. Flexibility - the ability to adapt to a change in environment in a quick and calm manner
2. Leadership -this is working with other people to attain a goal for a common good
3. Initiative- this is doing things without being instructed
4. Productivity - the ability to set and meet goals
5. Social skills - refers to one’s level of interpersonal relationship

A. Globalization and Multicultural literacy

The OECD GLOBAL Competence framework

1. Globalization - this refers to the interdependence of countries in terms of culture, economy, etc.
2. Multiculturalism - presence of different or distinct cultures in a society
3. Intercultural communication - this pertains to the communication of people from two different cultures

Social literacy
1. Social cognition and social skills - refers to one’s perception of other people
2. Emotional intelligence - ability to understand, control and regulate one’s possible outburst of
3. People skills - refer to interaction among people

Media Literacy
1. Definition and aspects of Media Information Literacy (MIL)
2. Dimensions of MIL
3. Advantages and disadvantages of Media and information

Financial literacy
1. Financial planning/goal setting and valuing -this is deciding on what you would like to attain based
on your financial status and conditions
2. Budgeting, spending and investing - spending is disbursing money while investing is spending your
money to accumulate more.
3. Savings and banking - Savings could be the amount left after all your expenses
4. Avoiding financial scams - avoiding investments through fraudulent means
5. Insurance and taxes
6. Tips on being financially stable

Cyber/Digital Literacy
1. Cybercitizenship in the digital age
2. Internet safety
3. Cyberbullying and cybercrimes
4. Managing computer threats
5. Researching and evaluating the
6. Social media use
7. Mobile devices
8. Digital traits


1. Eco-literacy and sustainable development

2. The Seven Environmental Principles
3. Making schools Dark Green Schools

7 Environmental Principles
Nature knows best.
All forms of life are important.
Everything is connected to everything else.
Everything changes.
Everything must go somewhere.
Ours is a finite earth.
Nature is beautiful and we are stewards.
by: Caubalejo, P. (2016)

Arts and Creativity Literacy

1. Visual literacy - this refers to the child’s ability to read, write and create visual images and/or cinema
in his mind
2. Eye/hand/brain coordination - the synchronization of functions of the these three
3. Verbal creativity - the child’s ability to show good oral communication as well as to read and speak
4. Visual creativity - ability of the child to think creatively i.e. with the use of original verbal form


Caubalejo, P. (2016), The 7 Environmental Principles. Retrieved from

Drew, C. (2021), 7 Key Features of 21st Century Learning. Retrieved from

Graham, B. (2018), What is Ecoliteracy? Retrieved from

Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (2020), The Prototype Syllabi. Retrieved from

Prepared by:

Dr. Ricardo C. Faldas

CBRC National Lecturer

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