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B a s i c s o f M e c h a n i c a l Ven t i l a t i o n

for Dogs and Cats

a b,
Kate Hopper, BVSc, PhD , Lisa L. Powell, DVM *

 Mechanical ventilation  Hypoxemia  Hypercapnia  Hypoventilation  Intubation
 Positive pressure ventilation  Respiratory


There are 3 main indications for mechanical ventilation:

 Severe hypoxemia (defined as a PaO2 <60 mm Hg at sea level) that fails to respond to sup-
plemental oxygen.
 Severe hypoventilation (defined as PaCO2 >60 mm Hg).
 Excessive work of breathing.

Intermittent positive pressure ventilation (PPV) through the use of mechanical ventila-
tors has been a mainstay of therapy in people with respiratory failure since the polio-
myelitis epidemic in the 1940s. Veterinary patients with respiratory failure can also
benefit from the use of mechanical ventilation. Two major indications for initiation of
PPV include hypoxemia refractory to conventional therapy and ventilatory failure. In
addition, patients with severe sepsis and septic shock and those with respiratory mus-
cle fatigue can benefit from mechanical ventilation. An intensive care unit (ICU) venti-
lator differs from an anesthesia ventilator through its ability to vary the inspired oxygen
concentration and to humidify the inspired air. Thus, patients can be maintained on an
ICU ventilator for as many days as is necessary. With the advent of positive pressure
ventilators, intensivists emerged as the primary physicians caring for these patients in
the ICU. In veterinary medicine, the role of long-term mechanical ventilation has been
primarily assumed by specialists in emergency and critical care. However, patients
that present with imminent respiratory failure must be managed quickly and assuredly
by the primary attending veterinarian. First and foremost, an adequate and patent
airway must be established. Following rapid sedation, hand ventilation with an Ambu
bag connected to an oxygen source can be administered. An anesthesia ventilator

Department of Veterinary Surgical and Radiological Sciences, University of California, Davis,
CA, USA; b University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center, St Paul, MN, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Vet Clin Small Anim 43 (2013) 955–969
0195-5616/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
956 Hopper & Powell

can be temporarily used (eg, for up to 8 hours); however, because of the potential for
oxygen toxicity from delivery of 100% fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) by the anes-
thesia ventilator, the use of an ICU ventilator is more suitable if longer ventilation is
necessary. With support, veterinary patients with severe respiratory failure have the
potential to survive.


Mechanical ventilation is indicated when adequate gas exchange can no longer be

maintained and there is a significant risk of patient death as a consequence. There
are 4 main indications for mechanical ventilation. These are1–3
1. Severe hypoxemia despite oxygen therapy (PaO2 <60 mm Hg)
2. Severe hypoventilation (defined as PCO2 >60 mm Hg)
3. Excessive work of breathing
4. Severe circulatory shock

Severe Hypoxemia Despite Oxygen Therapy

The oxygenation status of a patient is ideally assessed by measurement of the partial
pressure of oxygen in an arterial blood sample (PaO2). Hypoxemia is commonly defined
as a PaO2 of less than 80 mm Hg at sea level, while a PaO2 of less than 60 mm Hg is
considered severe hypoxemia. Severe hypoxemia is also known as hypoxemic respi-
ratory failure.1 The need for mechanical ventilation in the hypoxemic patient will
depend on the underlying mechanism of hypoxemia and the patient’s response to
oxygen therapy. Also, if the arterial sample is taken at significant altitude, the cut-off
for hypoxemia will be lower. In the emergency room setting, collection of an arterial
blood gas (ABG) may not be feasible and unfortunately venous blood gas (VBG) sam-
ples cannot be used to evaluate oxygenation. In the absence of ABG samples, pulse
oximetry can provide a measure of oxygenation. Pulse oximetry is appealing, as it is
noninvasive; however, it is prone to inaccuracies. A pulse oximeter reading of 95%
is equivalent to a PaO2 of w80 mm Hg, while 90% is approximately 60 mm Hg (indi-
cating severe hypoxemia).1,4 Mechanical ventilation is a consideration for patients
with severe hypoxemia despite oxygen therapy, in other words, patients with a PaO2
of less than 60 mm Hg or an SpO2 of less than 90% despite oxygen therapy.
General mechanisms of hypoxemia include
1. Inadequate inspired oxygen
2. Hypoventilation
3. Venous admixture
Inadequate inspired oxygen is not likely to be relevant to the emergency room
patient. It can occur in patients on a breathing circuit when the oxygen supply is
disconnected or the oxygen tank is empty. It is also the cause of hypoxemia when
at high altitude. This problem is readily resolved with oxygen administration.
Hypoventilation is defined by an elevation in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(PCO2). Elevations in PCO2 will reduce the partial pressure of alveolar oxygen as defined
by the alveolar air equation.4 When patients are breathing room air, moderate-to-
severe hypercapnia will be associated with hypoxemia. This cause of hypoxemia is
readily resolved with oxygen administration and is not an indication for PPV.4 It is
important to note that hypercapnia itself may be an indication for PPV.
Venous admixture describes any mechanism by which blood can pass from the
right side of the heart to the left side of the heart without being fully oxygenated.
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 957

This includes ventilation–perfusion (V/Q) mismatch, right-to-left anatomic shunts, and

diffusion defects. Right-to-left anatomic shunts are associated with congenital cardio-
vascular defects (eg, right-to-left patent ductus arteriosus) and generally become clin-
ically relevant in young animals. These cases are not usually considered candidates
for PPV. Lung diseases associated with a true diffusion defect are associated with
changes to the gas exchange surface of the alveoli. In small animal patients, such dis-
eases include smoke inhalation, oxygen toxicity, and acute respiratory distress syn-
drome (ARDS). The alveolar changes typified by these diseases are the loss of the
type 1 pneumocytes and their replacement with the large, cuboidal type 2 pneumo-
cytes. This process is slow, taking several days after the initial pulmonary insult to
occur.5 Hypoxemia subsequent to a diffusion defect improves with oxygen therapy
and should not require PPV. As the diseases that can cause a diffusion defect can
also cause severe V/Q mismatch, PPV maybe indicated in those patients failing to
respond to therapy. V/Q mismatch refers to pulmonary parenchymal disease that
leads to alveoli receiving decreased ventilation for the degree of perfusion (low V/Q)
or no ventilation but ongoing perfusion (no V/Q or shunt). In small animal medicine,
V/Q mismatch is associated with all forms of pulmonary parenchymal disease
including pulmonary edema, hemorrhage, and pneumonia. When pulmonary paren-
chymal disease is associated with severe hypoxemia despite high levels of oxygen
therapy, PPV is indicated. As a general guideline, a PaO2 of less than 60 mm Hg
despite greater than 60% FIO2 is an indication for PPV unless the underlying cause
for the hypoxemia can be readily resolved.1

Severe Hypoventilation
Hypoventilation is marked by hypercapnia (PCO2 >50 mm Hg). As arterial and venous
carbon dioxide levels correlate well in hemodynamically stable patients, with PvCO2
running approximately 4 mm Hg higher than PaCO2, venous blood gases can be
used to evaluate ventilation (but not oxygenation) status in most patients.4 In hemody-
namically unstable animals, measurement of PaCO2 is ideal, as carbon dioxide can
accumulate in venous blood in association with low flow states and is no longer repre-
sentative of ventilation. Hypoventilation is defined as a PCO2 greater than 50 mm Hg,
while severe hypoventilation is a PCO2 greater than 60 mm Hg (eg, hypercapnic respi-
ratory failure).1 Severe hypoventilation that cannot be readily resolved by treatment for
the primary disease (eg, reversal agent for a sedative) may be an indication for PPV.
The extreme of hypoventilation is apnea, a clear indication for manual or PPV. As el-
evations of PCO2 may be associated with increases in intracranial pressure, animals
considered at risk of intracranial hypertension (eg, head trauma) may require PPV to
maintain a PaCO2 less than 45 mm Hg and greater than 35 mm Hg.
The PCO2 is controlled primarily by alveolar minute ventilation, which is equal to the
product of the respiratory rate and effective (alveolar) tidal volume (TV). Consequently,
causes of severe hypoventilation are diseases that impair the ability of patients to
maintain an adequate respiratory rate and/or TV. Such diseases include brain disease,
cervical spinal cord disease, peripheral neuropathies, diseases of the neuromuscular
junction, and myopathies. Hypoventilation will cause hypoxemia when the patient is
breathing room air, as it reduces (dilutes out) the partial pressure of oxygen in the alve-
olus.4 The higher the PCO2, the lower the alveolar oxygen partial pressure and hence
the greater the severity of hypoxemia. Oxygen therapy will increase the partial pres-
sure of oxygen in the alveolus, and hypoxemia should rapidly resolve (although the
PCO2 will be unchanged). For this reason, oxygen therapy should be provided as
soon as hypoventilation is identified. Hypoventilation is life-threatening, because it is
associated with inadequate respiratory rate and/or TV, which can easily result in
958 Hopper & Powell

apnea and death. When hypoventilation is severe or the underlying disease thought to
be progressive in nature, PPV is indicated.1

Excessive Work of Breathing

Animals that are breathing so hard that they are becoming exhausted or appear to be
at risk of developing exhaustion (eg, orthopnea or eyes closed during breathing) may
require PPV to prevent imminent death. While some of these patients may be main-
taining adequate blood gases, they are at risk for respiratory fatigue and arrest.
Also, in these fragile patients, there may be no time for blood gas evaluation to be per-
formed. This decision is based on clinical judgment and is particularly important in the
emergency room setting where patients can present in a near-death state, and rapid
intervention is the only chance to stabilize them.
Animals in severe respiratory distress due to lung disease are expected to have
increased respiratory rate and effort with hypoxemia and hypocapnia (PCO2 <35 mm
Hg). The presence of normal or elevated PCO2 in the respiratory distress patient can
be a sinister sign suggestive of respiratory muscle fatigue and may support the deci-
sion to initiate PPV even if hypoxemia can be adequately resolved with oxygen ther-
apy. Again, this should be determined based on clinical evaluation of work of
breathing and signs consistent with respiratory fatigue.

Severe Circulatory Shock

Clinical signs of circulatory shock include obtundation, mucous membrane pallor,
tachycardia or bradycardia, tachypnea, weak pulse quality, and cold extremities. Cir-
culatory shock can be due to hypovolemia, cardiac disease, and loss of vasomotor
tone. In patients with severe circulatory shock that is persistent despite initial resusci-
tation efforts, PPV may be indicated. The main goal of PPV in these patients is to
reduce oxygen consumption by relieving the work of the respiratory muscles.1 Both
experimental animal studies and human clinical studies have found that PPV can
improve outcome from shock, and PPV is part of the early goal-directed therapy algo-
rithm for the treatment of septic shock.6–8 A secondary goal is to allow airway protec-
tion by supporting the animal appropriately during anesthesia.

Mechanical ventilation in emergency room patients plays several important roles. In
many situations, PPV may need to be initiated before any specific diagnosis can be
obtained as part of life-saving stabilization efforts. In this setting, stabilization of the
ABCDs (ie, airway, breathing, circulation, dysfunction) is imperative, and further prog-
nostication of the patient can be made once the patient is successfully stabilized,
allowing further diagnostic tests to be performed. Some animals may not need PPV
for more than a few hours, and the owners of patients that need longer term PPV
will have the benefit of a more informed prognosis once further diagnostic tests
have been performed in a more controlled manner. That said, it is important to keep
in mind that some patients may be difficult to wean off PPV once initiated, and the
costs associated with short-term (or long-term) PPV is high. Another important role
for PPV in the emergency room patient is to relieve suffering and prevent further clin-
ical deterioration while owners spend some time to consider all their options or say
good bye to their pet.
The prognosis of weaning from PPV is largely dependent on the underlying disease
for which the animal requires ventilation. In general, patients that require PPV for hypo-
ventilation (eg, cervical disc disease) have a greater likelihood of weaning than those
with pulmonary parenchymal disease (eg, ARDS, pulmonary contusions, fungal
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 959

pneumonia).9–11 For example, in a study evaluating 128 dogs and cats that received
PPV for more than 24 hours, 50% of animals with hypoventilation were weaned, while
only 36% of animals with pulmonary parenchymal disease were weaned.10 It is more
helpful to consider prognosis of weaning from PPV in terms of the primary disease pro-
cess present. For example, in the pulmonary parenchymal group in this study, 50% of
animals with aspiration pneumonia were successfully weaned, while only 8% of ani-
mals with ARDS were weaned. This study largely reflects ICU patients, not emergency
room patients, and only enrolled patients ventilated for 24 hours or longer. Other fac-
tors that have been reported to be associated with a poorer outcome from PPV include
age, weight, and species. The weaning rates reported for feline patients are consis-
tently lower than that of canine patients, reported to be 10% to 25%, overall.10,12
Disease processes that may have a fair prognosis for weaning from PPV include
 Congestive heart failure
 Pulmonary contusions
 Aspiration pneumonia
 Cervical spinal cord compression
Disease processes that may have a poor prognosis to be weaned from PPV include
 Cardiopulmonary arrest
 Intracranial disease


To understand how to appropriately manage a patient undergoing PPV, an under-

standing of the ventilation modes and ventilator settings is imperative.1,13

Pressure Versus Volume Control

Modern ICU ventilators have the capability to generate several different breath types
to the patient. The more basic machines tend to be either volume control ventilators or
pressure control ventilators. These ventilators can generate a breath in 1 of 2 basic
ways. It can deliver a preset TV over a given inspiratory time (volume control, or
VC), or the machine can maintain a preset airway pressure for a given inspiratory
time (pressure control, or PC). In a volume-controlled breath, the peak inspired airway
pressure (PIP) generated will be dependent on the preset TV chosen by the operator
and the compliance of the respiratory system. In a pressure-controlled breath, the TV
will depend on the preset airway pressure chosen by the operator and the compliance
of the respiratory system.

Assist-Control Ventilation
In this mode of ventilation, a minimum respiratory rate is set by the operator. If the
trigger sensitivity is set appropriately, the patient can increase the respiratory rate,
but all breaths delivered will be full ventilator breaths, either pressure- or volume-
controlled. Breaths triggered by the ventilator are controlled breaths, while breaths
triggered by the patient are considered assisted breaths (eg, patient initiates the
breath, but the ventilator generates the full breath). This mode of ventilation provides
maximum support of the respiratory system and is used in patients with severe dis-
ease or patients with no respiratory drive.
960 Hopper & Powell

Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation

In this mode of ventilation, a set number of mandatory breaths is delivered. Between
these breaths, the patient can breathe spontaneously. In modern ventilators, the ma-
chine tries to synchronize the mandatory breaths with the patient’s inspiratory efforts,
thus the term synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV). Between these
mandatory breaths, the patient can breathe spontaneously, as often or as few times as
desired. The operator can only control the minimum respiratory rate and minute venti-
lation; there is no control over the maximum rate or maximum minute ventilation. As
this mode combines full ventilator breaths with spontaneous patient breaths, it is
generally used for animals that do not require 100% assistance from the ventilator,
such as neurologically inappropriate animals with an unreliable respiratory drive (eg,
brain injury), or patients with lung disease that are improving and do not need as
much support as assist–control provides.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a completely spontaneous mode of
ventilation; in other words, the patient determines both the respiratory rate and TV.
The ventilator delivers no breaths; the operator can only control the baseline airway
pressure, a form of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). This mode of ventilation
provides support for the patient’s spontaneous breaths and is only suited for patients
with a strong respiratory drive and minimal pulmonary dysfunction. The ventilator will
alarm if the animal does not generate adequate breaths or develops apnea, so it is a
useful monitoring mode for weaning patients or for monitoring intubated patients.
Pressure Support Ventilation
Pressure support ventilation (PSV) allows the operator to augment the TV of sponta-
neous breaths. For example, a patient has a PSV of 6 cm H2O. This patient will begin
and end inspiration, and the ventilator will maintain a pressure of 6 cm H2O in the
airway during this inspiration; this effectively provides the patient with a greater tidal
volume for less patient effort. Pressure support ventilation is generally used in
conjunction with CPAP or to support the spontaneous breaths in SIMV.


The parameters the operator is able to adjust on a ventilator will vary between
machines. On advanced ICU ventilators, there tend to be more options for adjusting
breath parameters compared with simpler, anesthesia-type machines. It is important
to note that there is no consistency in the terminology for ventilator settings between
companies; therefore, it may be necessary to read the manufacturer’s instructions to
fully understand how the settings on an individual machine operate.
Trigger Variable
This is the parameter that initiates a ventilator breath. In patients that are not making
any respiratory effort, the trigger variable will be time (which is determined from the set
respiratory rate). The patient trigger setting is usually a change in airway pressure or a
change in flow of the circuit. Appropriate trigger sensitivity is an essential safety mea-
sure to ensure ventilator breaths are synchronized with genuine respiratory efforts
made by the patient.14,15 This increases patient comfort and allows the patient to in-
crease its RR as required. The trigger variable can be too sensitive, such that nonres-
piratory efforts such as patient handling may initiate breaths; this should also be
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 961

Respiratory Rate and Inspiration: Expiration Ratio

The respiratory rate can be set on all ventilators either directly or by manipulation of
variables such as minute ventilation, inspiratory time, or exhalation time. The ideal res-
piratory rate for an individual patient generally needs to be titrated according to patient
comfort and PCO2. Respiratory rates are commonly set in the range of 10 to 20 breaths
per minute initially. The ratio of the duration of inspiration to expiration (called the I:E
ratio) may be preset by the operator or may be a default setting within the machine.
Commonly, an I:E ratio of 1:2 is used to ensure the patient has fully exhaled before
the onset of the next breath.2 This is similar to a physiologic normal breath, where
expiration lasts approximately twice as long as inspiration. As respiratory rates are
increased, the expiratory time will have to be reduced accordingly. It is advised to pre-
vent the I:E ratio from increasing more than 1:1 to avoid a situation known as breath
stacking or intrinsic PEEP.15,16

Inspiratory Time and Flow Rate

Inspiratory time is commonly set at 1 second, but shorter inspiratory times are suitable
for patients with high respiratory rates.2 Many smaller patients seem to tolerate shorter
inspiratory times well. Many volume control ventilators have the option to set the flow
rate instead of the inspiratory time. The faster the inspiratory flow rate, the more
quickly the breath is delivered. Flow rates of 60 L/min are suggested as a good starting
point.2 The flow rate may be adjusted between 40 and 80 L/min as needed to provide
an inspiratory time that suits the patient’s needs.16

Tidal Volume
The normal TV reported for dogs and cats is in the range of 10 to 15 mL/kg. Lower TV
(6–8 mL/kg) may be targeted in animals with severe lung disease.15,16 When using vol-
ume control ventilation, the operator presets the desired TV. Overdistension of the
lung is extremely dangerous, as it is a major mechanism of ventilator-induced lung
injury and can have severe, even fatal consequences. It is recommended to start
with no more than 10 mL/kg as a preset TV. The TV can always be increased if it is
determined to be insufficient once the patient is connected to the machine. If pressure
control ventilation is used, then the operator presets the pressure used to generate
inspiration; once the animal is connected to the machine, the TV achieved with the
preset pressure is assessed. A TV of around 10 mL/kg would be a very acceptable
result. A simple evaluation of TV is to observe the patient’s chest movements to see
if normal chest excursions are occurring, although direct measurement of TV should
be performed when ever possible.

Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

Pulmonary parenchymal disease can lead to areas of poorly ventilated alveoli (eg,
alveoli smaller than normal) and alveolar collapse; this is the primary cause of ineffi-
cient oxygenating ability of the diseased lung. PEEP will maintain pressure in the
airway during exhalation. This prevents full exhalation occurring, holding the lung in
a semiinflated state, which can help open up previously collapsed alveoli to improve
lung-oxygenating ability and potentially protect against some forms of ventilator-
associated lung injury.2,17 As lung disease tends to be heterogeneous, there is a
risk that while increases in PEEP may recruit areas of diseased lung, it may also cause
overdistension or volutrauma of healthier lung regions. In general, PEEP is likely to be
beneficial in patients with cardiogenic and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema and
acute lung injury (ALI) or ARDS.13
962 Hopper & Powell

There are some potential dangers from the use of PEEP that must be considered.
The use of PEEP in diseases such as pneumonia, where the diseased lung may not
be recruited, should be done with caution. Also, as PEEP increases peak airway pres-
sure, it can contribute to barotrauma (eg, pressure trauma to the lung). Also, as PEEP
maintains elevated intrathoracic pressure during exhalation, it may compromise
venous return (eg, hypotension). Cardiovascular monitoring is recommended for all
ventilator patients and is essential when high levels of PEEP and/or more aggressive
ventilator settings are used. Ultimately, optimizing PEEP requires balancing the poten-
tial gain with the concern for adverse effects.2,17

Peak Inspired Airway Pressure

Patients with normal lungs (such as anesthetic patients or patients with ventilatory fail-
ure) typically only require low PIPs in the range of 8 to 15 cm H2O, ideally not
exceeding 20 cm H2O. Patients with lung disease often have stiff, noncompliant lungs
and consequently will require higher airway pressures to achieve the same TV. Peak
airway pressures as high as 30 cm H2O may be required in animals with very severe
lung disease.18 High airway pressure can cause lung injury (barotrauma) and should
be avoided where possible. When using pressure control ventilation, the desired
airway pressure is preset by the operator. Once the animal is connected to the venti-
lator, the TV achieved with that airway pressure can be assessed. Alternatively in vol-
ume control, the TV is preset, and the associated airway pressure must be assessed
once PPV commences. Initially, airway pressures of 10 to 15 cm H2O should be tar-
geted; higher airway pressures can be used if indicated by inadequate pulmonary


There is no way to accurately predict the ideal ventilator settings for a specific patient.
The choice of initial settings is based on an understanding of the underlying disease
process present.2,15,16 Once the patient is attached to the ventilator, the settings
are then titrated to target adequate blood gases with an acceptable FIO2.
Animals that do not have pulmonary disease are expected to have compliant, easy-
to-ventilate lungs. As a result, low airway pressures, higher TV, and less PEEP are
likely to be well tolerated (Table 1). When initially placing a patient on the ventilator,
the use of 100% oxygen should be utilized as a safety measure (and weaned down
once ventilator settings are determined and the patient stabilized).

Table 1
Suggested initial ventilator settings for patients with normal pulmonary function

Ventilator Parameter Initial Setting

Fraction of inspired oxygen 100%
Tidal volume 8–15 mL/kg
Respiratory rate 10–20 breaths per minute
Inspiratory pressure (above PEEP) 8–12 cm H2O
PEEP 0–4 cm H2O
Inspiratory time w1 s
Inspiratory: Expiratory (I:E) ratio 1:2
Inspiratory trigger 1 to 2 cm H2O or 0.5 to 2.0 L/min
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 963

Animals that require PPV for pulmonary disease are expected to have poor lung
compliance and will require higher airway pressures than animals with healthy lungs
(Table 2). PEEP may improve the oxygenating efficiency of the diseased lung and
can be a very important aspect of management of some ventilator patients. Studies
have shown that limiting TV to approximately 6 mL/kg in human patients with ALI
and ARDS improves survival.18 The role of small TV ventilation in other lung diseases
is unknown, but limiting TV when possible may be beneficial.
Once the patient is attached to the ventilator, the patient’s chest should be
observed for appropriate movement (eg, if there is insufficient or overaggressive chest
inflation, the ventilator settings should be adjusted appropriately). The thorax should
then be auscultated bilaterally to ensure there is ventilation of bilateral lung fields.
All monitoring parameters need to be rapidly and continuously evaluated including
blood pressure, electrocardiography (ECG), pulse oximeter and end-tidal carbon diox-
ide (ETCO2) monitoring. Any concerning changes should be addressed immediately.
Once the patient is adequately stabilized on the ventilator, assessment of ABGs is
ideally performed. The target of PPV is to maintain adequate gas exchange while mini-
mizing the likelihood of ventilator-associated lung injury. Target values are commonly
a PaO2 between 80 and 120 mm Hg and a PaCO2 of 35 to 50 mm Hg.19

The first aim in titration of ventilator settings is to lower the FIO2 to no more than 60%
while maintaining an acceptable PaO2. In the absence of ABGs, reductions in the FIO2
will have to be based on the saturation of oxygen (SpO2) based off the pulse oximeter.
The implantation of PEEP may help increase the oxygenating efficiency of the sick
lung. If the PaO2 is not high enough to allow adequate reductions in FIO2, increases
in PEEP may be of benefit.

The PaCO2 will be inversely proportional to alveolar minute ventilation (eg, TV  respi-
ratory rate). When titrating the initial ventilator settings, if PaCO2 is higher than desired,
increases in TV and/or respiratory rate are made and vice versa if the PaCO2 is too low.
If ABGs are not available, venous PCO2 can be used to guide ventilator settings.
Initially, PCO2 should be measured on a blood gas machine to evaluate the correlation
with ETCO2. Once this relationship has been established, ETCO2 can be used as a nonin-
vasive measure to titrate ventilator settings further. If a significant change in the patient

Table 2
Suggested initial ventilator settings for patients with pulmonary disease

Ventilator Parameter Initial Setting

Fraction of inspired oxygen 100%
Tidal volume 6–8 mL/kg
Respiratory rate 20–30 breaths per minute
Inspiratory pressure (above PEEP) 10–15 cm H2O
PEEP 4–8 cm H2O
Inspiratory time w1 s
I:E ratio 1:2
Inspiratory trigger 1 to 2 cm H2O or 0.5 to 2.0 L/min
964 Hopper & Powell

status occurs, the PCO2 should be measured directly, as the relationship and accuracy
with ETCO2 can rapidly change.

Initial Patient Stabilization on the Ventilator

Placing a veterinary patient on an ICU ventilator requires knowledge about how the
specific ventilator is connected with inflow and outflow tubing, a humidifier, and airway
suction. Because of the time it takes to assemble the ventilatory equipment, the unsta-
ble patient should be anesthetized, intubated, and manually ventilated in the emer-
gency room until the ventilator is ready to use. An anesthesia circuit breathing bag
or purpose-made practice lung can be placed on the Y-piece of the ventilator circuit,
allowing for input of initial ventilator settings before placing the patient directly on the
breathing circuit. The initial settings used are based on general guidelines such as
those described previously. When the ventilator settings are verified and the patient
is anesthetized, transfer to the ventilator breathing circuit can occur. Intensive moni-
toring should be initiated before or soon after anesthetic induction. As the patient is
being placed on the ventilator, an inspired oxygen concentration of 100% should be
provided. Once the patient has stabilized on the ventilator, the aim is to decrease
the FIO2 in an effort to decrease the likelihood of oxygen toxicity. A sustained FIO2 of
less than 60% oxygen within the first 12 hours is desired, especially in patients with
severe hypoxemic respiratory failure.20 Sustaining a minimally adequate oxygenation
(PaO2 of 60 mm Hg, SpO2 of w90% or above) is essential, and this may limit the de-
gree to which FIO2 can be reduced.
Mechanically ventilated patients require intense monitoring and supportive care.
Intravenous catheters (ideally, a multilumen catheter), an arterial catheter, a body tem-
perature probe, and urinary catheterization should be used. Monitoring should include
continuous ECG, continuous pulse oximetry, continuous direct arterial blood pres-
sure, intermittent blood gas analysis (via an arterial catheter), and ETCO2 measure-
ments. Nursing care should include catheter asepsis, oral antibacterial rinse,
tracheal tube suction, passive range of motion of all limbs, ocular care, and intermit-
tent change of body position.21 The ventilator itself requires management, including
emptying water traps that collect condensation from the tubing and filling of the
humidifier with sterile water as needed. Most ventilator patients need a dedicated vet-
erinary nurse constantly, and an attentive veterinarian who can troubleshoot ventilator
problems and make adjustments to ventilator settings as needed. As such, placing
and maintaining a patient on a mechanical ventilator is a significant financial and
time obligation.

Induction and Maintenance of Anesthesia

To successfully ventilate neurologically intact dogs and cats, appropriate anesthesia
must be maintained. This is to allow maintenance of the endotracheal tube (ETT), to
prevent patient movement, to provide patient comfort, and to stop animals from buck-
ing or fighting the ventilator, as the sensation of receiving a positive pressure breath is
unpleasant. In neurologically inappropriate animals, anesthesia may not be necessary.
Paralyzed animals may only need anesthesia to allow ETT intubation or placement of a
tracheostomy tube (which allows PPV with minimal to no anesthetic or sedative
drugs). Comatose patients may also tolerate ETT intubation without drug administra-
tion and are another group of patients that often can be ventilated without anesthesia.
There are several options for induction and maintenance of anesthesia in the venti-
lated patient. Induction of anesthesia should be performed using at least 1 fast-acting
intravenous drug allowing rapid ETT placement (eg, fentanyl or midazolam). All ani-
mals should be preoxygenated before induction. Consideration of the patient’s
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 965

cardiovascular status when selecting induction drugs is important. Propofol, adminis-

tered slowly and to effect, is an ideal induction drug for hemodynamically stable pa-
tients. In the emergency room, where animals are often hemodynamically unstable
or there is insufficient time to assess the cardiovascular system adequately, the use
of induction drugs such as ketamine or etomidate may be preferable.
Maintenance anesthesia of the PPV patient is generally achieved by combinations
of injectable drugs, as inhalant anesthesia is not an option when ventilating patients
on an ICU ventilator. However, if an anesthesia ventilator is temporarily used, low
concentrations of inhalant anesthesia can also be employed. Care must be taken,
however, as inhalants can exacerbate hypotension and worsen pulmonary gas ex-
change. The choice of anesthesia protocol for individual PPV patients will be influ-
enced by their cardiovascular stability, the duration of PPV anticipated, and in
some situations, cost. A further consideration is recovery time. It is ideal to be able
to recover animals as soon as they are ready to be weaned from PPV. This may
require reducing drug doses ahead of time or changing the anesthetic protocol
when weaning is thought to be imminent. Injectable anesthetics such as propofol
and pentobarbital will provide an adequate plane of anesthesia when used as con-
stant rate infusions (CRI) and generally are the basis for most ventilator patient anes-
thetic protocols. It is ideal to provide balanced anesthesia by the addition of drugs
such as benzodiazepines and/or opioids. This allows minimal dosing of any 1 drug
to reduce the likelihood of adverse effects. Sample protocols include fentanyl-
lidocaine-ketamine and fentanyl-dexmedetomidine in addition to propofol or pento-
barbital. See Table 3 for suggested dosing regimens. Long-term administration of
propofol in dogs can lead to lipemia, which can have adverse effects and should
be avoided. By minimizing the dose of propofol with the addition of other drugs, lipe-
mia can often be avoided. Cats cannot tolerate long-term (>48 hours) propofol admin-
istration, as it leads to Heinz body formation; therefore, other anesthetic regimes need
to be considered for long-term PPV in this species.22 Another concern for PPV in cats
is the delayed recovery time they have after prolonged injectable anesthesia. After
24 hours of anesthesia, recovery time has been reported to be 18 to 35 hours in
one study.23 In the authors’ experience, it can take many days for cats to recover
from long-term anesthesia. As they often require ventilator support during the

Table 3
Anesthetic/analgesic agents commonly used in ventilated patients

Anesthetic/Analgesic Agent Suggested Dose

Fentanyl 1–7 mg/kg/h CRI
Loading dose: 2–5 mg/kg
Midazolam 0.1–0.5 mg/kg/h CRI
Loading dose: 0.2–0.4 mg/kg
Diazepam 0.1–1.0 mg/kg/h CRI
Loading dose: 0.5 mg/kg
Morphine-lidocaine-ketamine CRI Morphine: 0.2 mg/kg/h; loading dose: 0.1–0.2 mg/kg
slow intravenously
Lidocaine: 3 mg/kg/h; loading dose 1–2 mg/kg
Ketamine: 0.6 mg/kg/h; loading dose 0.5 mg/kg
Propofol 0.05–0.4 mg/kg/min CRI
Dexmedetomidine 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg/h

All doses indicate intravenous route.

966 Hopper & Powell

prolonged recovery period, it adds significantly to the cost and challenge of manage-
ment of cats needing PPV.

Continuous monitoring of cardiovascular parameters, respiratory parameters, body
temperature, and fluids both administered and lost (eg, evaporative, urinary, gastroin-
testinal losses, etc.) is of utmost importance when managing a patient on a mechan-
ical ventilator. Continuous pulse oximetry, ECG, ETCO2, blood pressure, and body
temperature should be measured. In addition, charting of results on an hourly basis
will help to identify trends, diagnosing both clinical improvement and areas of concern
that must be addressed. Ideally, an arterial catheter should be placed to measure both
blood pressure and intermittent blood gas analysis. In smaller dogs and cats, place-
ment of an arterial catheter may not be possible; in these cases, one must rely on
results of pulse oximetry readings and VBG analysis to assess presence of significant
hypoxemia and effective ventilation.21

PO2 and PCO2 Targets

Traditionally, patients should be ventilated to endpoints of normal blood levels of
PO2 and PCO2: PaO2 of 80 to 120 mm Hg (SpO2 of 95%–99%) and a PaCO2 of 35 to
45 mm Hg. In most patients, these goals can be reached with an FIO2 of no more
than 60% and mild-to-moderate ventilator settings. In patients with severe lung dis-
ease, far more aggressive ventilator settings (eg, higher PEEP, FIO2, and PIP) may
be necessary to achieve the normal blood gas goals. Ventilating with high TV and pres-
sures can cause lung trauma, including pulmonary biotrauma and barotrauma and
worsening patient outcome. A study by the ARDSnet group in 2000 showed a
decrease in mortality when using a low TV strategy when ventilating patients with
ARDS.18 Current recommendations for ARDS patients include ventilating to an oxygen
saturation of 85% to 90% (eg, PaO2 55–80 mm Hg) and allowing PaCO2 to rise above
normal, as long as blood pH is maintained above 7.2 (eg, permissive hypercapnia).18,24
Although this strategy may not be as relevant to patients with other forms of lung dis-
ease, lowering the target PaO2 to 60 mm Hg (SpO2 of 90%) and increasing the toler-
ance for hypercapnia (eg, PCO2 >50 mm Hg) may reduce the magnitude of the
ventilator settings needed in animals with severe hypoxemic respiratory failure. This
may reduce the likelihood of ventilator-induced lung injury.

Problems involving PPV include hypoxemia/oxygen desaturation, hypercapnia, hypo-
tension, patient–ventilator dyssynchrony, air leak, resistance to air flow, and
Hypoxemia is a common problem faced by patients undergoing PPV. The approach
to management of hypoxemia differs when it is an acute development versus a more
gradual onset. If acute desaturation is detected on the pulse oximeter, repositioning of
the pulse oximeter or confirmation with an ABG is ideal. Acute desaturation of a venti-
lator patient that was previously oxygenating adequately indicates a dramatic
decrease in pulmonary function. Potential causes include pneumothorax, machine
malfunction, circuit disconnection, and loss of oxygen supply. The FIO2 should be
immediately increased to 100%, the thorax auscultated, and the ventilator function
reviewed. If a pneumothorax is suspected, thoracocentesis should be performed
immediately. A gradual decline in oxygenating efficiency of the lung is not uncommon
in the ventilator patient and is more suggestive of progressive pulmonary disease such
as pneumonia, ARDS, or ventilator-induced lung injury rather than a pneumothorax or
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 967

machine issue. This can be addressed in several ways. The FIO2 can be increased;
however, high levels of inspired oxygen over a long period of time can induce ALI
and secondary oxygen toxicity. Other methods include increasing the PEEP level,
increasing the TV, and increasing the peak pressure at which the tidal breath is
Hypercapnia in the ventilator patient may be due to one or more of the following

 ETT or tracheostomy tube kink or obstruction
 Increased apparatus dead space—excess tubing/connectors between the
patient and the ventilator circuit Y-piece
 Incorrect assembly of the ventilator circuit, including large airway leaks, obstruc-
tion of the exhalation circuit, or any problem that would prevent effective gener-
ation or delivery of a TV
 Increased pulmonary dead space, which may occur with overdistension of alveoli
or large pulmonary embolism
 Inadequate ventilator settings, in particular inadequate TV, inadequate respira-
tory rate, or both; settings that can impair exhalation such as insufficient expira-
tory time can also cause hypercapnia

A sudden increase in PaCO2 (eg, hypoventilation or hypercapnia) in a previously sta-

ble patient is suggestive of an acute abnormality such as an ETT or tracheostomy tube
obstruction or dislodgement, ventilator circuit leak, or pneumothorax. If evaluation of
the machine and patient rules out major complications, then it is to be assumed that
there is insufficient alveolar minute ventilation, and appropriate changes in the venti-
lator settings should be made.
Hemodynamic compromise can be an adverse effect of PPV. Subatmospheric pres-
sure generated within the thoracic cavity during normal, spontaneous inspiration pro-
motes venous return to the right side of the heart (eg, preload). When a patient is
placed on PPV, it causes positive intrathoracic pressure during inspiration, which
opposes venous return. As a result, venous return occurs primarily during exhalation
during PPV and may be reduced. With the addition of PEEP, which generates positive
intrathoracic pressure during exhalation, venous return may be further compromised.
Perfusion parameters and blood pressure should be closely monitored in the PPV
patient, especially when high PEEP levels and high peak pressures are used. If hemo-
dynamic compromise occurs, volume support to improve preload may be beneficial.
In patients that are hypotensive despite fluid therapy, vasopressor therapy may be
Patient–ventilator dyssynchrony occurs when the patient’s breath and the mechan-
ical breath conflict with one another. When a patient fights or bucks the ventilator, it
can prevent effective ventilation of the animal and may lead to desaturation and hyper-
capnia. In addition, it increases the work of breathing and can increase both patient
discomfort and patient morbidity. Bucking the ventilator is 1 of the most common chal-
lenges for PPV patient management. It is ideal to have a thorough, systematic
approach to this problem to avoid missing potential causes. Potential causes of
patient–ventilator dyssynchrony include

 Hypoxemia— loss of oxygen supply, worsening of underlying disease, or devel-

opment of new pulmonary disease such as pneumothorax, pneumonia, or ARDS
 Hypercapnia— circuit disconnect/leak, tube obstruction or kink, pneumothorax
968 Hopper & Powell

 Pneumothorax— Typified by a rapidly climbing PCO2 and a plummeting PaO2;

auscultation and diagnostic thoracocentesis is warranted
 Anesthetized animals like to have relatively low temperatures, and even a
rectal temperature of 102 F/38.9 C may cause dogs to pant on the ventilator;
active cooling is required to control panting in hyperthermic ventilator patients
 A common cause of hyperthermia is increased breathing efforts when patients
fight the ventilator; airway humidification makes it difficult for patients to lose
heat, and humidification may have to be discontinued for short periods to allow
hyperthermia to be resolved.
 Inappropriate ventilator settings— observe when the patient is trying to inhale
and exhale and evaluate if the patient’s breathing pattern is appropriate or
consistent with the ventilator settings
 Inadequate depth of anesthesia— monitor routine clinical signs of anesthetic
depth; this may be the most common cause of bucking, but care should be taken
not to blindly increase the anesthetic drug dose when patients begin bucking the
machine without fully assessing the patient or the ventilator settings
It is very important to appropriately set the high- and low-pressure alarms on the
ventilator. Low pressure in the ventilator circuit indicates air leak, which is usually
due to inadvertent disconnection of the ventilator tubing. The high-pressure alarm is
activated due to increased resistance to airflow. This may be caused by ETT obstruc-
tion from a mucous plug or a large amount of secretions or due to the development of
a pneumothorax. Resistance to airflow can also be due to worsening of pulmonary dis-
ease, requiring higher pressures to adequately ventilate the patient. Plateau airway
pressures of greater than 30 cm H2O should be avoided.18


Mechanical ventilation can be a life saving tool for dogs and cats experiencing hypox-
emic respiratory failure and those that develop ventilatory failure. Ventilation of pa-
tients with ventilatory failure has been shown to have a better prognosis than
ventilation of those ventilated for hypoxemic respiratory failure.9,10 An anesthesia ma-
chine can be used to provide PPV to patients for a short period of time; this may be
suitable for initial stabilization of animals in the emergency room. If longer-term venti-
lation is required, referral to a veterinary hospital with an ICU ventilator should be
considered. Recognizing and treating dogs and cats with imminent respiratory failure
with anesthesia, intubation, and PPV can be practical and life saving.


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