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A Simple Introduction to

Find out how you can grow your business
with ZERO marketing budget by using Whatsapp!

Digitizor Media & Web

Table of Contents

0 Introduction

1 Why Whatsapp works?

2 Strategies that I am using (including short Case


3 What works and what does not

4 SPAM or How not to Piss-off your potential customer

5 Whats next & how may I help

6 Bonus: Tools that I use to execute the campaigns

7 Disclaimer


Do you care?
I would not go into the details as to what is Whatsapp and how it works
or so. The reason you are reading this book in the first place is you are
already aware of Whatsapp as a platform but are looking to leverage its
power into your marketing or business strategies.

Some crucial Whatsapp numbers for your eyes to drool on:

•600 Million (60 crore) : Number of monthly active WhatsApp users

worldwide in August 2014

•Rs. 2403: Approx value of each Whatsapp user! ($40)

•195 Mins.: Avg. amount of time users spend on Whatsapp Weekly!

•72 out of 100 users who have installed Whatsapp - use the app daily -
highest app engagement, even more than Facebook’s app!

•4.8 crore - thats the number of active Whatsapp users in India and this
is half as compared to that of Facebook!

The fact that Whatsapp is totally free of charge makes it one of the best
platforms to create engagement and awareness of your brands. Where
else you would be able to acquire a customer that is worth Rs. 2403
without paying a single buck?

Caption and Photo
Credit: Thats my team
executing a Whatsapp
campaign for a
restaurant based out
of Pune - Customer

“WhatsApp now has 48 million active

users in India alone, its single largest
- Jan Kuom (Whatsapp Founder)

Why Whatsapp
Things You need to understand

Why Whatsapp works?
Whatsapp works so effectively because of its very personal nature. As
an user you may have more than 1000 friends on facebook but do you
ever talk with all of them? No.

But with Whatsapp you have those contacts in your list with whom you
might have had familiarity in the past or atleast know them by face
since Whatsapp uses your phone’s contact list. Apart from that
Whatsapp made it really easy for users to communicate using Chat.
When whatsapp started it was just Text chat and aimed to reduce user’
s mobile bills but cutting out SMS usage!

Anyways, its all about engagement. You can send pictures and voice
messages to your friends in no matter of time using Whatsapp - click
picture and send.

Now, as a business this provides you a direct live channel for your
customers to talk to you - be it a complaint or a question about your
product. Using Whatsapp users can expect instant answers from your
company and this kind of a personal, quick experience that cannot be
expected from a website or even a Facebook page.

As a prospective customer who has his/her wallet out and is just about
to make a purchase - this kind of personal interaction with your
business makes it more comfortable for them to go ahead and seal the

Not only this, in case of a problem they can expect faster resolution. I
would like to ask you a question - Is it not more comfortable to chat
with a random unknown person (customer care) rather than talk to
them on a phone call?

Caption and Photo Credit: The first chart shows the rapid growth of Whatsapp
interest and usage all across India and the map shows a rough density of
Whatsapp search on Google


Taking care of customers?
Here are some tips from one of the campaigns that I have helped in
with for a client of mine whose business is in the Food industry.

Pull out your existing orders, delivery receipts and gather the numbers
from them - make sure you choose only those users who have eaten
from your joint with you in the last 2 - 3 days.

Send a short message reminding them of their order or their visit and
that it was very nice of them to choose your food outlet. Ask a question
as to if there is something that they would like to tell about their

Use rating based questions viz. How would you rate the Tikka Paneer
on a scale of 5 or How was our waiter’s service. please rate out of 5.

If your customer replies back then it is great. This is genuine lead and
interest that you just gained! Reply them gently with a thank you and
keep a note of this number. (I do this using a super cool in-house tool
that I made for my clients)

After you see the seen notification on your user’s side and the user has
not replied for more than 3 - 4 hours then, send another reminder. But
if you do not receive a reply after that, do not message again - we do
not want to spam the user. If they block you, you lose a prospect!

Offer Pitch
Help them with the best
Did you know that most of the young office-goers prefer to order food
from outside or eating out during lunch break?

As a food business owner this is your best bet to get repeat business
from a customer who has already ordered food from your joint.

Send a message like this - Hi {XYZ} you had ordered food with us
yesterday and based on that we are offering a 15% discount if you
order lunch today before 2pm.

This kind of discount would not only make your prospect more firm to
order food from you but he / she will also share the same offer with his
/ her colleagues around him, resulting in extra orders for your eatery!

Another message that I used in a different campaign with a Restaurant

business in Bandra, Mumbai:

Hey {ABC}, we are offering a flat 20% discount on Brunch this saturday
for a group of 4. make sure you get your friends / family with you. What
would you like as the welcome drink - Mango Salsa or Appletini?

You won’t believe, it worked wonders. This one message brought in not
4 but 12 customers!!!! staggering. Also, we found out that many people
have never heard about before!

Take Advantage of Viral Trends
Incorporating viral trends in the market into your Whatsapp marketing
campaign will work wonders. As an example I will use a case of one of
my clients from the Fitness industry who used the ALS Ice Challenge to
their advantage to connect with their past clients (who had left the

I asked the Gym owner (based out of Kormangala in Bangalore) to make

a list of his existing customers and put them into my in-house whatsapp
lead management system. The benefit of using my software is that it
lets you easily scale your Whatsapp Marketing process - just imagine
how tough it would be replying to 10 different customers using just
your phone!

After this, we sent the exact message as shown below:

Hi, {ABC} you used to be a member at K’s Gym. Just wanted to check
how is your fitness training / workout going on now. Let me know if you
know any help.

Second message after 5 mins: We are running the K-get-fit -in a month
challenge based on the Ice Water Bucket challenge. want to know more
about it?

And the results of these messages were simply great. Most of the users
were happy that the Gym got in touch with them to find out their
fitness status even though they were not customers anymore.

Final Result - 3 new signups and 11 interactions!

Conversion using
Active Engagement
We all know that organising contests and giveaways are one of the best ways
to engage with your current customers and also help get new customers.

In another campaign for my client who runs a large apparel store in the SGS
Mall in Pune we used an innovative contest on Whatsapp to where the
winners would get gift hampers of decent value. This is what was done:

1. Put up a banner regarding the contest at many places in the store and in the
mall. The banner had following exact text:

Be ABC’s next youth icon. Add 98******3* on whatsapp and take part in the
Glimse contest. Send Your name to above number on whatsapp to register.

2. After that we created 3 different Whatsapp groups to accomodate all the

129 registrations (Whatsapp’s 50 users per Group limitaion) and started the
contest by sharing a picture of an apparel product in a group and asking users
to caption it.

Best entries were chosen by user voting using a simple Voting platform that is
Whatsapp compatible (available in our in-house management tool)

Results - Awesome user awareness, brand recall (due to new marketing

method) and increased footfall in the store!

Using customer feedback to
build your next offering
When you have a loyal customer base you, as a business, need not
worry about future (for a while atleast). But, as they say, you never
know how soon trends change and you need to keep up with hour
competition by offering new products to your existing / loyal customer
base as well as you new customers.

Now that, you have created a successful relationship with your

consumer using Whatsapp, why not leverage it to get feedback for your
next product so that when you launch your product, you can do away
with the guessing game of whether or not the product will be a success.

I used this strategy to help a toy store launch a successful educational

product for kids in Noida. A whatsapp message was sent to Phone
numbers of parents who had purchased education related toys for their
kids. Here it is:

Hey {CBZ} Thanks for buying the KLM Set last week. I hope your kid is
loving it. We are launching a new suit of toys for your kids. Here are
some pics, do let us know what do you think.

After some messages, the store owner received useful feedback and
also these users ended up becoming the first customers of this toy set
when it was launched!


Things you need to take care
of to avoid FAILure
The idea of free-marketing or getting new users or repeat business
without spending any money really sounds very lucrative to business
owners and even the biggest of the biggest marketers - especially when
each of lead using that marketing channel is valued at Approx. Rs. 2400
or US $40.

According to Whatsapp’s Legal Terms you cannot use the Whatsapp

platform to post advertisements. So, please please please stay away
from services that promise sending unlimited Whatsapp messages to
new users.

You need to understand that, using the Whatsapp Marketing methods

as I am doing it, I am only connecting back with existing users whom
the business has dealt with already in person or via any kind of online
transaction. And then, these users are contacted for help and new
offers. The point being - you need to pursue those users who have been
a customer of your business at one point of time.

Your help in making their experience using your service better will
result in goodwill and in turn affect some word-of-mouth marketing as

If you go ahead and start using these methods on totally new

customers who are hearing your name / the name of your business for
the first time - not only these users will be not happy but might also
end-up blocking you or reporting your number to Whatsapp! - just the
thing you do NOT want to happen.


Steps to avoid
Whatsapp Spam
You must remember that your customer’s Whatsapp number is a prized
possession and you should treat it as such. Here is a list of few things
you need to take care while executing a Whatsapp campaign:

1. Make sure that you interact with users who have been a part of your
business at one point of time by means of buying your products or
making a purchase on your website. This way you can create a more
healthy relationship with your customers.

2. When you send a Whatsapp message to a prospect, do not send

another one if the user replies saying they are not interested and not
want messages. Its in your best interest not to disturb your customers if
they feel so.

3. Take advantage of Sent, Read and Typing… statuses provided by

Whatsapp and use your judgement to message users.

4. Do not participate or purchase bulk whatsapp messaging services or

phone numbers to send whatsapp messages about your business. You
are only digging a hole for your business by doing so! Receivers of such
messages may end up blocking your number or even reporting it as

Thanks For making it till here,
Whats Next?

Start leveraging the power of Whatsapp in your business


Talk to me about your business and how Whatsapp can help you

Become a Whatsapp Marketing Ninja with the

Whatsapp Marketing Course



Go to next page to find out how may I help you and your business to
leverage the power of marketing using WhatsApp!

How may I help
Now that you have read about these strategies which I am using with my clients
to get them new leads and grow their business by building great relationships
with customers and importantly not spending a bomb on marketing, you can go
ahead and implement them too in your respective businesses.

If you have any questions, feel free to write me an e-mail:

The methods mentioned by me were some of the prominent ones that are
working great as of now. There many other great methods that vary business to
business. I am also available for creating similar marketing campaigns for your

Hire Me
In the upcoming days, I will be launching a Whatsapp Marketing course where I
will teach you more secrets of my tactics which you can use in your your business
to grow your businesses even more.

If you are interested in this marketing course, then do sign-up here - you may be
eligible for an early-bird discount

19 Bonus Content on next page
BONUS : Tools I Use for the
WhatsApp Campaigns

BlueStacks App Player - This tool helps me and my clients manage all
their whatsapp campaigns from the comfort of their laptops. Can you
imagine how tough it would be to use your mobile phone to talk to 10
different customers using just whatsapp! This tool simply helps you
scale your marketing efforts.

Excel from Microsoft / Google Docs - You need a good way to manage
your leads (Whatsapp phone numbers), questions from users, and to
maintain a log of the conversations. However, using excel can be a bit
painful after sometime when your lead management efforts become

This is why I created the WhatsLead Management ERP software which

is an in-house tool and helps my clients a lot by saving their time and
managing their leads on Whatsapp.

Not only this, this lead management software is very smart and
generates current trending stories related to your business which you
can share with your users on whatsapp thus creating and engagement.
It also offers product related tips that ensure more sales!

You can shoot me an e-mail ( if you want to

find out more about it.


Whatsapp and the Whatsapp Logo are registered trademarks and

properties owned by WhatsApp Inc.,

The copy of disclaimer can be found on and by reading this e-book you
agree to the terms mentioned in there.


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