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Recover one strain (may recover many)

Suffer one strain

t w Add s to next ally’s check
Lose benefit of prior maneuver
Notice single important point
Opponent gains one free maneuver (no limits) Perform immediate free maneuver (note limits)
Add s to target’s next check tt ww Add s to target’s next check
Add s to any ally’s next check Add s to any ally’s next check
Fall prone Negate enemy’s defensive bonus till end of round
Target downgrades difficulty for turn ttt www Ignore environmental penalties till end of next turn
Blasters run out of ammo Disarm the target
Activate weapon’s critical
Weapon/tool breaks
Upgrade difficulty of yours or ally’s next check
y e Upgrade any ally’s next check
Do something vital to turn the tide of battle

if aware/ready (presence) (willpower) if surprised

e grants free maneuver in first round

Maneuvers (may take two strain for second) Combat Modifiers

AIM (max two) ATTACKING enemy ENGAGED with ally
• Gain on next combat check • ugrade difficulty, if attack succeeds with y, then hit ally
• or target specific item at s s
• Spend consecutive maneuver add/removes /s ATTACK with two weapons
ASSIST • add use ww or e to hit with secondary
• If different skills, add use lowest skill/char for check
• Add to ally within engaged next action


• gain 1 melee defence but add s to your • automatically generates t
attacks till end of your next turn • if attack generates t or y weapon breaks as well
• Move large object,
MELEE attack vs enemy with ranged weapon
• open or close a door • gain
• take cover
• Mount/dismount vehicle/creature COVER
( survival check untrained) • grants 1+ ranged defence (s) based on amount


• Draw/holster weapon or item; load weapon
• s mist, shadows, waist high grass
MOVE • s s fog, twilight, shoulder high thick grass
• Change range increment (difficult terrain x2) • s s s heavy fog, thick smoke, head high heavy brush


• Attacking: Add s to melee • Creatures two sizes bigger, remove
• Defending: Add s to ranged and to melee • Creatures two sizes smaller add
• Some actions take (many) preparation maneuvers IMMOBILIZED Cannot take maneuvers, even with w
DISORIENTED Add s to each check made
STAGGERRED Cannot take action
INCAPACITATED Unconscious and unable to act
If activated, Increase difficulty by
Auto-fire ww
Deal additional hits to target or other engaged
Burn ww Target suffers base damage for rounds = rating
Ww If successful hit all engaged with target
WWw If misses hit all engaged with base damage
Concussive ww Target staggered (no actions) for rating rounds

Disorient ww Target disoriented (add s) for rounds = rating

Target is immobilized for rounds = rating

Ensnare ww
Make athletics check to break free
If miss, make check with = guided rating
Guided www
difficulty of silhouette 0 vs target

Knockdown W+ Target knocked down (add silhouette rating)

Linked ww Hit with linked weapons up to linked rating

Stun ww Inflict strain = stun rating (no soak)

Target’s weapon/item damaged per advantage

Sunder w
(minor, moderate, major, destroyed)

Accurate Add s equal to rating

Breach Ignore one point ships armour per rating

Cortosis Weapon ignores sunder, armour ignores breach/pierce

Cumbersome Add per point brawn < rating

Defensive Increase melee defence by rating

Deflection Increase ranged defence by rating

Inferior Reduce damage by one and automatic t on checks
A Helping Hand
Ion Damage dealt as strain after soak to droids/cyber upgrade a PC skill check

Limited Ammo Required maneuver to reload after expending ammo Raising the Stakes
upgrade the difficulty of any NPC’s skill check
Pierce Reduce soak by rating
Special Abilities and Talents
Slow Firing Wait rounds = rating before firing again Activate a special ability/talent

Stun Damage Damage as strain after soak [RANGE=SHORT] Luck and Deus Ex Machina
introduce “facts” and additional context
Superior Damage increase by one and automatic w on checks or equipment directly into the narrative
Vicious Add 10x rating on critical hit rolls

boost setback Average success failure
ability difficulty Hard
advantage threat
proficiency challenge Formidable triumph despair
force Impossible +
Despair y Threat t Skill
As threats+, or trigger something bad, such as jumping Decrease accuracy of jump or increase travel time. Astrogation
out of hyperspace in asteroid’s path Miss relevant map details. intellect
Inflict a Critical Injury, Athletics
Pull a muscle/bruises (strain or wounds), fall prone
(thematic or roll randomly) brawn
Turn NPC against character and make into a minor Reduce number of people able to influence. Turn Charm
recurring adversary. those affected negatively against character. presence
Reveal something about goals and motivations to target Target has building resentment towards character
Leave your system traces Security systems alerted. Computers
Counter-hack gets bonuses Counter-hack gets bonus intellect
The character is overwhelmed and is stunned for one Cool
Miss a vital detail or event.
round. presence
Suffer a wound Coordination
Lose free maneuver for one round.
Lose a vital piece of equipment. agility
Target realizes lie (spreads word of deceit and/or uses Give away a portion of the lie, making target Deceit
situation to his advantage) suspicious. cunning
character is overwhelmed entirely - limited to one Undermine characters resolve; inflict penalty on Discipline
maneuver next round further actions in distressing circumstances. willpower
Undermine authority, damaging ability to command. Decrease the efficiency of ordered actions, causing Leadership
With yy may lead to mutiny or future insubordination them to take longer or be done poorly. presence
Shoddy repairs, system may fail shortly after check Mechanics
Cause further harm to system or associated system.
completed. intellect
Inflict strain on the target due to shock of Medicine
A truly terrible accident, could inflicting further wounds
procedure. Increase time procedure takes. intellect
Sabotage own goals (agree to terms beyond scope of Increase cost of goods purchased. Decrease value Negotiate
negotiation, receiving counterfeit goods/cash) of goods sold. Shorten contracts negotiated. presence
Conceal a vital detail about situation or Perception
Obtain false information about surroundings or target.
environment. cunning
Deal damage to vehicle as character strains systems give to opponents on checks vs character/ Pilot
throughout vehicle during check. vehicle due to momentary system malfunction agility
Inflict a wound or minor Critical Injury on character, as Overburden the character, inflicting penalties on Resilience
they succumb to harsh conditions. subsequent checks. brawn
Opportunity to catch character immediately after Skullduggery
Leave behind evidence of larceny.
act (per threat) cunning
Leave behind evidence of passing, concerning identity Increase time taken to perform action while Stealth
and possibly motive. hidden by 20%. agility
Character lets slip details about self or information Streetwise
Seed gathered information with minor falsehoods.
sought. cunning
Inflict wounds, Critical Injuries or large amounts of strain Spend vital resources (food, fuel, etc.) during Survival
on character. check. cunning
Miss key piece of information about situation or Vigilance
Limited one maneuver during first combat
environment. willpower
Seed misinformation and outright falsehoods. Omit a vital detail about the subject at hand.
Skill Extra Q Avantages w Triumph e
Reduce time spent calculating or Reduce travel time. Identify Complete calculations in minimum time.
better jump accuracy (place vessel stopovers to resupply or Greatly reduce travel time. Reveal
intellect directly into orbit) conduct additional business. valuable new information
Athletics Reduce time required. Athletic boost to all allies. ww Perform the check with truly impressive
brawn Increase distance travelled. additional maneuver results.
Charm Gain extra scene per Q in which Affect unexpected subjects Have NPC become recurring assisting
presence target is willing to support beyond the original target. character
Coerce Affect unexpected subjects
Inflict one strain on target Shift allegiance of target.
willpower beyond the original target
Computers Uncover additional information
Reduce time required. Hide your actions well
intellect about system.
Cool Gain an additional insight into
Initiative bonus Heal 3 strain
presence the situation at hand
Coordination Reduce time required. Increase Perform the check with truly impressive
ww additional maneuver
agility distance by 25% (maximum 100% ) results.
Deceit Increase the value of goods or Fool target into believing the character is
Extend duration of Deceit action.
cunning services gained through lie trustworthy (future Deceit auto succeed)
Discipline Downgrade difficulty of the dice Gain an additional insight into Add to any Discipline checks made by
willpower pool for next action (max. 1) the situation at hand. allies during the following round.
Extend target’s support for more Have target NPC become recurring
Leadership Affect bystanders in addition to
scenes. Increase effectiveness of character who decides to faithfully
presence target.
target during ordered actions. follow the acting character.
Mechanics Grant when using repaired Give device additional single use
Reduce time required by 10-20%
intellect item for session function (new quality)
Medicine Recover additional wound per Q
Eliminate one strain per w Heal wounds AND critical injuries
intellect or reduce healing time by 1 hour
Negotiate Increase profit by 5%. Earn unrelated boons/perks. Have target NPC become regular client
presence Modify scope of agreement. Gain concessions if failed. or specialist vendor.
Perception Recall additional information Notice useful details that can be used
Reveal additional details
cunning wrt noticed object later on interactions wrt noticed object.
Pilot Gain situation insights. Deduce Reveal weakness re: opponent Grant additional maneuver while
agility ways to improve/modify vehicle pilot/vehicle (future ). continuing to pilot vehicle.
Resilience Extend effects of the success to Identify way to reduce difficulty
Recover 3 strain.
brawn increase time between checks. of future checks vs same threat.
Skullduggery Gain additional insights about Identify additional potential
Earn an unexpected boon.
cunning nature of opposition. target.
Stealth Assist allied character infiltrating Decrease time taken to perform Identify way to completely distract
agility at same time. action while hidden. opponent for duration of scene.
Streetwise Reduce time/funds required to Reveal additional rumours or
Gain semi-permanent contact on street.
cunning obtain item, info or service. alternative sources.
Survival Give all allies or stockpile goods Gain environmental insight. Domesticated animal becomes loyal
cunning to increase time between checks Learn tracking details (w5) companion. Learn vital clue re: target.
Vigilance Notice key environmental Gain extra maneuver during first round
Character is very well prepared.
willpower factor of combat.
Knowledge Recall information or complete Learn extra trivial information Learn relevant information (beast’s
intellect research with remarkable haste. about subject. weakness, crime lord familial strife).
severity Roll Name Details
f 01-05 Minor Knick Suffer 1 strain
f 06-10 Slowed Down May only act during last hero Initiative slot on next turn
f 11-15 Sudden Jolt Drop whatever is in hand Random Char
f 16-20 Distracted Cannot perform free maneuver on next turn 1-3 Brawn
f 21-25 Off-Balance Add s to next skill check 4-6 Agility
f 26-30 Discouraging Wound Flip one light destiny to dark 7 Willpower
f 31-35 Stunned Cannot perform action on next turn 8 Presence
f 36-40 Stinger Increase difficulty of next check by 9 Cunning
ff 41-45 Bowled Over Knocked prone and suffer 1 strain 10 Intellect

ff 46-50 Head Ringer Increase difficulty of Intellect, Cunning checks by until end of encounter
ff 51-55 Fearsome Wound Increase difficulty of Presence, Willpower checks by until end of encounter
ff 56-60 Agonizing Wound Increase difficulty of Brawn, Agility checks by until end of encounter
ff 61-65 Slightly Dazed Add s to all skill checks until end of encounter
ff 66-70 Scattered Senses Remove all from all skill checks until end of encounter
ff 71-75 Hamstrung Lose free maneuver until end of encounter
ff 76-80 Staggered Attacker immediately gains free attack with same dice pool
ff 81-85 Winded Cannot voluntarily suffer strain to activate abilities/add maneuvers for encounter
ff 86-90 Compromised Increase difficulty of all skill checks by until end of encounter
fff 91-95 At the Brink Until healed, suffer 1 strain each time you perform an action
fff 96-100 Crippled Limb crippled till healed Increase difficulty of all checks that use that limb by
fff 101-105 Maimed Limb permanently lost. Add s to all other actions
fff 106-110 Horrific Injury Random characteristic dropped by one till healed
fff 111-115 Temporarily Lame Until healed, may not perform more than one maneuver each turn
fff 116-120 Blinded Upgrade the difficulty of Perception/Vigilance checks thrice, all others twice
fff 121-125 Knocked Senseless You can no longer upgrade for checks
ffff 126-130 Gruesome Injury Random characteristic permanently dropped by one
ffff 131-140 Bleeding Out Suffer 1 wound and strain every round Suffer critical every 5 wounds > wounds
ffff 141-150 The End is Nigh Die after the last Initiative slot during the next round
ffff 151+ Dead Complete, absolute death
Skill char Description
Astrogation intellect programming for hyperspace, galactic geography, hyperspace routes, galactic orientation
Athletics brawn swimming, climbing, running, jumping
sincere flattery, flirting, grace, appeals to better natures, and seduction. opposed by
Charm presence
Presence/Cool, +d vs crowds
influencing via threat, interrogation, torture. opposed by Willpower/Discipline, +f when
Coercion willpower
facing crowds
Computers intellect manipulate/operate automated systems, reprogram droids
Cool presence resist Charm, initiative for ambushes or surprises
Coordination agility roll with falls, balance, contortions
mislead during negotiations to oversell, distract opponent, lying, overt misdirection.
Deceit cunning
opposed by Willpower/Discipline
Discipline willpower act under heavy fire, overcome fear, resist deceptions and lies
rally cowed allies, sway crowds, reassert loyalty of minions. Opposed by
Leadership presence
diagnose/repair mechanical damage, create new devices. Some repairs may be impossible or
Mechanics intellect
may be only temporarily fixed.
first aid, surgery, treating/utilizing poison, diagnosing/treating disease. Difficulty based on
Medicine intellect
relative amount of Wounds
negotiating price (buying and selling), negotiating treaties. opposed by Presence/Cool or
Negotiate presence
Perception cunning spot ambushes, notice clues, surveillance
Pilot agility pilot foreign craft, racing, chasing or being chased, travel in treacherous conditions
Resilience brawn overcome physical limitations, go without sleep, resist toxins, survive adverse environments
pick locks and pockets, avoiding security, analyze security systems and installations. opposed
Skullduggery cunning
by Cunning/Perception
Stealth agility hiding, sneaking, shadowing, hiding others or objects. opposed by Cunning/Perception
finding illicit goods, pick up criminal slang/nuances, approach underworld figures smoothly,
Streetwise cunning
operate in criminal environment
Survival cunning identify safe food/shelter, read weather, tracking, handle domesticated animals
Vigilance willpower passive alertness, preparedness for unexpected crises
identify accent/mannerisms, follow social norms, identify lucrative/sparse/dangerous/illegal
core worlds knowledge
markets for specified goods
education Knowledge interactions with bureaucracy, basic scientific knowledge. this is the default knowledge skill
lore Knowledge decipher text, knowledge of legends
find planet with specific characteristics, identify accent/mannerisms, follow norms, identify
outer rim Knowledge
lucrative/sparse/illegal markets
identify best worlds/locations for illegal undertaking/business, predict criminal behavior,
underworld Knowledge
find underworld contacts to approach
identify unit, training, strategy, and tactics in modern warfare. Recall historical details
warfare Knowledge
(event, individual, etc)
xenology knowledge identify correct social interactions with unfamiliar races, understand alien physiology

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