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1. What picture is best represented by a family earthquake hazard map?

2. Why did you consider that picture as a hazard map?

3. Describe the things that you can see in that hazard map.

4. Why are those arrows important? What does the color of the arrows indicate?
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Lloyd Ian C. Villaflores / Grade 11 – St. Teresa of Calcutta / DRRRM / 02/18/23

1. The picture that best represents is Picture #2

2. I considered the picture a hazard map because it shows

directions to the nearest exit for people to follow incase
a disaster occurs.

3. In the picture of a hazard map I see symbols, colored boxes

which represent rooms, colored arrows and labelled parts of the map.

4. The arrows that are shown on the picture are very important,
because it points towards the nearest exit. The color of the arrows
indicates the way the people need to follow to get to the nearest exit
depending on the location of the room that they occupy.

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