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CS158-2 Final Requirement


Watch the first 5 episodes of Netflix Korean TV Series “START UP” and answer the following

1. What are the factors that measure the qualities of Artificial Intelligence? Provide explanation why it is
considered as a factor? List as many factors as you can find.

Your answers (in the form of essay) should include screenshots (and which episode) of the scene

There are various aspects that can influence the quality of artificial intelligence. Its precision in
receiving and interpreting commands is the first criterion. In the first episode, "Yeongsil," an AI system
similar to Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri, is introduced. In the scene below, Ji-pyeong is putting the
technology to the test in order to determine whether or not they should invest in it. Because the product's
accuracy had problems, Ji-pyeong opted to reject it.

Episode 1

Throughout the first five episodes of the series, privacy and security are used to assess AI's
abilities. In episode 2, Nam Do-san tells his parents about how the AI he and his buddies created can tell
what is viewed on the camera it is directed at. This technology has the potential to be beneficial in the
authentication and tracking of identities.
Episode 2

2. What are the challenges while developing an Artificial Intelligence?

Your answers (in the form of essay) should include screenshots (and which episode) of the scene

Artificial Intelligence development is fraught with difficulties. It takes a long time to develop, for
example. The contestants were given 40 hours to construct software using a specific set of data in Episode
4 of the series. As evidenced by the errors in some of the companies' work, the timeframe provided is
insufficient to create fully functional and accurate software.

Episode 4

Finding investors for your project is another hurdle. As a young firm with limited experience
dealing with investors, Nam Do-company san's battled a lot with this. They must also gain the trust of the
investors first. They were about to be conned if it hadn't been for Ji-intervention. pyeong's

Episode 11
3. What are the definitions of Artificial Intelligence as mentioned in the first 5 episodes?

Your answers (in the form of essay) should include screenshots (and which episode) of the scene
Artificial intelligence's fundamental goal is to make people's life easier. Do-san and his colleagues
were explaining Artificial Intelligence to his parents in Episode 2. Image recognition is one of AI's
capabilities. He demonstrated this by asking his parents what the objects were, to which his mother and
father responded. By doing so, he means that Artificial Intelligence can mimic how humans detect specific
images and things. They can use picture recognition to teach computers to do what his parents just did:
recognize things and faces.

Episode 6

4. List down the issues that AI solution may show (during the demo) and explain why it is considered as an

Your answers (in the form of essay) should include screenshots (and which episode) of the scene

Samsan Tech's image recognition software is another AI device. The drama's problem was when it
referred to Do-father san's as "Toilet." It's an amusing clip, and there's no doubt that it was meant to be
funny when it was made, but if this software is used by high security businesses to identify criminals in
CCTVs, it'll be a serious problem.

Episode 2

Won In-jae and her team presented their technology in episode 5 of the series, and her father asked
Samsan tech what would happen if the two algorithms were integrated. Samsan tech was unable to
distinguish the one-of-a-kind typefaces created by In-business Jae's and designed using artificial
intelligence, despite using artificial intelligence programming. As a result, it exemplifies how complex and
unexpected artificial programs may be. Even if the software improves and becomes more capable of
solving problems, it is unavoidable that it will run into hurdles and problems with algorithms.
Episode 5

5. What are the AI technologies/solutions mentioned in the first 5 episodes?

5.1. Description
5.2. Benefits

Your answers (in the form of essay) should include screenshots (and which episode) of the scene



In terms of functionality, Jang Yeong- Shil is similar to Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa.
Machine learning is an Artificial Intelligence application in which computers are given access to data and
then learn from it rather than having to be taught what to think and do in response to the information by


Working from home is one of the benefits of having a virtual assistant. Repetitive tasks can be
automated and delegated to a voice-activated personal assistant, saving both human resources and time. It
can also perform these basic tasks quickly and accurately, which typically leads to an improvement in client
satisfaction. People can commit more time to tasks that require human engagement in order to provide
efficient business solutions and services to customers by delegating monotonous work to voice assistants.

Episode 1



Samsan Tech's image recognition software allows a computer to recognize various objects and
photos. When you point the computer camera at an object like a cup noodle, it will process the image and
identify it according to the data programmed in it, as seen in Episode 5. Machines can analyze and
categorize what they "see" using image recognition.


Recognizing and extracting features from pictures has a wide range of standalone applications in
addition to being a building block for other, more advanced computer vision algorithms, making it a crucial
machine learning task. Image recognition's broad and highly generalizable capabilities may be leveraged to
generate a wide range of transformative user experiences.

Episode 5

Where to watch?

First five episodes will take almost 7 hours to complete. Wait for my announcement regarding the date of

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